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Linkage for keywords in lex.html
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Llammissar committed Feb 8, 2013
1 parent 20152e4 commit a979ed0
Showing 1 changed file with 128 additions and 126 deletions.
254 changes: 128 additions & 126 deletions lex.dd
Expand Up @@ -908,132 +908,134 @@ $(H3 Keywords)
$(GNAME Keyword):
$(D abstract)
$(D alias)
$(D align)
$(D asm)
$(D assert)
$(D auto)

$(D body)
$(D bool)
$(D break)
$(D byte)

$(D case)
$(D cast)
$(D catch)
$(D cdouble)
$(D cent)
$(D cfloat)
$(D char)
$(D class)
$(D const)
$(D continue)
$(D creal)

$(D dchar)
$(D debug)
$(D default)
$(D delegate)
$(D delete)
$(D deprecated)
$(D do)
$(D double)

$(D else)
$(D enum)
$(D export)
$(D extern)

$(D false)
$(D final)
$(D finally)
$(D float)
$(D for)
$(D foreach)
$(D foreach_reverse)
$(D function)

$(D goto)

$(D idouble)
$(D if)
$(D ifloat)
$(D immutable)
$(D import)
$(D in)
$(D inout)
$(D int)
$(D interface)
$(D invariant)
$(D ireal)
$(D is)

$(D lazy)
$(D long)

$(D macro)
$(D mixin)
$(D module)

$(D new)
$(D nothrow)
$(D null)

$(D out)
$(D override)

$(D package)
$(D pragma)
$(D private)
$(D protected)
$(D public)
$(D pure)
$(D real)
$(D ref)
$(D return)

$(D scope)
$(D shared)
$(D short)
$(D static)
$(D struct)
$(D super)
$(D switch)
$(D synchronized)

$(D template)
$(D this)
$(D throw)
$(D true)
$(D try)
$(D typedef)
$(D typeid)
$(D typeof)

$(D ubyte)
$(D ucent)
$(D uint)
$(D ulong)
$(D union)
$(D unittest)
$(D ushort)

$(D version)
$(D void)
$(D volatile)

$(D wchar)
$(D while)
$(D with)

$(D __FILE__)
$(D __LINE__)
$(D __gshared)
$(D __traits)
$(D __vector)
$(D __parameters)
$(D $(XLINK2 attribute.html#abstract, abstract))
$(D $(XLINK2 declaration.html#alias, alias))
$(D $(XLINK2 iasm.html#IntegerExpression, align))
$(D $(XLINK2 statement.html#AsmStatement, asm))
$(D $(XLINK2 expression.html#AssertExpression, assert))
$(D $(XLINK2 attribute.html#auto, auto))

$(D $(XLINK2 function.html#BodyStatement, body))
$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, bool))
$(D $(XLINK2 statement.html#BreakStatement, break))
$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, byte))

$(D $(XLINK2 statement.html#SwitchStatement, case))
$(D $(XLINK2 expression.html#CastExpression, cast))
$(D $(XLINK2 statement.html#TryStatement, catch))
$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, cdouble))
$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, cent))
$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, cfloat))
$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, char))
$(D $(XLINK2 class.html, class))
$(D $(XLINK2 attribute.html#const, const))
$(D $(XLINK2 statement.html#ContinueStatement, continue))
$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, creal))

$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, dchar))
$(D $(XLINK2 version.html#debug, debug))
$(D $(XLINK2 statement.html#SwitchStatement, default))
$(D $(XLINK2 type.html#delegates, delegate))
$(D $(XLINK2 expression.html#DeleteExpression, delete)) ($(XLINK2 deprecate.html#delete, deprecated))
$(D $(XLINK2 attribute.html#deprecated, deprecated))
$(D $(XLINK2 statement.html#DoStatement, do))
$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, double))

$(D $(XLINK2 statement.html#IfStatement, else))
$(D $(XLINK2 enum.html, enum))
$(D $(XLINK2 attribute.html#ProtectionAttribute, export))
$(D $(XLINK2 attribute.html#linkage, extern))

$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, false)) <!-- could use an anchor for this -->
$(D $(XLINK2 class.html#final, final))
$(D $(XLINK2 statement.html#TryStatement, finally))
$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, float))
$(D $(XLINK2 statement.html#ForStatement, for))
$(D $(XLINK2 statement.html#ForeachStatement, foreach))
$(D $(XLINK2 statement.html#ForeachStatement, foreach_reverse))
$(D $(XLINK2 expression.html#FunctionLiteral, function))

