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University Name

CBS International Business School

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Master Thesis Topic:

Leveraging Big Data Analytics for Enhanced Financial Inclusion in Nigeria: A Comprehensive Analysis of Strategies, Impact, And Challenges in Developing Economies.


Master of Arts in International Business


Digital Transformation Management


Prof. Dr. Geoffrey Writes

Student Details:

  • Name: Kosisochukwu Cypran Akubude
  • Student Number: 1195501031
  • Date: April 14, 2024


  1. Summary
  2. Phase 1: Ask
  3. Phase 2: Prepare
  • 3.1. Data Location
  • 3.2. Data Organization
  • 3.3. Data Credibility
  • 3.4. Data License and Privacy
  1. Phase 3: Process
  2. Phase 4: Analyze
  • 5.1. Regression
  • 5.2. Pearson Correlation Test
  • 5.3. Test for Multicollinearity
  • 5.4. Descriptive Statistics
  • 5.5. Hypothesis Testing
  1. Phase 5: Share
  2. Phase 6: Conclusion (Act)

1. Summary

The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between financial inclusion and big data, including economic data variables. We aim towards analysing the datasets and discuss findings. The following tests will be conducted in this analysis.

  • Regression
  • Pearson Correlation Test
  • Test for Multicollinearity
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Hypothesis Testing

2. Phase 1: Ask

Questions guiding our analysis incude:

  • What is the expected relationship between financial inclusion and big data?
  • Do big data sources have a significant impact on increased access to financial services?
  • Does an economy with a structured data, accessible data source, and data infrastructure help streamline digital financial inclusion?

3. Phase 2: Prepare

3.1. Data Location: All data used in this study were obtained from the World Bank DataBank. Data variables for Model 1 were obtained from the Global Findex Database whilst data variables for Model 2 were obtained from the Statistical Performance Indicator Database.

3.2. Data Organization: The extracted datasets from the Global Findex dataset comprised 1,450 rows whilst the SPI dataset extracted has 625 rows. Each dataset were organized by columns such as country names, series or variable description, and the corresponding years for each country. The downloaded data have already been cleaned and orginized in Excel before being imported for analysis with Python. The data used in this study therefore are organized by the coutnries and data variables in different columns.

3.3. Data Credibility: The data used are based on the survey of adults from the age of 15 and above accross all countries. The data were last updated in 2021. Only values for the year 2021 are considered in this analysis due to missing data for the previous year.

3.4. Data License and Privacy: The metadata from the datasets shows that its an open-source data which justifies the use for this study. The licence can be accessed via this link: image.png

4. Phase 3: Process

Excel has been used to clean and restructure the dataset in a way that is more convenient for analysis. All variables needed for the study have been selected and placed in column sections. The datasets used in this study are named as follow:

  • model1: Contains financial inclusion and big data source variables.

  • model2: Contains financial inclusion and SPI variables.

5. Phase 4: Analyze

#importing relevant packages

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence import variance_inflation_factor
from scipy.stats import pearsonr

Importing Model 1 and Model 2 Datasets

#importing model1 dataframe and indexing country column to analyse on numerical data types
model1 = pd.read_csv("model1.csv")
model2 = pd.read_csv('model2.csv')
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
country internet_access mobile_utility_payment digital_payment mobile_phone_ownership mobile_bill_payment mobile_money_account
0 Algeria 82.91 1.27 33.74 95.18 3.57 0.00
1 Benin 28.85 5.31 43.69 72.39 7.17 36.68
2 Botswana 50.40 15.81 51.78 88.43 20.28 36.57
3 Burkina Faso 23.76 6.23 33.29 76.13 9.83 24.67
4 Cameroon 40.48 8.60 49.85 75.23 11.59 42.43
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
country source_data_capacity spi_data_use spi_data_services spi_data_products spi_data_sources spi_data_infrastructure account
0 Benin 60.0 80.0 69.90 83.63 29.18 50.0 48.61
1 Botswana 60.0 60.0 67.53 77.80 61.53 40.0 58.76
2 Burkina Faso 60.0 80.0 69.03 81.46 36.66 60.0 36.11
3 Cameroon 20.0 60.0 63.87 82.09 23.34 35.0 51.65
4 Chad 50.0 70.0 57.03 75.84 18.02 30.0 23.65
#checking and confirming data types
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 40 entries, 0 to 39
Data columns (total 7 columns):
 #   Column                  Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                  --------------  -----  
 0   country                 40 non-null     object 
 1   internet_access         40 non-null     float64
 2   mobile_utility_payment  40 non-null     float64
 3   digital_payment         40 non-null     float64
 4   mobile_phone_ownership  40 non-null     float64
 5   mobile_bill_payment     40 non-null     float64
 6   mobile_money_account    40 non-null     float64
dtypes: float64(6), object(1)
memory usage: 2.3+ KB

