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File metadata and controls

75 lines (56 loc) · 3.47 KB

Training on custom dataset

Note: Please run all the scripts at the root of this project to make sure to invoke poetry command.

1. Make a config file for the dataset

Make a yaml file describing the dataset and put it under this directory. This yaml is parsed and used as the input for hydra.utils.instantiate to initialize the dataset class. For example, the config for Rico dataset (rico25.yaml) is currently as follows:

_target_: trainer.datasets.rico.Rico25Dataset
_partial_: true
dir: ???
max_seq_length: 25

2. Implement a dataset class

Implement a dataset class that is defined above. It should inherit BaseDataset in and override preprocess function to conduct dataset-specific preprocessing and train-val-test split. For example, please refer to Rico25Dataset in

Modify DATASET_DIR in, so that your dataset is used. DATASET_DIR should have the following structure.

    - raw
    - processed

DATASET_DIR/raw contains raw dataset files. DATASET_DIR/processed contains the preprocessed splits and meta information that is auto-generated.

3. Train a layout classifier for FID computation

Following LayoutGAN++, we compute FID during and after the training of LayoutDM for validation and testing, respectively. In order to do so, we first train a Transformer-based model that can extract discriminative layout features, which is used to compute the FID. This is done by:

poetry run python3 src/trainer/trainer/fid/ <DATASET_YAML_PATH> --out_dir <FID_WEIGHT_DIR>

After the training, modify FID_WEIGHT_DIR in, so that the trained weights are used for FID computation later.

(4. Clustering coordinates of layouts)

If one wants to apply adaptive quantization for position and size tokens, please first conduct clustering.

poetry run python3 bin/ <DATASET_YAML_PATH> <ALGORITHM> --result_dir <KMEANS_WEIGHT_ROOT>

After the clustering, modify KMEANS_WEIGHT_ROOT in, so that the cluster centroids are loaded later.

5. Train your own model

bash bin/ rico25 layoutdm

Testing on custom dataset

If you want to feed a hand-made layout to LayoutDM, the quickest way is to instantiate Data.

from import Data

# [xc, yc, w, h] format in 0~1 normalized coordinates
bboxes = torch.FloatTensor([
    [0.4985, 0.0968, 0.4990, 0.0153],
    [0.4986, 0.5134, 0.8288, 0.0285],
    [0.4986, 0.2918, 0.8289, 0.3573],
# see .labels of each dataset class for name-index correspondense
labels = torch.LongTensor([0, 0, 3])
assert bboxes.size(0) == labels.size(0) and bboxes.size(1) == 4

# set some optional attributes by a dummy value (False)
attr = {k: torch.full((1,), fill_value=False) for k in ["filtered", "has_canvas_element", "NoiseAdded"]}

data = Data(x=bboxes, y=labels, attr=attr)  # can be used as an alternative for `dataset[target_index]` in demo.ipynb