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File metadata and controls

249 lines (176 loc) · 7.26 KB


When coding with dclab, you should be aware of the following definitions and design principles.


An event comprises all data recorded for the detection of one object (e.g. cell or bead) in an RT-DC measurement.


A feature is a measurement parameter of an RT-DC measurement. For instance, the feature "index" enumerates all recorded events, the feature "deform" contains the deformation values of all events. There are scalar features, i.e. features that assign a single number to an event, and non-scalar features, such as "image" and "contour". The following features are supported by dclab:

Scalar features

.. dclab_features:: scalar

In addition to these scalar features, it is possible to define a large number of features dedicated to machine-learning, the "ml_score_???" features: The "?" can be a digit or a lower-case letter of the alphabet, e.g. "ml_score_rbc" or "ml_score_3a3". If "ml_score_???" features are defined, then the ancillary "ml_class" feature, which identifies the most-probable feature for each event, becomes available.

Non-scalar features

.. dclab_features:: non-scalar


deformation vs. area plot

.. plot::

    import matplotlib.pylab as plt
    import dclab
    ds = dclab.new_dataset("data/example.rtdc")
    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    ax.plot(ds["area_um"], ds["deform"], "o", alpha=.2)

event image plot

.. plot::

    import matplotlib.pylab as plt
    import dclab
    ds = dclab.new_dataset("data/example_video.rtdc")
    ax1 = plt.subplot(211, title="image")
    ax2 = plt.subplot(212, title="mask")
    ax1.imshow(ds["image"][6], cmap="gray")

Ancillary features

Not all features available in dclab are recorded online during the acquisition of the experimental dataset. Some of the features are computed offline by dclab, such as "volume", "emodulus", or scores from imported machine learning models ("ml_score_xxx"). These ancillary features are computed on-the-fly and are made available seamlessly through the same interface.


A filter can be used to gate events using features. There are min/max filters and 2D :ref:`polygon filters <sec_ref_polygon_filter>`. The following table defines the main filtering parameters:

.. dclab_config:: filtering

Min/max filters are also defined in the filters section:

filtering explanation
area_um min Exclude events with area [µm²] below this value
area_um max Exclude events with area [µm²] above this value
aspect max Exclude events with an aspect ratio above this value
... ...


excluding events with large deformation

.. plot::

    import matplotlib.pylab as plt
    import dclab
    ds = dclab.new_dataset("data/example.rtdc")

    ds.config["filtering"]["deform min"] = 0
    ds.config["filtering"]["deform max"] = .1
    dif = ds.filter.all

    f, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True)
    axes[0].plot(ds["area_um"], ds["bright_avg"], "o", alpha=.2)
    axes[1].plot(ds["area_um"][dif], ds["bright_avg"][dif], "o", alpha=.2)
    axes[1].set_title("Deformation <= 0.1")

    for ax in axes:


excluding random events

This is useful if you need to have a (sub-)dataset of a specified size. The downsampling is reproducible (the same points are excluded).

.. plot::

    import matplotlib.pylab as plt
    import dclab
    ds = dclab.new_dataset("data/example.rtdc")
    ds.config["filtering"]["limit events"] = 4000
    fid = ds.filter.all

    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    ax.plot(ds["area_um"][fid], ds["deform"][fid], "o", alpha=.2)

Experiment metadata

Every RT-DC measurement has metadata consisting of key-value-pairs. The following are supported:

.. dclab_config:: metadata

Example: date and time of a measurement

.. ipython::

    In [1]: import dclab

    In [2]: ds = dclab.new_dataset("data/example.rtdc")

    In [3]: ds.config["experiment"]["date"], ds.config["experiment"]["time"]

Analysis metadata

In addition to inherent (defined during data acquisition) metadata, dclab also supports additional metadata that are relevant for certain data analysis pipelines, such as Young's modulus computation or fluorescence crosstalk correction.

.. dclab_config:: calculation

User-defined metadata

In addition to the registered metadata keys listed above, you may also define custom metadata in the "user" section. This section will be saved alongside the other metadata when a dataset is exported as an .rtdc (HDF5) file.


It is recommended to use the following data types for the value of each key: str, bool, float and int. Other data types may not render nicely in ShapeOut2 or DCOR.

To edit the "user" section in dclab, simply modify the config property of a loaded dataset. The changes made are not written to the underlying file.

Example: Setting custom "user" metadata in dclab

.. ipython::

    In [1]: import dclab

    In [2]: ds = dclab.new_dataset("data/example.rtdc")

    In [3]: my_metadata = {"inlet": True, "n_channels": 4}

    In [4]: ds.config["user"] = my_metadata

    In [5]: other_metadata = {"outlet": False, "RBC": True}

    # we can also add metadata with the `update` method
    In [6]: ds.config["user"].update(other_metadata)

    # or
    In [7]: ds.config.update({"user": other_metadata})

    In [8]: print(ds.config["user"])

    # we can clear the "user" section like so:
    In [9]: ds.config["user"].clear()

If you are implementing a custom data acquisition pipeline, you may alternatively add user-defined meta data (permanently) to an .rtdc file in a post-measurement step like so.

Example: Setting custom "user" metadata permanently

import h5py
with h5py.File("/path/to/your/dataset.rtdc") as h5:
    h5.attrs["user:inlet"] = True
    h5.attrs["user:n_channels"] = 4
    h5.attrs["user:outlet"] = False
    h5.attrs["user:RBC"] = True
    h5.attrs["user:project"] = "strangelove"

User-defined metadata can also be used with user-defined :ref:`plugin features <sec_av_feat_plugin_user_meta>`. This allows you to design plugin features which utilize your pipeline-specific metadata.