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514 lines (459 loc) · 38.2 KB

File metadata and controls

514 lines (459 loc) · 38.2 KB

release ChangeLog


  • Invoking a build operation for a project now immediately cancels the pending build operation for that project, if any.
  • Fixed: Build Target's append environment variables might not replace variables correctly in Windows, due to case issues.


  • Fixed: recurring timeouts invoking Content Assist and other engine operations with large projects like GTKD. (#143)
    • Now the timeout will still occur the first time Content Assist or Open Definition is invoked in an Eclispe session, but the background engine analysis operation will not be cancelled by the timeout: it will continue in the background, allowing the analysis to complete and caching analsys for future invocations, which should then not timeout.
  • Fixed: Code Folding preferences are never saved. (#149)
  • Fixed stale validation message for location field in New Project Wizard.
  • Fixed stale validation message for Build Command field in Build Targets property page and Launch Configurations dialog.
  • Fixed editor NPE when opening files from a non-workspace VCS revision.


  • Updated minimum CDT to version 9.0 (Eclipse Neon).
  • Fixed: NPE when invoking Content Assist inside a comment, string or character.
  • Fixed: Eclipse variables not being substituted in environment-variables settings of launch configurations.
  • Fixed: invariant declaration without parenthesis is not recognized as valid syntax. (#144)


  • Improved the default names for automatically created launch configurations.
  • Added error display notification for Outline operation failures.
  • Added parameter types for the Outline label of function elements.
  • Fixed: ~this() and this(this) declarations missing from Outline.
  • Fixed: Progress dialog never showing up when "Ok" pressed in LANG_NAME project properties page.
  • Fixed: Eclipse variables not being substituted in environment-variable values. (#139)
  • Fixed: foreach statement parsing does not allow type qualifier with parenthesis. (#140)


  • Added support for source formatting using dfmt (Ctrl+Shift+F).
    • Added Format DUB package (dfmt) command to Project context menu.
    • Added "Format automatically on editor save." option.
  • Performance improvement: Fixed exponential performance issue invoking semantic operations on projects with complex, dense dependencies trees (such as vibe.d).
  • Added customization of the build command for Build Targets: It's now possible to specify a command other than the default one (the DUB tool).
    • Note however that DDT still expects the output of the command (the error messages) to be in the same format as the default tool (the D compiler format).
  • Added support for invoking a specific Build Target when a D editor is saved. This is called "auto-check", and is intended for build commands that only check for compilation errors, but don't produce artifacts. This has the potential to be faster than a regular build.
    • The goal for the future is to enable invoking this command on-the-fly (as the user types), although for this to be useful in practice in non-small projects, it will likely require the compiler to support incremental compilation (or be super fast otherwise).
    • Added Building section to documentation with more information on the above.
  • Added support for modifying the environment variables of a Build Target's build command.
  • Improvement: DDT is now able to parse the non-standard JSON syntax of a trailing comma in an object entry list (ie, { "name" : "value", }).
  • Improved error messages display for the dub describe operation.
  • Enum declarations can now be folded in the editor, just as any other aggregate type. (#126)
  • Added signing to releases.


  • Fixed "IllegalStateException: The service has been unregistered" on Mars.2 when Eclipse is closed.
  • Fixed: Pressing Tab key does not indent according to Editor indentation preferences.
  • Fixed: Parser not recognizing eponymous template syntax for variable declarations. (#135)
  • Fixed: New Project Wizard: creates src/app.d file if project location already contains a DUB manifest.
  • Fixed: Now correctly setup text color and background color for documentation hover. (fixes #129)


  • Added (partial) support for dub.sdl DUB projects. (Fixes #122)

    • Changing a project from DUB's JSON format to SDL (and vice-versa) during an Eclipse session is not supported. You will need to restart Eclipse for changes to be recognized/refreshed.
    • Build Targets display in the Project Explorer is not supported with the SDL format.
  • Dirty editors are now automatically saved if a build is invoked directly from a Build Target in the Project Explorer. (if the workspace "Save automatically before build" option is enabled).

  • Improvement to Auto-Indent when Enter pressed before a closing brace.

  • Added "headerbar", "BUG", "FIXME", "apl" code snippets.

