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What is CubeArtisan?

The main goal with CubeArtisan is to create a cube management site that provides the most powerful tools available to our users with the best UX we can design.

Why contribute?

Maybe there is some bug that bothers you or some feature you wish was on the site. You can just build that and it'll almost definitely get merged in and deployed with the next release. You may also just want to contribute to give back to the community or solve interesting problems. We welcome all kinds of developers and other interested contributors. We'd love to have some people experienced with UX to help improve the site so whatever your skill set please reach out on (Discord)[]

Don't feel nervous about making your first contribution, we accept developers with all levels of knowledge and will happily work with and help with whatever you need to make your first contribution. We are not code snobs, so don't be afraid to reach out with questions of any kind. Your feedback will help improve the onboarding process for those developers that come after you.

What kind of contributions do we need?

The issues tab in github is kept up to date and tagged, but any contribution is appriciated from code comments to experimental features. Also see the #proposals channel in Discord.

Ground Rules

Code of conduct.

Be a decent person. Copy pasted from the linux code of conduct: In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

Characteristics of an ideal contributor

  • Creates issues for changes and enhancements they wish to make.
  • Discusses proposed changes transparently and listens to community feedback.
  • Keeps pull requests small.
  • Is welcoming to newcomers and encourages diverse new contributors from all backgrounds. See the Python Community Code of Conduct.

Contributing to CubeArtisan does not entitle any contributor to compensation of any kind. Contributions are made at will, with the goal of improving the tool for the entire community. CubeArtisan's hosting costs are paid through donations and affiliate links with the rest coming from ruler501. These funds are managed solely by ruler501 (Devon Richards), who is solely in charge of hosting and managing the live site, though is always open to additional help. You can see the CubeArtisan/cubeartisan-infrastructure project to see how our infrastructure is deployed.

Your First Contribution

Issues are tagged with 'good first issue' if we think it's a good beginner task to tackle. Completing a few small changes to become familar with the codebase before diving into a huge feature is usually a good idea, but we'll help you if you want to start with something larger.

How we collaborate - asynchronous communication

Our community of contributors is large, and growing fast. We don't have regularly scheduled working hours dedicated to CubeArtisan. Thus, we can't simply message each other on Discord to understand the current state of the project. Discord is a great tool for synchronous communication, but it falls short at allowing community members to discover conversations they didn't participate in. Our project also requires a focus on asynchronous methods of communication. The goal is for the current state of the project, including features being worked on, issues not yet resolved, and near-term roadmap plans, to be fully discoverable by a passerby without needing to chat in realtime with anyone else.

GitHub projects, issues, and pull requests serve this purpose beautifully. We treat the dekkerglen/CubeCobra repository as the source of truth about what work is complete, in progress, and not yet started. If you want to know whether someone is working on a feature, for example, or if anyone else has noticed the issue you're seeing, GitHub pull requests and issues are the first place you should look. We use GitHub this way because it has great support for discovering long-lived tickets even years after the fact. Put simply, it is a system of record. This practice, when adhered to vigilantly, leads to increased collective productivity and deacreased blocking between community members and development efforts.

How we use GitHub issues

GitHub issues are the source of truth about known issues and planned features. If a planned feature doesn't have an open issue, it's not a planned feature. If a bug doesn't have an open issue, it's unknown and should have one.

When we file issues, we include links to related issues and pull requests in the issue description. GitHub makes linking to related issues and pull requests easy by automatically expanding the text #1234 into a link to issue 1234. These links provide a trail of breadcrumbs for community members to follow when learning about the group's thoughts on a given bug or feature request.

When we notice a bug, we first look for an existing open issue that references the bug. If we find one, we comment on the issue or use a GitHub reaction emoji to indicate that we have also noticed the bug. If we don't find one, we open a new issue about the bug. When we notice a change in a bug's behavior, or a new case in which the bug can be replicated, we leave comments to that effect on the issue.

When we begin actively working on a feature, we comment to that effect on the corresponding issue. This comment of "I'm working on this" indicates to other community members that this feature is covered, and to find something else to work on. Since GitHub does not allow community members to assign themselves to issues, we comment in this manner to make it clear to the community what work is currently in progress, and who owns that work.

How we use GitHub pull requests

Pull requests are the primary way that we share our work, both finished and in progress, with each other. When we open pull requests, we're communicating to the community that we are actively working on code changes, and we have some code to show for it. Though pull requests are not the source of truth about bug/feature ownership (issues get that title), they are a very useful tool for keeping community members abreast of one's progress without sending an @-everyone message in Discord.

