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111 lines (72 loc) · 4.38 KB


Author: @Gary#4657

154 solves / 377 points

Note: Below you'll find a guided solution. If interested just in the solve script, click here

Provided for download are two challenge files: and output.txt. When we open we can see the following code:

from Crypto.Util.number import getStrongPrime, isPrime, inverse, bytes_to_long as b2l

FLAG = open('flag.txt', 'r').read()

# safe primes are cool
while True:
    q = getStrongPrime(512)
    p = 2*q + 1
    if (isPrime(p)):

n = p*q
phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
e = 0x10001
d = inverse(e, phi)

pt = b2l(FLAG.encode())
ct = pow(pt,e,n)

open('output.txt', 'w').write(f'e: {e}\nd: {d}\nphi: {phi}\nct: {ct}')

An interesting implementation of RSA with only the public exponent not being written to the output file. And if we take a look into the output file we get exactly what's expected:

e: 65537
d: 53644719720574049009405552166157712944703190065471668628844223840961631946450717730498953967365343322420070536512779060129496885996597242719829361747640511749156693869638229201455287585480904214599266368010822834345022164868996387818675879350434513617616365498180046935518686332875915988354222223353414730233
phi: 245339427517603729932268783832064063730426585298033269150632512063161372845397117090279828761983426749577401448111514393838579024253942323526130975635388431158721719897730678798030368631518633601688214930936866440646874921076023466048329456035549666361320568433651481926942648024960844810102628182268858421164
ct: 37908069537874314556326131798861989913414869945406191262746923693553489353829208006823679167741985280446948193850665708841487091787325154392435232998215464094465135529738800788684510714606323301203342805866556727186659736657602065547151371338616322720609504154245460113520462221800784939992576122714196812534

Since we already have the privete exponent d, the only thing we need is n and we'll be able to get the flag by the looks of it.

Derieving n

By looking at the code we notice one important thing:

p = 2*q + 1

And since we know that:

phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)

We can use this to derieve p or q just by using some simple math. If we have:

$$phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)$$

$$p = 2*q + 1$$

We can combine these equations like:

$$phi = ((2*q + 1) - 1) * (q - 1)$$

$$phi = 2*q * (q - 1)$$

$$phi = 2 * q^{2} - 2 * q$$

$$2 * q^{2} - 2 * q - phi = 0$$

This is now a basic quadratic equation that we can solve for q. I used SageMath to do that:

eq = 2*x^2 - 2*x - 24533942751... == 0

solve(eq, x)

[x == -1107563604..., x == 1107563604...]

Now we can just take the positive value for x and use it to calculate the values for p and n and then get the flag.

Solve script (crypto/rsaoutro)

Here we can just take all the values given in the output.txt file and the value for q we calculated and code them into the script. Finally we can just use standard RSA to decrypt the flag:

from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes

e = 65537
d = 53644719720574049009405552166157712944703190065471668628844223840961631946450717730498953967365343322420070536512779060129496885996597242719829361747640511749156693869638229201455287585480904214599266368010822834345022164868996387818675879350434513617616365498180046935518686332875915988354222223353414730233
phi = 245339427517603729932268783832064063730426585298033269150632512063161372845397117090279828761983426749577401448111514393838579024253942323526130975635388431158721719897730678798030368631518633601688214930936866440646874921076023466048329456035549666361320568433651481926942648024960844810102628182268858421164
ct = 37908069537874314556326131798861989913414869945406191262746923693553489353829208006823679167741985280446948193850665708841487091787325154392435232998215464094465135529738800788684510714606323301203342805866556727186659736657602065547151371338616322720609504154245460113520462221800784939992576122714196812534

q = 11075636043081312130072482386894153179906741704107014422233346592319924162396870630618684638610997030440993794793932027132363928350671662212985373363848339

p = 2 * q + 1

n = p * q

p = pow(ct, d, n)


After running the script we get the decrypted output: flag{8b76b85e7f450c39502e71c215f6f1fe}.