  • Project builder is no longer invoked when workspace "Build Automatically" setting is enabled and a file is saved. (this was considered a misfeature anyways)

  • Minimum and recommended CDT version is now 8.8.

  • Fixed bug with Content Assist snippets using the ${word_selection} variable.

  • Fixed workspace resource locking when a build is invoked directly from a Build Target in the Project Explorer.

  • Fixed regression: Console view always activates when a build is invoked.

  • When debugging, fixed toggling breakpoints on and off for files that are outside the workspace.

  • When debugging, fixed opening source files that are are outside the workspace.

  • Fixed line breakpoint icon.

  • Fixed: project Build Targets settings pages shows wrong default for Program Path field

  • Fixed incorrect icon for errors and warnings in preference page status.

  • Fixed: can't save preference pages with empty fields.


  • Added support for Eclipse dark theme. Namely:
    • Syntax/source coloring now have different settings for dark theme.
    • Fixed Tools Console colors, as well as content assist pop-up colors.
  • Added number literals syntax highlighting.
  • Syntax highlighting now works on the source compare editor.
  • Added support for Content Assist name-only proposal insertion by pressing Ctrl+Enter. (only applicable to proposals that insert arguments)
  • Added per-project DUB installation preferences.
  • Changed: newly created launch configurations now have the debug option "Stop on startup at:" set to false by default. This way debugging won't stop on the C main, which is essentially useless outside of C/C++.


  • Fixed: AssertionFailureException pressing Enter after source with more closing braces than opening ones.
  • Fixed regression: Folding preference page broken.
  • Fixed: foreach(const ref x; y) is invalid syntax. (#117)
  • Fixed: Unindent (Shift-Tab) broken, does nothing after empty lines in selection. (#116)


  • Added UserGuide note about using Homebrew GDB in OS X.
  • Fixed: when invoking toolchain programs, add tool directory to beginning of PATH, not end.
  • Fixed: In Linux, the "Build Target" group UI widget height is broken, too short.
  • Fixed: if build tool reports many error messages, the Eclipse project build will take too long to finish.
  • Fixed: "Run As"/"Debug As" launch shortcut incorrectly matching pre-existing launch configurations.
  • Fixed: Launch Configuration Main tab fields incorrectly modified when a new Build Target is selected (if Build Target is not using defaults)

0.13.0 RC2

  • Fix missing ".exe" suffix in Windows, in Program Path field for Build/Launch.
  • Fixed: "null" text inserted when cancel pressed in "Variables..." and other dialogs.
  • Fixed: project files not being refreshed when Build Target build invoked directly from Project Explorer.


  • Added support for Build Targets, based on DUB configurations (with the default and unittest build types).
    • Available Build Targets are displayed in the Project Explorer.
    • You can configure which targets are enabled or disabled for a workspace build. Or run/debug a specific target.
    • Project Build Configuration property page updated to enable configuring Build Targets.
    • Build Targets support requires a dub.json file, SDL is not currently supported.
  • Added support for compiler -vcolumns build output error information. (#84)
  • Added parser support for new D 2.068 type reference syntax: Types[0].T a; (dot after indexing).
  • Updated Configuration section in the User Guide.
  • Fixed: Auto-Complete doesn't find D modules in symlink source folders. (#108)
  • Fixed: Displaying build errors when errors occur in dependent projects from the one where the build originated.
  • Fixed: Occasional AssertionFailure when creating new projects in nested locations (project would not show up in Explorer).
  • Fixed: Arguments field in launch configuration is not multi-line.


▶ Recommended/tested CDT version is now 8.7

  • Fixed: Debugging not working on Eclipse 4.5 Mars (CDT 8.7), for certain platform/GDB combinations.
  • Fixed: PATH of external tools bungled if original PATH not set (Windows).
  • Fixed: hover for problem errors not showing if error is over a string literal source.
  • Fixed #112: build errors no longer removed when editing a source file.
  • Fixed #113: Completion proposal insertion text has incorrect casing.
  • Fixed: Error and warning icon decorations sometimes not shown on Project Explorer elements (files/folders).
  • Fixed: new build for a project not started if only external dependencies have changed.
  • Doc: added note about Cygwin GDB not being recommended for debugging.

