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File metadata and controls

104 lines (52 loc) · 4.45 KB


A dataing app for developers

User Story: As a coder, I want a dating app so that I can find someone to date who is also a coder and knows the same coding langauges.

Config - Contains the middleware for the project (isAuthenticated.js) and essentially is what allows the user to access the database

  • isAuthenticated.js - Restricts the user from accessing certain data if not logged into an account

  • config.js - Allows the user to access the database via the server

  • passport.js - Checks by email and then matched password to see if there is a user in the database when they try to log in using email and password input information

Controllers - Contains all of the controllers for the database models, essentially the routers

  • memberlanguages-controller.js - The controller for the languages.js model

  • members-controller.js - The controller for the members.js model

  • messages-controller.js - The controller for the messages.js model

  • profilepics-controller.js - The controller for the profilepics.js model

Migrations - Contains the migrations that utilize Sequelize in order to create data tables in mySQL

  • 20200208165830-create-members.js - The migration file that is responsible for formatting and creating the Members table in inner_join_db

  • 20200208170755-create-messages.js - The migration file that is responsible for formatting and creating the Messages table in inner_join_db

  • 20200212000835-create-languages-known.js - The migration file that is responsible for formatting and creating the Languages table in inner_join_db

  • 20200214010846-create-profile-pics.js - The migration file that is responsible for formatting and creating the profilePics table in inner_join_db

Public - Contains all of the static content (HTML, CSS,Javascript)

  • CSS - Contains the graphics used and the css files responsible for styling the display

    • login.css - Contains the styling for the login page

    • memprof.css - Contains the styling for the member profile page

    • signup.css - Contains the styling for the member signup page

    • survey.css - Contains the styling for the survey page

    • viewjoins.css - Contains the styling for the viewjoins page

  • JS - Contains the Javascript files responsible for making the static content dynamic

    • login.js - Contains the Javascript responsible for posting the login data to api so that the user can be authenticated

    • memprof.js - Contains the Javascript responsible for getting the member data for display to the user and putting data if the user choses to edit their information

    • signup.js - Contains the Javascript responsible for posting member data when the user is signing up as a new member

    • survey.js - Contains the Javascript responsible for posting language data when the user is signing up as a new member

    • viewjoins.js - Contains the Javascript responsible for getting member data for the user to view based on who the user is matched with

  • login.html - Static html content for the login page

  • memprof.html - Static html content for the member profile page

  • signup.html - Static html content for the signup page

  • survey.html - Static html content for the survey page

  • viewjoins.html - Static html content for the viewjoins page

Routes - Contains the API and HTML routes

  • api-routes - Contains the API routes for the handlebars files in the Views folder

  • login-routes - Contains the HTML routes for the HTML files in the Public folder

Views - Contains all the handlebars files responsible for displaying content

  • Layouts - Contains the main.handlebars file

    • main.handlebars file - the main handlebars file that all of the others become the body of when they are called upon
  • login.handlebars - Contains the html content for the login page

  • memprof.handlebars - Contains the html content for the member profile page

  • signup.handlebars - Contains the html content for the signup page

  • survey.handlebars - Contains the html content for the survey page

  • viewjoins.handlebars - Contains the html content for the viewjoins page

package-lock.json - Data from installations

package.json - The npm dependencies required in the project

seed.sql - Information to populate the inner_join_db database with data for testing purposes

schema.sql - Commands necessary to create and use the inner_join_db database

server.js - Creates the server and view port for the project so that is can be viewed and used locally. Essentially brings everything together as a functional website/application