$(D $(XLINK2 statement.html#GotoStatement, goto))

$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, idouble))
$(D $(XLINK2 statement.html#IfStatement, if))
$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, ifloat))
$(D $(XLINK2 attribute.html#immutable, immutable))
$(D $(XLINK2 expression.html#ImportExpression, import)) <!-- alt. module.html#ImportDeclaration -->
$(D $(XLINK2 expression.html#InExpression, in)) <!-- might be better: function.html#InStatement; also, function.html#overload-sets table -->
$(D $(XLINK2 function.html#inout-functions, inout)) <!-- alt. attribute.html#inout -->
$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, int))
$(D $(XLINK2 interface.html, interface))
$(D $(XLINK2 dbc.html, invariant)) <!-- could use an anchor to the invariant section -->
$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, ireal))
$(D $(XLINK2 expression.html#IsExpression, is))

$(D $(XLINK2 function.html#overload-sets, lazy)) (See also: $(XLINK2 lazy-evaluation.html, Lazy E­val­u­a­tion of ­Func­tion Ar­gu­ments))
$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, long))

$(D macro) (Reserved; unused)
$(D $(XLINK2 expression.html#MixinExpression, mixin)) <!-- Template Mixins are easy to find. -->
$(D $(XLINK2 module.html#ModuleDeclaration, module))

$(D $(XLINK2 expression.html#NewExpression, new))
$(D $(XLINK2 function.html#nothrow-functions, nothrow))
$(D $(XLINK2 expression.html#null, null))

$(D $(XLINK2 function.html#OutStatement, out))
$(D $(XLINK2 attribute.html#override, override))

$(D $(XLINK2 attribute.html#ProtectionAttribute, package))
$(D $(XLINK2 pragma.html, pragma))
$(D $(XLINK2 attribute.html#ProtectionAttribute, private))
$(D $(XLINK2 attribute.html#ProtectionAttribute, protected))
$(D $(XLINK2 attribute.html#ProtectionAttribute, public))
$(D $(XLINK2 function.html#pure-functions, pure))

$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, real))
$(D $(XLINK2 function.html#ref-functions, ref))
$(D $(XLINK2 statement.html#ReturnStatement, return))

$(D $(XLINK2 statement.html#ScopeGuardStatement, scope))
$(D $(XLINK2 attribute.html#shared, shared))
$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, short))
$(D $(XLINK2 version.html#staticif, static))
<!--$(D $(XLINK2 arrays.html#strings, string)) (alias to immutable(char)[]) -->
$(D $(XLINK2 struct.html, struct))
$(D $(XLINK2 expression.html#super, super))
$(D $(XLINK2 statement.html#SwitchStatement, switch))
$(D $(XLINK2 statement.html#SynchronizedStatement, synchronized))

$(D $(XLINK2 template.html, template))
$(D $(XLINK2 expression.html#this, this))
$(D $(XLINK2 statement.html#ThrowStatement, throw))
$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, true)) <!-- could use an anchor for this -->
$(D $(XLINK2 statement.html#TryStatement, try))
$(D $(XLINK2 deprecate.html#typedef, typedef)) (deprecated)
$(D $(XLINK2 expression.html#TypeidExpression, typeid))
$(D $(XLINK2 declaration.html#Typeof, typeof))

$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, ubyte))
$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, ucent))
$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, uint))
$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, ulong))
$(D $(XLINK2 struct.html, union))
$(D $(XLINK2 unittest.html, unittest))
$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, ushort))

$(D $(XLINK2 version.html#version, version))
$(D $(XLINK2 declaration.html#VoidInitializer, void))
$(D $(XLINK2 deprecate.html#volatile, volatile)) (deprecated)

$(D $(XLINK2 type.html, wchar))
$(D $(XLINK2 statement.html#WhileStatement, while))
$(D $(XLINK2 statement.html#WithStatement, with))

$(D $(XLINK2 template.html#TemplateValueParameter, __FILE__))
$(D $(XLINK2 template.html#TemplateValueParameter, __LINE__))
$(D $(XLINK2 attribute.html#gshared, __gshared))
$(D $(XLINK2 traits.html, __traits))
$(D $(XLINK2 phobos/core_simd.html#.Vector,__vector))
$(D $(XLINK2 expression.html#IsExpression, __parameters))

$(H3 $(LNAME2 specialtokens, Special Tokens))
Expand Down

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