DDT 0.12.0

Important Changes:

  • Added: Automatic insertion of function arguments for function proposals in Content Assist.
  • Added: Parsing of return ref introduced with D 2.067.0.
  • Removed dependency on DLTK (Dynamic Languages Toolkit).
    • This should improve DDT's startup time and memory footprint a bit, although it is mainly an internal change.
    • Removed Open D Type action (could not be implemented correctly at the moment).
  • Editor Outline and parse errors now updated immediately after keystrokes occur (the previous 500 ms delay was removed).
  • Added: Editor Go To Matching Bracket action (shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+P).
  • Reworked Content Assist preference page. Now has option to auto-activate with alphabetic characters.
  • Upgraded minimum Java version to Java 8.
  • Added: Show error message dialog if starting Eclipse with a Java version below the minimum.
  • Improved transparency/aliasing of D element icons - this improves them for Eclipse dark themes. (more work/testing for dark themes needed though)
  • Removed Appearance preference page and associated options. ▶ Recommended/tested CDT version: 8.6.0

Other changes:

  • Cleanup: "Code Templates" preference page renamed to "Code Snippets"
  • Doc - Installation guide: Added note for users in China.
  • Fixed: Some editor actions (such as Open Definition) are enabled even when no IDE editor is active.
  • Fixed #102. A dialog is no longer shown when invoking content assist in invalid locations. A less intrusive message is shown in the bottom of the workbench window.
  • Fixed #105: Errors about "project is missing required 'src' folder", when such DUB source/import was not explicitly defined.
  • Fixed #103: Added detection of more standard library folder layouts:
  • For DMD: $DIR/bin/dmd$DIR/include/d2/ (DMD OSX Homebrew package)
  • For LDC: $DIR/bin/ldc2$DIR/include/d/•$DIR/include/d/ldc (MSCV archive, and LDC built from source)
  • Added #107: allow content assist inside token strings (q{ ... })
  • Fixed regression: function overloads no longer appear separately in Content Assist.
  • Fixed regression: the icon of packages in Content Assist incorrectly showing up as the natives icon.
  • Fixed: the preference pages are now searchable in the Preferences dialog search field, by means of relevant keywords.
  • Fixed #91: Tab policy: "Spaces Only" preference ignored when pressing TAB.
  • Fixed #86: ";" doesn't get inserted if Content Assist is open
  • Removed internal/deprecated AST Viewer view.

DDT 0.11.1

  • Fixed: Either Assertion failure or incorrect results when invoking Content Assist on unsaved editor files. (Fixes #99, #97)
  • Fixed #101: Assertion failure parsing invalid syntax: auto x = n. .n;

DDT 0.11.0

  • Fixed: Error parsing UDAS as function attributes (example: int foo() @blah { }) .
  • Fixed #92: Error parsing extern(C++).
  • Fixed: removed parser errors about types being used in expressions.
    • Fixes false errors occurring in valid code such as auto x = int(223);
Semantic Engine:
  • Support for basic template instantiation in semantic engine.
  • Simple template overloads are understood, but template constraints are ignored (and more complex template overloads are not disambiguated correctly either).
  • Example:
template Container(T) { T member; };
auto x = Container!(int).member.【Code Complete now understands that member is int】;
  • Fixed: added loop detection during engine semantic analysis.
  • Removed search functionality (was broken and not well properly adapted to the D language).
    • It is recommended to re-create DDT projects, to ensure no residual effects from this change.
  • Fixed #94: Weird tooltip of file location (when Open Definition goes to a file outside the workspace).
  • Fixed: Semantic engine does not detect modifications to dub.json during an Eclipse session!!
  • Better UI error reporting (user dialogs) in the event of dub describe failures.
  • Minor improvements to the New Project wizard.
  • Moved DUB preference page to root DDT preference page.
  • Fixed: (regression!) Editor Quick Outline command not working.
  • Fixed: (regression!) Editor code folding not working.
  • Fixed: Cleanup editor context menu "Source" entry, removed Indentation action which was not implemented.

DDT 0.10.4

  • Fixed #88: Semantic operations (code complete, etc.) involving DUB packages with subpackages would always cause the dub describe to run and thus incur a significant slowdown.
  • Fixed #82: Semantic operations do not work if "dub" program is not on the PATH.
  • Implemented #85: Support case-insensitive autocompletion.

