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Merge pull request #2584 from jmdavis/13433
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Implement issue 13433 - add option for using coarser realtime clock.
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DmitryOlshansky committed Jun 29, 2015
2 parents 5faa1cc + 5f3c6f1 commit 1433072
Showing 1 changed file with 124 additions and 34 deletions.
158 changes: 124 additions & 34 deletions std/datetime.d
Expand Up @@ -310,84 +310,174 @@ public:
Returns the current time in the given time zone.

clockType = The $(CXREF time, ClockType) indicates which system
clock to use to get the current time. Very few programs
need to use anything other than the default.
tz = The time zone for the SysTime that's returned.

$(XREF exception, ErrnoException) (on Posix) or $(XREF exception, Exception) (on Windows)
if it fails to get the time of day.
$(LREF DateTimeException) if it fails to get the time.
static SysTime currTime(immutable TimeZone tz = LocalTime()) @safe
static SysTime currTime(ClockType clockType = ClockType.normal)(immutable TimeZone tz = LocalTime()) @safe
return SysTime(currStdTime, tz);
return SysTime(currStdTime!clockType, tz);

import std.format : format;
assert(currTime().timezone is LocalTime());
assert(currTime(UTC()).timezone is UTC());

//I have no idea why, but for some reason, Windows/Wine likes to get
//time_t wrong when getting it with core.stdc.time.time. On one box
//I have (which has its local time set to UTC), it always gives time_t
//in the real local time (America/Los_Angeles), and after the most recent
//DST switch, every Windows box that I've tried it in is reporting
//time_t as being 1 hour off of where it's supposed to be. So, I really
//don't know what the deal is, but given what I'm seeing, I don't trust
//core.stdc.time.time on Windows, so I'm just going to disable this test
//on Windows.
// core.stdc.time.time does not always work correctly on Windows systems.
// In particular, sometimes it applies the local DST to time_t, even
// though time_t is in UTC. I'm fairly certain that it's a bug in dmc's
// implementation, but it needs to be investigated. Regardless, the
// result is that for now, we can't run this test on Windows.
static import std.math;
immutable unixTimeD = currTime().toUnixTime();
immutable unixTimeC = core.stdc.time.time(null);
immutable diff = unixTimeC - unixTimeD;
assert(std.math.abs(unixTimeC - unixTimeD) <= 2);

auto norm1 = Clock.currTime;
auto norm2 = Clock.currTime(UTC());
assert(norm1 <= norm2, format("%s %s", norm1, norm2));
assert(abs(norm1 - norm2) <= seconds(2));

assert(diff >= -2);
assert(diff <= 2);
import std.typetuple;
foreach(ct; TypeTuple!(ClockType.coarse, ClockType.precise, ClockType.second))
scope(failure) writefln("ClockType.%s", ct);
auto value1 = Clock.currTime!ct;
auto value2 = Clock.currTime!ct(UTC());
assert(value1 <= value2, format("%s %s", value1, value2));
assert(abs(value1 - value2) <= seconds(2));

Returns the number of hnsecs since midnight, January 1st, 1 A.D. for the
current time.

clockType = The $(CXREF time, ClockType) indicates which system
clock to use to get the current time. Very few programs
need to use anything other than the default.

$(LREF DateTimeException) if it fails to get the time.
static @property long currStdTime() @trusted
static @property long currStdTime(ClockType clockType = ClockType.normal)() @trusted
static if(clockType != ClockType.coarse &&
clockType != ClockType.normal &&
clockType != ClockType.precise &&
clockType != ClockType.second)
import std.format : format;
static assert(0, format("ClockType.%s is not supported by Clock.currTime or Clock.currStdTime", clockType));

FILETIME fileTime;

return FILETIMEToStdTime(&fileTime);
immutable result = FILETIMEToStdTime(&fileTime);
static if(clockType == ClockType.second)
// This should probably just use core.stdc.time.time, but dmc's
// time function seems to apply DST to time_t, which is
// incorrect and thus only works with dmc's other C functions.
return convert!("seconds", "hnsecs")(convert!("hnsecs", "seconds")(result));
return result;
else version(Posix)
enum hnsecsToUnixEpoch = 621_355_968_000_000_000L;
enum hnsecsToUnixEpoch = unixTimeToStdTime(0);

static if(is(typeof(clock_gettime)))
static if(clockType == ClockType.second)
return unixTimeToStdTime(core.stdc.time.time(null));
timeval tv;
if(gettimeofday(&tv, null) != 0)
throw new TimeException("Call to gettimeofday() failed");
return convert!("seconds", "hnsecs")(tv.tv_sec) +
convert!("usecs", "hnsecs")(tv.tv_usec) +
else version(linux)
static if(clockType == ClockType.second)
return unixTimeToStdTime(core.stdc.time.time(null));
import core.sys.linux.time;
static if(clockType == ClockType.coarse) alias clockArg = CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE;
else static if(clockType == ClockType.normal) alias clockArg = CLOCK_REALTIME;
else static if(clockType == ClockType.precise) alias clockArg = CLOCK_REALTIME;
else static assert(0, "Previous static if is wrong.");
timespec ts;
if(clock_gettime(clockArg, &ts) != 0)
throw new TimeException("Call to clock_gettime() failed");
return convert!("seconds", "hnsecs")(ts.tv_sec) +
ts.tv_nsec / 100 +
else version(FreeBSD)
import core.sys.freebsd.time;
static if(clockType == ClockType.coarse) alias clockArg = CLOCK_REALTIME_FAST;
else static if(clockType == ClockType.normal) alias clockArg = CLOCK_REALTIME;
else static if(clockType == ClockType.precise) alias clockArg = CLOCK_REALTIME_PRECISE;
else static if(clockType == ClockType.second) alias clockArg = CLOCK_SECOND;
else static assert(0, "Previous static if is wrong.");
timespec ts;

if(clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts) != 0)
throw new TimeException("Failed in clock_gettime().");

if(clock_gettime(clockArg, &ts) != 0)
throw new TimeException("Call to clock_gettime() failed");
return convert!("seconds", "hnsecs")(ts.tv_sec) +
ts.tv_nsec / 100 +
timeval tv;
else static assert(0, "Unsupported OS");
else static assert(0, "Unsupported OS");

import std.math : abs;
import std.format : format;
enum limit = convert!("seconds", "hnsecs")(2);

if(gettimeofday(&tv, null) != 0)
throw new TimeException("Failed in gettimeofday().");
auto norm1 = Clock.currStdTime;
auto norm2 = Clock.currStdTime;
assert(norm1 <= norm2, format("%s %s", norm1, norm2));
assert(abs(norm1 - norm2) <= limit);

return convert!("seconds", "hnsecs")(tv.tv_sec) +
convert!("usecs", "hnsecs")(tv.tv_usec) +
import std.typetuple;
foreach(ct; TypeTuple!(ClockType.coarse, ClockType.precise, ClockType.second))
scope(failure) writefln("ClockType.%s", ct);
auto value1 = Clock.currStdTime!ct;
auto value2 = Clock.currStdTime!ct;
assert(value1 <= value2, format("%s %s", value1, value2));
assert(abs(value1 - value2) <= limit);

The current system tick. The number of ticks per second varies from
system to system. currSystemTick uses a monotonic clock, so it's
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