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 35 entries, 0 to 34
Data columns (total 8 columns):
 #   Column                   Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                   --------------  -----  
 0   country                  35 non-null     object 
 1   source_data_capacity     35 non-null     float64
 2   spi_data_use             35 non-null     float64
 3   spi_data_services        35 non-null     float64
 4   spi_data_products        35 non-null     float64
 5   spi_data_sources         35 non-null     float64
 6   spi_data_infrastructure  35 non-null     float64
 7   account                  35 non-null     float64
dtypes: float64(7), object(1)
memory usage: 2.3+ KB

We can confirm from the datasets review that all data variables are numeric whch is essential for statistical analysis. There is only one categorical variable in the dataset, 'country' which contains a list of all countries used in the study for each model. The country column is not used for statistical analysis as it is a non numerical variable. The variable could be used only when creating visual charts.

# Checking number of countries or obervations in each dataset

country_count_model_1 = len(model1['country'].unique())
country_count_model_2 = len(model2['country'].unique())
print("Number of countries for Model 1:", country_count_model_1)
print("Number of countries for Model 2:", country_count_model_2)
Number of countries for Model 1: 40
Number of countries for Model 2: 35

The dataset contain 40 countries and 35 countries for model 1 and 2 respectively. The countries are also referred to as the observations. Therefore, we have 40 observations for model 1 and 35 observations for model 2.

5.1. Regression

Regression Analysis for Model 1

# Indicating and separating the dependent and independent variables from the model 1 dataframe

#Dependent variable definition
dep_var_model1 = model1['mobile_money_account']

#Independent variable definition
indep_var_model1 = model1[['internet_access', 'mobile_utility_payment', 
                           'digital_payment', 'mobile_phone_ownership', 
# Adding a constant term to the independent variables for the intercept
indep_var_model1 = sm.add_constant(indep_var_model1)

# Fitting the OLS regression model
ols_model1 = sm.OLS(dep_var_model1, indep_var_model1).fit()

# Printing model summary
                             OLS Regression Results                             
Dep. Variable:     mobile_money_account   R-squared:                       0.858
Model:                              OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.837
Method:                   Least Squares   F-statistic:                     41.18
Date:                  Tue, 23 Apr 2024   Prob (F-statistic):           1.77e-13
Time:                          16:59:14   Log-Likelihood:                -135.17
No. Observations:                    40   AIC:                             282.3
Df Residuals:                        34   BIC:                             292.5
Df Model:                             5                                         
Covariance Type:              nonrobust                                         
                             coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
const                     -7.4068      7.749     -0.956      0.346     -23.155       8.341
internet_access           -0.5527      0.125     -4.411      0.000      -0.807      -0.298
mobile_utility_payment     0.7147      0.415      1.721      0.094      -0.129       1.559
digital_payment            0.6621      0.119      5.579      0.000       0.421       0.903
mobile_phone_ownership     0.2944      0.161      1.824      0.077      -0.034       0.622
mobile_bill_payment        0.0607      0.396      0.153      0.879      -0.744       0.865
Omnibus:                        3.825   Durbin-Watson:                   2.053
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.148   Jarque-Bera (JB):                2.562
Skew:                          -0.484   Prob(JB):                        0.278
Kurtosis:                       3.775   Cond. No.                         618.

