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DCxDemo edited this page Mar 12, 2023 · 6 revisions

User guide

It might be a bit confusing for new users, but due to the way it was released, it involves a few steps to set everything up correctly. Please spend a few minutes to read the following guide.

  1. Files to download
  2. Installation
  3. Known patch bugs
  4. Video showcase
  5. Troubleshooting

Files to download


  • extract everything you downloaded to your THPS2 root folder (where THawk2.exe is located)
  • Important! replace THawk2.exe with the downloaded "smaller exe".
  • if you're also going to install windowed plugin or content pack, simply unpack those to your THPS2 folder too
  • use th2patchlauncher.exe to change options and launch the game
  • you can create a shortcut to the launcher on your desktop with -F key to skip the launcher window

Note: your OS user must be granted permissions to write and modify the THPS2 folder (or you can launch it as admin)

Known patch bugs

  • main menu wheel is twice smaller than it should be, but at least visible
  • second FMV after you beat Bullring level in career crashes the game. Either beat this level on vanilla exe, or rename vids folder, beat the game, save, then rename back.
  • level sounds are messed up (especially in MHPB and THPS3 levels)
  • some THPS3 levels are crashing in certain areas

Video showcase


Q: Following error message shows up: "The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP100.dll was not found..."
A: You don't have Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package installed on your machine.

Q: Launcher says exe is incorrect.
A: You'll have to download "smaller" exe.

Q: Game doesn't launch, log says something about sound device.
A: THPS2 won't launch if you don't have at least 1 sound device enabled in your system.

Q: Game crashes, log says something like "can't read/load file"
A: Make sure DATAPATH in th2_opt.cfg is correct. Often an issue when you moved game folder to a different location. Simply remove the cfg file, then launch the game.

Q: Game doesn't launch on Windows 10, throws 0xc0000022 error.
A: This is an old DirectDraw game. You'll have to enable Legacy Component called Direct Play on our system.

Q: Game crashes in QHD/4K.
A: Unfortunately DirectDraw's texture buffer is limited to 2048x2048. Nothing beyond that size will work.

Q: Window title and borders do not disappear in fullscreen and/or choppy framerate on Windows 10
A: You'll have to make it borderless windowed, using this plugin: viewtopic.php?t=5519

Q: Game crashes/freezes at skater/level selection screens
A: Most likely you don't have LevelPack and skater packs installed. You just have to download content pack file to fix this.

Q: Game closes on Alt-Tab
A: The port is written in a way so it will close whenever graphic device is lost by application. Partially fixed by making it borderless windowed, but will still close on Ctrl-Alt-Del though.

Q: Main wheel menu is not visible
A: It was the issue prior v4prev2. Install latest version. It should be visible in 1080p.

Q: Game crashes after some videos.
A: Known bug related to resolution patch code. You can avoid crashing by renaming/removing problematic videos.

Q: Game crashes/freezes in some THPS3 levels
A: Unfortunately, you'll have to avoid problematic areas.

Q: Some MHPB levels don't have rails and/or some parts of the level are not loaded.
A: Unfortunately, this is the only way to load these levels at this point.

Q: Some levels have missing/wrong sounds all over.
A: New levels keep using THPS2 sound banks, hence some sounds may be missing or in a different order.

Q: FPS is inconsistent, constantly slows down/speeds up when Unlock FPS option is selected
A: Force vsync in your GPU driver utility. If that fails, use some 3rd party software to lock at 60fps like (MSI Afterburner).

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