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Fungible helper functions

Contract / Module:
  • free.util-fungible
  • free.util-chain-data

This modules contains many helpers to create standard fungible modules (aka Tokens).

All theses functions are inspired by the coin contract and the venerable util.fungible-util module which no longer seems to be maintained. Many functions have been sanitized and modernized to use the last released features of Pact:

  • Return type checking
  • Principals handling functions
  • Lazy evaluation of enforcements.

Most of theses function below are enforcements:

  • Return true in case everything is OK
  • Throw an error and revert the transaction is case something is wrong.

Accounts / Amounts verification


precision integer amount decimal bool

Enforce that an amount satisfies a given precision.

ie: that the amount has not more decimals than precision.

pact> (enforce-precision 4 3.1415)

pact> (enforce-precision 4 3.14159)
util-fungible.pact:36:4:Error: Amount 3.14159 violates the required precision 4

Can be used to conveniently implement the (enforce-unit) function of fungible-v2:


(defun enforce-unit:bool (amount:decimal)
  (enforce-precision (precision) amount))


precision integer amount decimal bool

Enforce that an amount is valid for a transfer:

  • Satisfies precision
  • Is strictly positive
pact> (enforce-valid-amount 4 3.1415)

pact> (enforce-valid-amount 4 3.14159)
util-fungible.pact:36:4:Error: Amount 3.14159 violates the required precision 4

pact> (enforce-valid-amount 4 -3.1415)
util-fungible.pact:44:4:Error: Amount must be positive


account string bool

Enforce that an account meets the requirements to be used for a fungible.

  • Only ASCII and Latin1 characters
  • Length between 3 and 256
pact> (enforce-valid-account "alice")

pact> (enforce-valid-account "ST")
util-fungible.pact:55:4:Error: Account name does not conform to the length rquirements [3-256]

pact> (enforce-valid-account "你好世界")
util-fungible.pact:52:4:Error: Account does not conform to the charset LATIN1


sender string receiver string precision integer amount decimal bool

Enforce that everything is OK for a transfer:

  • Both sender and receiver meets the accounts requirements
  • sender is not the same as receiver
  • amount meets the amount requirements (precision and sign)
pact> (enforce-valid-transfer "alice" "bob" 4 3.1415)

pact> (enforce-valid-transfer "alice" "alice" 4 3.1415)
util-fungible.pact:64:6:Error: Sender and Receiver must be different: alice

pact> (enforce-valid-transfer "alice" "bob" 4 3.14159)
util-fungible.pact:36:4:Error: Amount 3.14159 violates the required precision 4

pact> (enforce-valid-transfer "alice" "ST" 4 3.1415)
util-fungible.pact:55:4:Error: Account name does not conform to the length rquirements [3-256]

Can be used to conveniently implement the (transfer), (transfer-create) functions of fungible-v2, and checks everything all at once


(defun transfer:string (sender:string receiver:string amount:decimal)
  (enforce-valid-transfer sender receiver (precision) amount)
  (with-capability (TRANSFER sender receiver amount)


sender string receiver string precision integer amount decimal bool

Enforce that everything is OK for a X-chain transfer.

The only difference with the previous one enforce-valid-transfer, is the condition sender != receiver which is a non-sense in context of an X-chain transfer. Indeed transfer between same account name is allowed X-chain.

pact> (enforce-valid-transfer-xchain "alice" "bob" 4 3.1415)

pact> (enforce-valid-transfer-xchain "alice" "alice" 4 3.1415)

pact> (enforce-valid-transfer-xchain "alice" "ST" 4 3.1415)
util-fungible.pact:55:4:Error: Account name does not conform to the length rquirements [3-256]

Can be used to conveniently implement the (transfer-crosschain) pact of fungible-v2, and checks everything all at once


(defpact transfer-crosschain:string (sender:string receiver:string receiver-guard:guard target-chain:string amount:decimal)
    (with-capability (TRANSFER_XCHAIN sender receiver amount target-chain)
      (enforce-valid-transfer-xchain sender receiver (precision) amount)

Principals verification


account string guard guard bool

Improved version of the enforce-reserved function from the coin contract.

If account is a principal (starts with x:), the guard must match to the principal account name.

pact> (env-data {'ks:["7f04bc04a9cf96701a806110242aee08a1692437413bead299fffb4a5b2e4bb6"]})
"Setting transaction data"

; Keyset matches
pact> (enforce-reserved "k:7f04bc04a9cf96701a806110242aee08a1692437413bead299fffb4a5b2e4bb6" (read-keyset 'ks))

; Keyset doesn't match
pact> (enforce-reserved "k:2e04bc04a9cf96701a806110242aee08a1692437413bead299fffb4a5b2e4bb6" (read-keyset 'ks))
util-fungible.pact:82:8:Error: Reserved protocol guard violation: k:

; Ref guard matches
pact> (enforce-reserved "r:user.alice" (keyset-ref-guard "user.alice"))

; Ref guard doesn't match
pact> (enforce-reserved "r:user.alice" (read-keyset 'ks))
kda-env/pact-util-lib/util-fungible.pact:82:8:Error: Reserved protocol guard violation: r

; Non principal account accepted
pact> (enforce-reserved "alice" (read-keyset 'ks))

Can be used to conveniently implement the (create-account),``(transfer-create) `` functions of fungible-v2, to manage accounts creation.


account string guard guard bool

Slightly different version of the above function.

Only principals account are accepted. Vanilla account (without any prefix) are disallowed

This can be used to replace (enforce-reserved) in any fungible contract, to make the token principal only.

pact> (env-data {'ks:["7f04bc04a9cf96701a806110242aee08a1692437413bead299fffb4a5b2e4bb6"]})
"Setting transaction data"

; Keyset matches
pact> (enforce-reserved "k:7f04bc04a9cf96701a806110242aee08a1692437413bead299fffb4a5b2e4bb6" (read-keyset 'ks))

; Keyset doesn't match
pact> (enforce-reserved "k:2e04bc04a9cf96701a806110242aee08a1692437413bead299fffb4a5b2e4bb6" (read-keyset 'ks))
util-fungible.pact:91:4:Error: Reserved protocol guard violation: k:

; Non principal account not allowed
pact> (enforce-reserved* "alice" (read-keyset 'ks))
kda-env/pact-util-lib/util-fungible.pact:90:4:Error: Only principal accounts can be used

Cross-chain helpers


chain-id string bool

Enforce that chain-id is valid chain denomination.

pact> (enforce-valid-chain-id "1")

pact> (enforce-valid-chain-id "45")
kda-env/pact-util-lib/util-fungible.pact:97:4:Error: Target chain is not a valid Chainweb chainID

pact> (enforce-valid-chain-id "foo")
kda-env/pact-util-lib/util-fungible.pact:97:4:Error: Target chain is not a valid Chainweb chainID


chain-id string bool

Enforce that the code is not executing on the same chain, as chain-id.

This is useful in a cross-chain transfer context to verify that we really send tokens to a different chain.

; Simulate execution on chain 0
pact> (env-chain-data {'chain-id:"0"})
"Updated public metadata"

pact> (enforce-not-same-chain "1")

pact> (enforce-not-same-chain "0")
kda-env/pact-util-lib/util-fungible.pact:102:4:Error: Target chain 0 cannot be the current chain


Predefined schema to be used as a yielded value for X-chains pacts.

It has the following definition:

(defschema fungible-xchain-sch