DDT 0.10.3

  • Added build console preference page.
  • Can now customize build console text colors.
  • Activate console on error message option.
  • Can now use Eclipse variables in DUB project options.
  • Added: Now recognizes Mac OS X common DMD compiler layouts:
    • $/bin/dmd → $/src/druntime/import•$/src/phobos
    • $/bin/dmd → $/share/dmd/src/druntime/import•$/share/dmd/src/phobos
  • Minimum CDT version is now 8.5.0 .
  • Added: Creating a new DUB project now creates a "Hello World" app. (fix problem mentioned in #58)
  • Added: support for D's 2.066 extern ( C++, IdentifierList ) syntax.
  • Added/fixed #74: Syntax error parsing immutable in foreach.
  • Added/fixed #70: Syntax error parsing Template instance UDAs.
  • Added/fixed #67: Syntax error parsing multidimensional slices.
  • Fixed #76: Incorrect D editor tab icon if filename not a valid module name.
  • Fixed #78: Go to Matching Bracket not working.
  • Fixed: New D project wizard dialog doesn't get closed when Finish is pressed in first page.
  • Fixed: some editor operations (such as DDoc hover) not working on editors opened using Open Type dialog.

▶ Recommended/tested CDT version: 8.5.0

DDT 0.10.2

  • Updated minimum required CDT version to 8.4.
  • For more info on new CDT debug features, see:
  • Added Dynamic printf action to DDT editor ruler.
  • Changed DDT to be more lenient with CDT versions: it can now be installed with any CDT version except with major version changes. However each DDT release will still have a preferred CDT "major.minor" version, that has been tested against DDT. Using a version other than the recommended one is not guaranteed to work correctly.
  • Current recommended CDT version is 8.4.
  • Improved integration with DUB bundles when doing semantic operations:
    • Can now do Open Definition, Content Assist, etc. in D files outside of an Eclipse project. If they are part of a DUB package that will be recognized.
  • Improved prevention of temporary UI freezes when doing semantic operations.
  • Added D Standard Library element to Project Explorer.
  • Removed D compilers preference page. This was replaced in favor of a more general and non-DDT-specific way of detecting compiler installations. See below:
  • Added detection of standard library source locations for Arch Linux DMD/LDC/GDC compiler installations.
    • $/bin/dmd -> $/include/dlang/dmd
    • $/bin/ldc2 -> $/include/dlang/ldc
    • $/bin/gdc -> $/include/dlang/gdc
  • Added: Hovering the mouse (or pressing F2) over an auto keyword (or enum keyword for manifest constants) will display the type that the associated variable declaration resolves to.
  • Added error message in status line when invoking content assist in invalid source positions.
  • Fixed #65 - MixinString parsing as expression.
  • Fixed - bug when parsing error messages of the D compiler, when non-standard output messages are emmited.
  • Fixed - D Application run/debug menu shortcut appearing in non-D editors.

DDT 0.10.1 (2014-05-02)

  • Build: now adds problem marker to project for DUB build failures.
  • Build: now adds problem markers to resources with compiler errors.
  • Debugger: DDT now requires CDT 8.3.x .
  • Debugger: The "Details" format is now the default display value for variables in the Variables view, Expressions view, debug hover.
  • This is more in line to what GDB display in the command line, and is usually a more useful display. It replaces the uselesss '{...}' value that was commonly displayed for most complex types.
  • Debugger: fixed #43 - Backend errors when displaying the value of dynamic array variables.
  • Fixed #51 - corrected parsing/splitting of DUB build extra arguments. (also can now use quotes to prevent splitting)
  • Fixed #52 - User Defined Attributes without parantheses marked as syntax errors.
  • Fixed #53 - Code completion doesn't see variables defined in foreach loop.
  • Removed some unused/invalid preferences from Editor preference page.

