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Merge pull request #252 from andralex/master
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Added partition3 and multiSort to sort ranges by multiple keys
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dsimcha committed Sep 20, 2011
2 parents 32011d1 + c7ee2f5 commit 68ec117
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Showing 2 changed files with 206 additions and 12 deletions.
216 changes: 206 additions & 10 deletions std/algorithm.d
Expand Up @@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ splitter) $(MYREF uniq) )
$(TR $(TDNW Sorting) $(TD $(MYREF completeSort) $(MYREF isPartitioned)
$(MYREF isSorted) $(MYREF makeIndex) $(MYREF partialSort) $(MYREF
partition) $(MYREF schwartzSort) $(MYREF sort) $(MYREF topN) $(MYREF
topNCopy) )
partition) $(MYREF partition3) $(MYREF schwartzSort) $(MYREF sort)
$(MYREF topN) $(MYREF topNCopy) )
$(TR $(TDNW Set operations) $(TD $(MYREF
largestPartialIntersection) $(MYREF largestPartialIntersectionWeighted)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5359,29 +5359,29 @@ assert(b[0 .. $ - c.length] == [ 1, 5, 9, 1 ]);
Range2 copy(Range1, Range2)(Range1 source, Range2 target)
if (isInputRange!Range1 && isOutputRange!(Range2, ElementType!Range1))
static if(isArray!Range1 && isArray!Range2 &&
static if(isArray!Range1 && isArray!Range2 &&
is(Unqual!(typeof(source[0])) == Unqual!(typeof(target[0]))))
// Array specialization. This uses optimized memory copying routines
// under the hood and is about 10-20x faster than the generic
// under the hood and is about 10-20x faster than the generic
// implementation.
enforce(target.length >= source.length,
enforce(target.length >= source.length,
"Cannot copy a source array into a smaller target array.");
target[0..source.length] = source;

return target[source.length..$];
// Generic implementation.
// Generic implementation.
for (; !source.empty; source.popFront())
put(target, source.front);

return target;


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6344,6 +6344,116 @@ unittest
assert(isPartitioned!("a & 1")(r));

// partition3
Rearranges elements in $(D r) in three adjacent ranges and returns
them. The first and leftmost range only contains elements in $(D r)
less than $(D pivot). The second and middle range only contains
elements in $(D r) that are equal to $(D pivot). Finally, the third
and rightmost range only contains elements in $(D r) that are greater
than $(D pivot). The less-than test is defined by the binary function
$(D less).
auto a = [ 8, 3, 4, 1, 4, 7, 4 ];
auto pieces = partition3(a, 4);
assert(a == [ 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 7, 8 ];
assert(pieces[0] == [ 1, 3 ]);
assert(pieces[1] == [ 4, 4, 4 ]);
assert(pieces[2] == [ 7, 8 ]);
BUGS: stable $(D partition3) has not been implemented yet.
auto partition3(alias less = "a < b", SwapStrategy ss = SwapStrategy.unstable, Range, E)
(Range r, E pivot)
if (ss == SwapStrategy.unstable && isRandomAccessRange!Range
&& hasSwappableElements!Range && hasLength!Range
&& is(typeof(binaryFun!less(r.front, pivot)) == bool)
&& is(typeof(binaryFun!less(pivot, r.front)) == bool)
&& is(typeof(binaryFun!less(r.front, r.front)) == bool))
// The algorithm is described in "Engineering a sort function" by
// Jon Bentley et al, pp 1257.

alias binaryFun!less lessFun;
size_t i, j, k = r.length, l = k;

for (;;)
for (;; ++j)
if (j == k) break bigloop;
assert(j < r.length);
if (lessFun(r[j], pivot)) continue;
if (lessFun(pivot, r[j])) break;
swap(r[i++], r[j]);
assert(j < k);
for (;;)
assert(k > 0);
if (!lessFun(pivot, r[--k]))
if (lessFun(r[k], pivot)) break;
swap(r[k], r[--l]);
if (j == k) break bigloop;
// Here we know r[j] > pivot && r[k] < pivot
swap(r[j++], r[k]);