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
# Creating a Visual Representation of the Regression Analsis for Model 1

# Getting the predicted values from the OLS model
predicted_values = ols_model1.predict()

# Creating a DataFrame with actual and predicted values
results_df = pd.DataFrame({'Actual': dep_var_model1, 'Predicted': predicted_values})

# Creating a scatter plot with a regression line using Seaborn
sns.lmplot(x='Actual', y='Predicted', data=results_df, line_kws={'color': 'red'})

# Setting plot labels and title
plt.xlabel('Actual Values')
plt.ylabel('Predicted Values')
plt.title('Model 1: Actual vs. Predicted Values')

# Show plot


Regression Analysis for Model 2

# Indicating and separating the dependent and independent variables from the model 2 dataframe

# Dependent variable definition for model 2
dep_var_model2 = model2['account']

# Independent variable definition for model 2
indep_var_model2 = model2[['source_data_capacity', 'spi_data_use', 
                           'spi_data_services', 'spi_data_products', 
                           'spi_data_sources', 'spi_data_infrastructure']]
# Adding a constant term to the independent variables for the intercept
indep_var_model2 = sm.add_constant(indep_var_model2)

# Fitting the OLS regression model for model 2
ols_model2 = sm.OLS(dep_var_model2, indep_var_model2).fit()

# Printing model summary for model 2
                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:                account   R-squared:                       0.612
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.529
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     7.353
Date:                Tue, 23 Apr 2024   Prob (F-statistic):           8.64e-05
Time:                        16:59:41   Log-Likelihood:                -136.66
No. Observations:                  35   AIC:                             287.3
Df Residuals:                      28   BIC:                             298.2
Df Model:                           6                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                              coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
const                       6.8971     25.628      0.269      0.790     -45.600      59.394
source_data_capacity       -0.5816      0.214     -2.720      0.011      -1.020      -0.144
spi_data_use               -0.2143      0.243     -0.882      0.385      -0.712       0.284
spi_data_services          -0.7636      0.228     -3.343      0.002      -1.231      -0.296
spi_data_products           0.7052      0.485      1.455      0.157      -0.288       1.698
spi_data_sources            1.1690      0.273      4.276      0.000       0.609       1.729
spi_data_infrastructure     0.8336      0.289      2.880      0.008       0.241       1.427
Omnibus:                        2.268   Durbin-Watson:                   2.512
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.322   Jarque-Bera (JB):                1.155
Skew:                          -0.237   Prob(JB):                        0.561
Kurtosis:                       3.753   Cond. No.                     1.72e+03

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 1.72e+03. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.
# Creating a Visual Representation of the Regression Analsis for Model 2

# Getting the predicted values from the OLS model for model 2
predicted_values_model2 = ols_model2.predict()

# Creating a DataFrame with actual and predicted values for model 2
results_model2 = pd.DataFrame({'Actual': dep_var_model2, 'Predicted': predicted_values_model2})

# Creating a regression plot using Seaborn for model 2
sns.lmplot(x='Actual', y='Predicted', data=results_model2, scatter_kws={'color': 'blue'}, line_kws={'color': 'red'})

# Setting plot labels and title
plt.xlabel('Actual Values')
plt.ylabel('Predicted Values')
plt.title('Model 2: Actual vs. Predicted Values')

# Show plot


5.2. Pearson Correlation Test

Correlation Test for Model 1

# creating a correlation matrix for model 1
correlation_matrix_model1 = model1.corr()

# Displaying the correlation matrix

# Plotting the heatmap of correlation matrix
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
sns.heatmap(correlation_matrix_model1, annot=True, cmap='coolwarm', fmt=".2f")
plt.title('Model 1: Correlation Matrix')
                        internet_access  mobile_utility_payment  \
internet_access                1.000000                0.275408   
mobile_utility_payment         0.275408                1.000000   
digital_payment                0.507508                0.736970   
mobile_phone_ownership         0.856528                0.346597   
mobile_bill_payment            0.389306                0.940515   
mobile_money_account           0.092876                0.799250   

                        digital_payment  mobile_phone_ownership  \
internet_access                0.507508                0.856528   
mobile_utility_payment         0.736970                0.346597   
digital_payment                1.000000                0.573997   
mobile_phone_ownership         0.573997                1.000000   
mobile_bill_payment            0.809292                0.440903   
mobile_money_account           0.806038                0.279005   

                        mobile_bill_payment  mobile_money_account  
internet_access                    0.389306              0.092876  
mobile_utility_payment             0.940515              0.799250  
digital_payment                    0.809292              0.806038  
mobile_phone_ownership             0.440903              0.279005  
mobile_bill_payment                1.000000              0.788281  
mobile_money_account               0.788281              1.000000  