DDT 0.10.0 (2014-03-14)

  • Added DUB support. Project import-path now determined by the dub.json manifest file and running dub describe.
    • On DDT startup, or whenever dub.json is modified (and saved), dub describe will be run to resolve dependencies and to supply source folders and import path info for the project (as well as some other DUB package information).
  • Added a per-project Eclipse console to monitor the output of issued DUB commands.
  • Added DUB elements support for the Project Explorer view.
    • Added icon for source folders, DUB cache folder, dub.json manifest file.
    • Add elements for DUB dependencies, and DUB error status.
    • The Script Explorer view is now deprecated. Use Project Explorer view instead.
    • Note that some Script Explorer functionality has not been re-implemented in Project Explorer. For example the packages and modules of dependencies are not shown (#50).
  • Removed all DLTK-based buildpath UI from standard DDT views. This functionality was never fully supported.
    • Modifying the import-path is now only supported by means of the dub.json file.
  • Added DUB build support. Removed basic builder (the previous build functionality using response files).
    • Project build configuration page has only one field now: a field with optional extra options to pass to DUB when building.
    • Previously created DDT Eclipse projects are no longer compatible with this new version. You should recreate the project using the new DUB Project wizard.
Changes after the Preview Release
  • Implemented #16: Added support for LDC compiler locations.
  • Compiler locations are now automatically searched and added on DDT startup:
    • DDT will look on the PATH environment variable for compilers installations.
  • Cleanup: Removed compilers/interpreters config block from New DUB Project wizard.
  • Cleanup: Removed host option from location group in New DUB Project wizard. (it was unnecessary)
  • Fixed #46: 0.10.0-PR adds spaces between characters to DUB extra options
  • DUB builder: incremental builds are now retried if previous 'dub build' exited with non-zero return code.
  • Fixed exception when dub.json modified and Project Explorer view was closed.
  • Minor improvements and bugfixes to DUB UI tree elements in Project Explorer.
  • Added to Project Explorer context menu a few DUB actions to add/remove the project from local packages.
  • DUB builder: fixed project not being refreshed after build.
  • Documentation: updated the Prerequisites and Project Setup UserGuide sections with new DUB info.
  • Fixed NPE when resolving a function call against on a non-function reference.
  • Fixed Project Explorer sorting bug in non-toplevel resources.

Some DUB functionality was not fully implemented/supported in this release:

  • Issue #49 DUB: Add proper support for configurations
  • Issue #48 DUB: improve UI support for sub-packages

DDT 0.9.1 (2014-02-07)

  • Added debug hover to D editor. When a CDT debug session is active, this hover presents detailed info for the variable under the cursor, similar to the Variables view.
  • Added D 2.064 support for eponymous template shortcut syntax for alias and enum.
  • Added D 2.064 support for the package.d import rule. (#33)
  • Fixed bug: working directory option of a D launch configuration not honored when run in debug mode.
  • Fixed bug: environment variables non-append option of a D launch configuration not honored.
  • Fixed some potential issues related to debugging occurring unless the user had full CDT feature manually installed.
  • Fixed #20: GDC incluce/d/*/ library location layout not recognized
  • Fixed #36: Editor/parser doesn't recognize new operator's nested class instantiation syntax.
  • Cleaned up the behavior and labels of D Application launch configuration dialog.
  • UI cleanup: "Interpreter Container" now named "D Standard Library"
  • Updated UserGuide documentation: added info for debugging, Code Templates, Auto-Indent. Restructured sections and updated/removed old info.

DDT 0.9.0 (2013-11-14)

  • Issue #13: Added integrated debugging support, using CDT's GDB debugger integration. Supports:
    • Stop/resume program execution. Listing program threads and stack frame contents.
    • Setting breakpoints, watchpoints (breakpoint on data/variables), tracepoints. Breakpoint conditions.
    • Stack variables inspection view. Expression watch and view. Disassembly view.
    • Non-stop mode (for supported GBDs). Reverse debugging (for supported GDB targets).
    • Most of Eclipse CDT is now a requirement for DDT (for the debugging feature).
  • Fixed issue #19: NPE when opening editor with hyperlinks disabled
  • Fixed issue #17: Assertion failure with cast expression and invalid code in UnaryExpression
  • Changed D perspective icon.