When we're working on pull requests over the course of multiple days, sometimes we open [WIP] (work in progress) pull requests. We clearly indicate that these are WIP in the description to avoid premature code reviews from the community. When we do this, we're communicating that we'd like others to be aware of the details of our progress without requesting a detailed code review just yet. The easiest way to do this is to mark the PR as a Draft PR in the GitHub UI.

When we feel that a feature we're working on is far enough along for feedback, we open pull requests. If it isn't ready for deployment mark it as a Draft. These pull requests have titles that describe what was changed and why. Some of this will likely overflow into the description and that's okay. The goal of these descriptions is to aid in the code review process, making it easier for a contributor with no prior knowledge of the pull request to perform a review. We also comment on our own pull requests asking for code review, sometimes even tagging specific individuals from whom we'd like a review.

Our pull requests have automated checks run against them, including code style linting and unit tests. When we request reviews on pull requests, we ensure that these checks are passing beforehand. When we add new functionality in a pull request, we also add new tests exercising that functionality in the same pull request. When we fix a bug in a pull request, we also add a unit test or adjust an existing one in the same pull request to prove that the bug has been fixed. When possible please add Unit Tests to new code, but they are not strictly required. We'd love help filling out the unit testing framework if someone is interested.

When we notice open pull requests we review each other's code. The primary goal of code reviews is to help ensure that the code does not have any potential issues or unintended interactions. We also check that the code fully satisfies the related feature request or fixes the related bug. Secondary goals are to cleanup code and make it easy for new contributors to understand conforms to best practices for code efficiency and style.

We review each other's code using the GitHub "review" workflow, especially its line-commenting feature. We leave comments on specific lines that we notice problems with. We also make liberal use of links - to lines of code, other issues and pull requests, or external documentation - to strengthen the points we bring up in our code reviews. We do this also to leave a trail of breadcrumbs explaining our thought process for future readers of the code review, including our future selves.

When a pull request is closed or merged, there are sometimes threads left hanging that require more work to be done. When this happens, we open issues tracking that remaining work.

How we use git branches

The dev branch is the branch which is currently deployed to staging (or in the process of deploying). CI must always pass on dev. prod is the branch that should always represent the version currently on production. There is a slight subtlety here in that it's actually the latest tag of the form vX.Y.Z that is deployed. If that doesn't match the current commit on prod please let us know since that means something got done incorrectly.

For contributing you first, ask to be assigned to an issue, and create a fork of the repository on GitHub. When you are finished with the feature, create a pull request back into the dev branch or for urgent fixes for production into prod. An admin will review your code and merge when all issues are resolved. Expect some comments and feedback, a second or third set of eyes usually finds small things we miss.

How we use Discord

Our community collaborates in an asynchronous manner because it minimizes blocking and conflicts between various threads of work. We manage our known bugs, feature requests, and work in progress using GitHub's asychronous tools. Even so, there are some times when it's useful to have access to synchronous communication with other community members.

Our community's most important use for Discord is interaction with non-technical users of CubeArtisan. Discord is a great way to get to know the needs and wants of the user base, and can inform plans for features and bugfixes. It also has the #proposals polls for new features.

Another good use of Discord for contributors is staying abreast of the current state of the production server. Though this is usually best handled by requesting someone with prod access to give you access to the GCP dashboards monitoring production/staging. If there are new bugs being reported frequently that require rapid response, a Discord "war room" can be the best way to handle these reports.

Our community does not treat Discord as a system of record. Though it's not private, we assume that everything we type on Discord will either be read within a few minutes or not at all. Thus, when we have anything to say that we think someone might care about later than a few minutes from now, we put it in a GitHub issue, comment, or pull request.

Code Style

CubeArtisan currently uses 4 languages: Javascript (specifically React flavored JSX with ES2020 support), Jade/PUG (as little as possible), and CSS. Before creating your pull request, you can fix any style errors by running yarn lint:fix from the project root.

Staging Deployment

The current staging deployment can be accessed at: This deployment runs the latest commits from the dev branch. The staging deployment is a great way to test new features in an environment nearly identical to the prod deployment. Please report any bugs you see on the development server as an issue. The development server database is not wiped periodically, but it is subject to instability, so don't use it as a reliable way to store any data. It shares almost no services with Production so it is pretty safe to try more experimental changes on.

Release Schedule

Releases are created roughly once a month on a Saturday morning (this is usual but it can vary). There is a feature freeze 3 days before the release where no feature pull requests will be approved, only bugfixes. This will be announced in Discord. This is to reduce the change of regressions on the live server.

How to report a bug

If you find a security vulnerability, do NOT open an issue. Send a private message to ruler501#5217 or another site manager on Discord instead. You can also email Bugs not related to security should be reported through GitHub issues if possible.

How to suggest a feature or enhancement

Join the discord disscussion.


We have a somewhat active Discord and would love for you to join the discussion.