Correlation Test for Model 2

# creating a correlation matrix for model 2
correlation_matrix_model2 = model2.corr()

# Displaying the correlation matrix

# Plotting the heatmap of correlation matrix
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
sns.heatmap(correlation_matrix_model2, annot=True, cmap='coolwarm', fmt=".2f")
plt.title('Model 2: Correlation Matrix')
                        internet_access  mobile_utility_payment  \
internet_access                1.000000                0.275408   
mobile_utility_payment         0.275408                1.000000   
digital_payment                0.507508                0.736970   
mobile_phone_ownership         0.856528                0.346597   
mobile_bill_payment            0.389306                0.940515   
mobile_money_account           0.092876                0.799250   

                        digital_payment  mobile_phone_ownership  \
internet_access                0.507508                0.856528   
mobile_utility_payment         0.736970                0.346597   
digital_payment                1.000000                0.573997   
mobile_phone_ownership         0.573997                1.000000   
mobile_bill_payment            0.809292                0.440903   
mobile_money_account           0.806038                0.279005   

                        mobile_bill_payment  mobile_money_account  
internet_access                    0.389306              0.092876  
mobile_utility_payment             0.940515              0.799250  
digital_payment                    0.809292              0.806038  
mobile_phone_ownership             0.440903              0.279005  
mobile_bill_payment                1.000000              0.788281  
mobile_money_account               0.788281              1.000000  


5.3. Test for Multicollinearity

Multicollinearity Test for Model 1

# Creating a DataFrame to store VIF results
vif_data_model1 = pd.DataFrame()
vif_data_model1["Variable"] = indep_var_model1.columns
vif_data_model1["VIF"] = [variance_inflation_factor(indep_var_model1.values, i) for i in range(indep_var_model1.shape[1])]

print("Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) for Model 1:")
Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) for Model 1:
                 Variable        VIF
0                   const  40.483693
1         internet_access   3.902965
2  mobile_utility_payment   9.475282
3         digital_payment   3.495942
4  mobile_phone_ownership   4.171238
5     mobile_bill_payment  12.216094
# Calculating correlation matrix for independent variables in Model 1
correlation_matrix_model1 = model1[['internet_access', 'mobile_utility_payment', 
                                    'digital_payment', 'mobile_phone_ownership', 

# Displaying correlation matrix for Model 1
print("Correlation Matrix for Model 1:")

# Plotting correlation matrix for Model 1
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
sns.heatmap(correlation_matrix_model1, annot=True, cmap='coolwarm', fmt=".2f")
plt.title('Model 1: Test for Multicollinearity Matrix')
Correlation Matrix for Model 1:
                        internet_access  mobile_utility_payment  \
internet_access                1.000000                0.275408   
mobile_utility_payment         0.275408                1.000000   
digital_payment                0.507508                0.736970   
mobile_phone_ownership         0.856528                0.346597   
mobile_bill_payment            0.389306                0.940515   

                        digital_payment  mobile_phone_ownership  \
internet_access                0.507508                0.856528   
mobile_utility_payment         0.736970                0.346597   
digital_payment                1.000000                0.573997   
mobile_phone_ownership         0.573997                1.000000   
mobile_bill_payment            0.809292                0.440903   

internet_access                    0.389306  
mobile_utility_payment             0.940515  
digital_payment                    0.809292  
mobile_phone_ownership             0.440903  
mobile_bill_payment                1.000000  


Multicollinearity Test for Model 2

# Creating a DataFrame to store VIF results
vif_data_model2 = pd.DataFrame()
vif_data_model2["Variable"] = indep_var_model2.columns
vif_data_model2["VIF"] = [variance_inflation_factor(indep_var_model2.values, i) for i in range(indep_var_model2.shape[1])]

print("Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) for Model 2:")
Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) for Model 2:
                  Variable         VIF
0                    const  127.526234
1     source_data_capacity    2.453183
2             spi_data_use    2.039501
3        spi_data_services    2.109660
4        spi_data_products    2.651508
5         spi_data_sources    2.616190
6  spi_data_infrastructure    2.604678
# Calculatting correlation matrix for independent variables in Model 2
correlation_matrix_model2 = model2[['source_data_capacity', 'spi_data_use', 
                                    'spi_data_services', 'spi_data_products', 
                                    'spi_data_sources', 'spi_data_infrastructure']].corr()

