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Crypto Wallet Fortress

Welcome to Crypto Wallet Fortress!

The wallet optimizer allows you to:

  1. Define asymmetric keys.
  2. Generate an optimal wallet with up to 6 keys using exhaustive search, or a wallet with 7-12 keys using a simulated annealing process (exhaustive search is too long).
  3. Deploy the wallet.
  4. Interact with the wallet through a CLI (can run on many machines with different keys).

Please go to to view the live frontend for this project (you can deploy contracts from there)

After you've deployed a contact, you can use our CLI client at:

This project was conducted in the IC3 blockchain camp 2022. It is based on the previous website and the research paper by Ittay Eyal (presented at Tokenomics 2021).


  1. wallet-client-cli wallet-client-cli Public

    This code serves as a cli client for the wallet deployed by the optimization frontend found at

    Solidity 2

  2. crypto-key-calculator crypto-key-calculator Public

    Forked from ZenGo-X/crypto-key-calculator

    This project is based on a paper by Ittay Eyal that looked into different key configurations used for crypto wallets and their probability of being compromised.

    JavaScript 2


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