// Swap the equal ranges from the extremes into the middle
auto strictlyLess = j - i, strictlyGreater = l - k;
auto swapLen = min(i, strictlyLess);
swapRanges(r[0 .. swapLen], r[j - swapLen .. j]);
swapLen = min(r.length - l, strictlyGreater);
swapRanges(r[k .. k + swapLen], r[r.length - swapLen .. r.length]);
return tuple(r[0 .. strictlyLess],
r[strictlyLess .. r.length - strictlyGreater],
r[r.length - strictlyGreater .. r.length]);

auto a = [ 8, 3, 4, 1, 4, 7, 4 ];
auto pieces = partition3(a, 4);
assert(a == [ 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 8, 7 ]);
assert(pieces[0] == [ 1, 3 ]);
assert(pieces[1] == [ 4, 4, 4 ]);
assert(pieces[2] == [ 8, 7 ]);

a = null;
pieces = partition3(a, 4);

a.length = uniform(0, 100);
foreach (ref e; a)
e = uniform(0, 50);
pieces = partition3(a, 25);
assert(pieces[0].length + pieces[1].length + pieces[2].length == a.length);
foreach (e; pieces[0])
assert(e < 25);
foreach (e; pieces[1])
assert(e == 25);
foreach (e; pieces[2])
assert(e > 25);

// topN
Reorders the range $(D r) using $(D swap) such that $(D r[nth]) refers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6611,6 +6721,92 @@ unittest
assert(isSorted!("toUpper(a) < toUpper(b)")(b));

private template validPredicates(E, less...) {
static if (less.length == 0)
enum validPredicates = true;
else static if (less.length == 1 && is(typeof(less[0]) == SwapStrategy))
enum validPredicates = true;
enum validPredicates =
is(typeof(binaryFun!(less[0])(E.init, E.init)) == bool) &&
validPredicates!(E, less[1 .. $]);

Sorts a range by multiple keys. The call $(D multiSort!(" <",
" >")(r)) sorts the range $(D r) by $(D id) ascending,
and sorts elements that have the same $(D id) by $(D date)
descending. Such a call is equivalent to $(D sort!" != ?
< : >"(r)), but $(D multiSort) is faster because it
does fewer comparisons (in addition to being more convenient).
static struct Point { int x, y; }
auto pts1 = [ Point(0, 0), Point(5, 5), Point(0, 1), Point(0, 2) ];
auto pts2 = [ Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(0, 2), Point(5, 5) ];
multiSort!("a.x < b.x", "a.y < b.y", SwapStrategy.unstable)(pts1);
assert(pts1 == pts2);
template multiSort(less...) //if (less.length > 1)
void multiSort(Range)(Range r)
if (validPredicates!(ElementType!Range, less))
static if (is(typeof(less[$ - 1]) == SwapStrategy))
enum ss = less[$ - 1];
alias less[0 .. $ - 1] funs;
alias SwapStrategy.unstable ss;
alias less funs;
alias binaryFun!(funs[0]) lessFun;

static if (funs.length > 1)
while (r.length > 1)
auto p = getPivot!lessFun(r);
auto t = partition3!(less[0], ss)(r, r[p]);
if (t[0].length <= t[2].length)
.multiSort!(less[1 .. $])(t[1]);
r = t[2];
.multiSort!(less[1 .. $])(t[1]);
r = t[0];
sort!(lessFun, ss)(r);

static struct Point { int x, y; }
auto pts1 = [ Point(5, 6), Point(1, 0), Point(5, 7), Point(1, 1), Point(1, 2), Point(0, 1) ];
auto pts2 = [ Point(0, 1), Point(1, 0), Point(1, 1), Point(1, 2), Point(5, 6), Point(5, 7) ];
static assert(validPredicates!(Point, "a.x < b.x", "a.y < b.y"));
multiSort!("a.x < b.x", "a.y < b.y", SwapStrategy.unstable)(pts1);
assert(pts1 == pts2);

auto pts3 = indexed(pts1, iota(pts1.length));
multiSort!("a.x < b.x", "a.y < b.y", SwapStrategy.unstable)(pts3);
assert(equal(pts3, pts2));

// @@@BUG1904
size_t getPivot(alias less, Range)(Range r)
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions std/outbuffer.d
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
// Written in the D programming language.

* Boilerplate:
* $(std_boilerplate.html)
* Macros:
* WIKI = Phobos/StdOutbuffer
Expand Down

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