# Displaying correlation matrix for Model 2
print("Correlation Matrix for Model 2:")

# Plotting correlation matrix for Model 2
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
sns.heatmap(correlation_matrix_model2, annot=True, cmap='coolwarm', fmt=".2f")
plt.title('Model 2: Test for Multicollinearity Matrix')
Correlation Matrix for Model 2:
                         source_data_capacity  spi_data_use  \
source_data_capacity                 1.000000      0.368934   
spi_data_use                         0.368934      1.000000   
spi_data_services                    0.199737      0.243448   
spi_data_products                    0.482582      0.585447   
spi_data_sources                     0.605898      0.268184   
spi_data_infrastructure              0.654020      0.539743   

                         spi_data_services  spi_data_products  \
source_data_capacity              0.199737           0.482582   
spi_data_use                      0.243448           0.585447   
spi_data_services                 1.000000           0.569445   
spi_data_products                 0.569445           1.000000   
spi_data_sources                  0.582020           0.546027   
spi_data_infrastructure           0.378305           0.439675   

                         spi_data_sources  spi_data_infrastructure  
source_data_capacity             0.605898                 0.654020  
spi_data_use                     0.268184                 0.539743  
spi_data_services                0.582020                 0.378305  
spi_data_products                0.546027                 0.439675  
spi_data_sources                 1.000000                 0.592323  
spi_data_infrastructure          0.592323                 1.000000  


5.4. Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics for Model 1

# Calculating descriptive statistics for model 1
desc_model1 = model1.describe()
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
internet_access mobile_utility_payment digital_payment mobile_phone_ownership mobile_bill_payment mobile_money_account
count 40.000000 40.000000 40.000000 40.000000 40.000000 40.000000
mean 37.359000 9.635500 41.865250 72.711750 13.412500 28.772500
std 19.445526 9.140128 19.434911 15.605675 10.886769 19.105076
min 5.220000 0.000000 4.810000 32.160000 1.450000 0.000000
25% 23.115000 3.142500 26.740000 63.490000 4.937500 9.782500
50% 31.055000 6.225000 42.985000 75.665000 9.855000 31.865000
75% 49.785000 13.865000 54.182500 83.212500 18.960000 42.477500
max 82.910000 36.060000 80.810000 100.000000 44.910000 68.660000
# Selecting only numeric columns for calculating descriptive statistics
numeric_cols_model1 = ['mobile_money_account','internet_access', 'mobile_utility_payment', 
                       'digital_payment', 'mobile_phone_ownership', 

desc_model1 = model1[numeric_cols_model1].describe()

# Adding skewness and kurtosis
desc_model1.loc['skewness'] = model1[numeric_cols_model1].skew()
desc_model1.loc['kurtosis'] = model1[numeric_cols_model1].kurt()

# Adding additional metrics
desc_model1.loc['Standard Error'] = model1[numeric_cols_model1].sem()
desc_model1.loc['Mode'] = model1[numeric_cols_model1].mode().iloc[0]  # Get the mode from the first row
desc_model1.loc['Sample Variance'] = model1[numeric_cols_model1].var()
desc_model1.loc['Range'] = model1[numeric_cols_model1].max() - model1[numeric_cols_model1].min()
desc_model1.loc['Sum'] = model1[numeric_cols_model1].sum()

# Displaying the summary
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
mobile_money_account internet_access mobile_utility_payment digital_payment mobile_phone_ownership mobile_bill_payment
count 40.000000 40.000000 40.000000 40.000000 40.000000 40.000000
mean 28.772500 37.359000 9.635500 41.865250 72.711750 13.412500
std 19.105076 19.445526 9.140128 19.434911 15.605675 10.886769
min 0.000000 5.220000 0.000000 4.810000 32.160000 1.450000
25% 9.782500 23.115000 3.142500 26.740000 63.490000 4.937500
50% 31.865000 31.055000 6.225000 42.985000 75.665000 9.855000
75% 42.477500 49.785000 13.865000 54.182500 83.212500 18.960000
max 68.660000 82.910000 36.060000 80.810000 100.000000 44.910000
skewness 0.092837 0.692206 1.338398 0.238878 -0.677023 1.395810
kurtosis -1.058531 -0.184415 1.173069 -0.652349 0.111974 1.681350
Standard Error 3.020778 3.074608 1.445181 3.072929 2.467474 1.721349
Mode 29.380000 5.220000 13.610000 33.740000 82.760000 1.450000
Sample Variance 365.003927 378.128496 83.541943 377.715749 243.537097 118.521737
Range 68.660000 77.690000 36.060000 76.000000 67.840000 43.460000
Sum 1150.900000 1494.360000 385.420000 1674.610000 2908.470000 536.500000

Descriptive Statistics for Model 2

# Calculating descriptive statistics for model 2
desc_model2 = model2.describe()

# Displaying the summary
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
source_data_capacity spi_data_use spi_data_services spi_data_products spi_data_sources spi_data_infrastructure account
count 35.000000 35.000000 35.000000 35.000000 35.000000 35.000000 35.000000
mean 55.142857 76.851429 61.064857 78.389429 32.927143 51.857143 48.731429
std 16.868249 13.529605 14.641475 7.736023 13.621253 12.838689 19.553514
min 20.000000 40.000000 20.600000 53.920000 9.040000 25.000000 5.830000
25% 45.000000 70.000000 60.300000 76.540000 25.590000 42.500000 34.560000
50% 60.000000 80.000000 63.870000 78.960000 29.180000 50.000000 49.490000
75% 65.000000 90.000000 67.200000 82.445000 38.620000 60.000000 61.690000
max 80.000000 100.000000 86.670000 89.390000 70.280000 80.000000 90.530000
# Selecting only numeric columns for calculating descriptive statistics
numeric_cols_model2 = ['account','source_data_capacity', 'spi_data_use', 
                'spi_data_services', 'spi_data_products', 
                'spi_data_sources', 'spi_data_infrastructure']

desc_model2 = model2[numeric_cols_model2].describe()

# Adding skewness and kurtosis
desc_model2.loc['skewness'] = model2[numeric_cols_model2].skew()
desc_model2.loc['kurtosis'] = model2[numeric_cols_model2].kurt()

# Adding additional metrics
desc_model2.loc['Standard Error'] = model2[numeric_cols_model2].sem()
desc_model2.loc['Mode'] = model2[numeric_cols_model2].mode().iloc[0]  # Get the mode from the first row
desc_model2.loc['Sample Variance'] = model2[numeric_cols_model2].var()
desc_model2.loc['Range'] = model2[numeric_cols_model2].max() - model2[numeric_cols_model2].min()
desc_model2.loc['Sum'] = model2[numeric_cols_model2].sum()

# Displaying the summary
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
account source_data_capacity spi_data_use spi_data_services spi_data_products spi_data_sources spi_data_infrastructure
count 35.000000 35.000000 35.000000 35.000000 35.000000 35.000000 35.000000
mean 48.731429 55.142857 76.851429 61.064857 78.389429 32.927143 51.857143
std 19.553514 16.868249 13.529605 14.641475 7.736023 13.621253 12.838689
min 5.830000 20.000000 40.000000 20.600000 53.920000 9.040000 25.000000
25% 34.560000 45.000000 70.000000 60.300000 76.540000 25.590000 42.500000
50% 49.490000 60.000000 80.000000 63.870000 78.960000 29.180000 50.000000
75% 61.690000 65.000000 90.000000 67.200000 82.445000 38.620000 60.000000
max 90.530000 80.000000 100.000000 86.670000 89.390000 70.280000 80.000000
skewness -0.048651 -0.377096 -0.616829 -1.168967 -1.191027 0.971202 0.102107
kurtosis -0.076453 -0.434600 0.417437 1.996276 1.960332 1.244482 -0.361374
Standard Error 3.305147 2.851254 2.286921 2.474861 1.307627 2.302412 2.170135
Mode 5.830000 60.000000 80.000000 57.030000 53.920000 9.040000 40.000000
Sample Variance 382.339924 284.537815 183.050218 214.372796 59.846053 185.538533 164.831933
Range 84.700000 60.000000 60.000000 66.070000 35.470000 61.240000 55.000000
Sum 1705.600000 1930.000000 2689.800000 2137.270000 2743.630000 1152.450000 1815.000000

Plotting Skewness for Model 1 and 2

# Skewness data for Model 1
skewness_model1 = [0.09, 0.69, 1.34, 0.24, -0.68, 1.40]

# Variable names for Model 2
variables_model1 = ['MMA', 'IA', 'MUP', 'DP', 'MPO', 'MBP']

# Plotting skewness for Model 2
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
ax = sns.barplot(x=skewness_model1, y=variables_model1, palette="viridis")
plt.title('Skewness for Model 1 Variables')

# Adding data points to the bars
for i in range(len(skewness_model1)):
    ax.text(skewness_model1[i], i, f'{skewness_model1[i]:.2f}', ha='left', va='center', color='black')


# Skewness data for Model 2
skewness_model2 = [-0.05, -0.38, -0.62, -1.17, -1.19, 0.97, 0.10]

# Variable names for Model 2
variables_model2 = ['ACC', 'SDC', 'DUS', 'DSS', 'DPS', 'DSC', 'DIS']

# Plotting skewness for Model 2
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
ax = sns.barplot(x=skewness_model2, y=variables_model2, palette="viridis")
plt.title('Skewness for Model 2 Variables')

# Adding data points to the bars
for i in range(len(skewness_model2)):
    ax.text(skewness_model2[i], i, f'{skewness_model2[i]:.2f}', ha='left', va='center', color='black')


5.5. Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis Testing for Model 1

# Line of Best fit for Model 1

# Overall Model Significance Test (F-test) for Model 1
f_statistic, f_p_value = ols_model1.fvalue, ols_model1.f_pvalue
print("Model 1 F-statistic:", f_statistic)
print("Model 1 p-value (F-test):", f_p_value)

# Individual Coefficient Significance Test (t-test) for Model 1
t_test_results = ols_model1.t_test(np.eye(len(ols_model1.params)))

print("Individual Coefficient p-values (t-test) for Model 1:")
for idx, variable in enumerate(indep_var_model1.columns):
    print(f"{variable}: {t_test_results.pvalue[idx]}")
Model 1 F-statistic: 41.184773278043544
Model 1 p-value (F-test): 1.7719819035065024e-13
Individual Coefficient p-values (t-test) for Model 1:
const: 0.3459100134441736
internet_access: 9.831638939501509e-05
mobile_utility_payment: 0.09440462482524704
digital_payment: 3.032239454019748e-06
mobile_phone_ownership: 0.07693681973223013
mobile_bill_payment: 0.8790651297196372

Hypothesis Testing for Model 2

# Line of best fit for Model 2

# Overall Model Significance Test (F-test) for Model 2
f_statistic, f_p_value = ols_model2.fvalue, ols_model2.f_pvalue
print("Model 2 F-statistic:", f_statistic)
print("Model 2 p-value (F-test):", f_p_value)

# Individual Coefficient Significance Test (t-test) for Model 2
t_test_results = ols_model2.t_test(np.eye(len(ols_model2.params)))
print("Individual Coefficient p-values (t-test) for Model 2:")
for idx, variable in enumerate(indep_var_model2.columns):
    print(f"{variable}: {t_test_results.pvalue[idx]}")
Model 2 F-statistic: 7.352573148811251
Model 2 p-value (F-test): 8.644605466870827e-05
Individual Coefficient p-values (t-test) for Model 2:
const: 0.7898080501069904
source_data_capacity: 0.011083716383894056
spi_data_use: 0.38538856115979137
spi_data_services: 0.0023663090448723797
spi_data_products: 0.15678092693555912
spi_data_sources: 0.0001999381497366182
spi_data_infrastructure: 0.0075410358992607385

6. Phase 5: Share

# Exporting regression result as an Excel File
# Convert the regression results summary to a dataframe
regression_results_model1 = ols_model1.summary()
regression_results_df_model1 = pd.read_html(regression_results_model1.tables[1].as_html(), header=0, index_col=0)[0]

# Export the dataframe to an Excel file

print("Regression results for Model 1.xlsx")
Regression results for Model 1.xlsx
# Exporting descriptive stats result as an excel file for Model 1

print('Descriptive statistics for Model 1.xlsx')
Descriptive statistics for Model 1.xlsx
# Exporting descriptive stats result as an excel file for Model 2

print('Descriptive statistics for Model 2.xlsx')
Descriptive statistics for Model 2.xlsx
array([36.25275297, 67.71857471, 52.46712807, 47.98902335, 18.8266856 ,
       28.58058205, 44.9136686 , 53.01701255, 67.08734359, 50.64486208,
       56.00199781, 44.26275099, 62.90811648, 39.46190352, 59.06135446,
       61.11429563, 45.06825223, 38.74550916, 53.30689915, 36.97488527,
       33.13351753, 70.41003994, 44.86373269, 43.75912241, 46.66711801,
       40.7967662 , 62.99003982, 34.50329914, 99.3950081 , 19.99720639,
       41.06566196, 50.30056932, 51.74385254, 41.88368771, 59.68677996])

7. Phase 6: Conclusion (Act)