DDT 0.8.1 (2013-09-23)

  • Documentation: added entry in [UserGuide#Eclipse_basics] about Eclipse memory settings optimization.
  • Fixed: Code Completion module list in import declarations now shows the module's DDoc.
  • Implemented: Code Completion now resolves:
    • auto declarations (resolved to the type of the initializer).
    • global type properties (.init, .sizeof, .alignof, etc.)
    • integral properties (.min, .max), float properties(.infinity, .nan, etc.), object properties (.classinfo).
    • static/dynamic array properties (.ptr, .length, .dup, etc.).
    • the type of bool/char/integral/floating/string/array literals (not map array though).
    • parentheses expression.
    • this/super literal expressions.
    • cast expression.
    • new expression.
  • Cleanup: Code Completion now shows no results if invoked after a float token ending in a dot.
  • Fixed 0.7.0 regression: Code Completion now locates all identifiers in multi-identifier variable declaration and multi-identifier alias declaration.
  • Fixed issue #7: Error parsing interface function with contracts but no body.
  • Fixed issue #10: Compiler installation search in preferences page.
  • Fixed issue #9: Control-click opens up new editor everytime
  • Fixed 0.8.0 regression: missing icon for D application launch action/configuration.

DDT 0.8.0 (2013-08-30)

  • Updated DDT to latest version of DLTK (version 5.0, from Eclipse Kepler).
  • Changed: In DDoc view, the text of undefined macros now remains unmodified, instead of being replaced by empty text.
    • Example: My $(NO_SUCH_MACRO undefined) macro will render as My $(NO_SUCH_MACRO undefined) macro instead of My macro.
  • Added: In DDoc view, added predefined DDoc macro: D. Works the same as D_CODE.
  • Implemented: Code Completion now presents language primitive results (void, int, char, etc.).
  • Fixed unintended behavior regression in 0.7.0 where Code Completion would not show any results when invoked in certain type reference source contexts. Examples (♦ denotes location where CC would be invoked):
  • Improved Code Completion to work when invoked next or inside a keyword. Previously it worked on primitive type keywords only (int, char, etc. ). Examples:
char intro, intro2; in♦ // CC invoked here will offer 【intro, intro2】 as completions
class Foo { char intro } auto x =♦ // CC invoked here will offer 【intro】 as completions
  • Fixed 0.7.0 regression bug in editor resolving functionality where a reference would not be found if the cursor was at the very end of the reference.
    • Affects: Open Definition, Open Definition hyperlinks, References search, DDoc view hovers.
  • Cleanup: new UI base icons for most D source elements. New icon for D search.
  • The new icon design is meant to better convey visual information for the semantics of the underlying element.
  • Added icon adornment for templated types.
  • Added icon adornments for const,immutable attributes in variables.
  • Fixed issue #8: Missing enum members in the outline view.
  • Fixed bug with implementation of issue #3: support Debian Linux DMD layout.
  • Cleanup: changed some of the dialog messages for the Open Definition operation to be more clear and concise.
  • Cleanup: restricted some editor functionality to named references only (Open Definition, Open Definition hyperlinks, DDoc view hovers).

DDT 0.7.0 - "Midnight Riders" (2013-08-15)

  • Requirements changes: now requires minimum Java VM version 1.7 .
  • Implemented issue #2: Support parsing of latest D syntax (up to D language version 2.063).
    • Completely rewrote D parser, creating a new hand-written parser (IDE no longer depends on descent.compiler).
  • Holding Ctrl and clicking over a reference now always opens a new editor on where the reference target is.
  • Fixed NPE bug when opening D search page with a package reference selected in the editor.
  • Fixed minor parser AFE bug with qualified reference at end of file.
  • Fixed minor bug when resolving modules without module declarations (implicit module name).
  • SITE: Moved project website from Eclipse Labs to normal Google Code:
  • -- released Preview Release 0.7.0 --
  • Added mixin template instance to listed model elements in UI (for example, outline)
  • Fixed bug in D Appearance preference page: var and funtions showing up as Structs in preview.
  • Fixed a bug with selective imports presenting all module symbols, not just the selected ones.
  • Code completion icons now consistent with the rest of the IDE UI:
  • (previously some decorators for storage classes or protection attributes were missing, and JDT like icons where not supported in Code Completion popup)
  • The -v2 switch is no longer included in default GDC build response file.
  • Implemented issue #3 : support Debian Linux DMD layout
  • Fixed code completion NPE bug with function declarations with missing syntax.
  • Fixed code completion NPE bug with conditional declarations/statements with missing bodies.
  • Fixed bug with the display text of function and template parameters in code completion popup.

DDT 0.6.0 (2012-05-17)

  • Fixed bug causing DDT to never load the pre-defined editor Code Templates.
  • Added support for GDC, as well as a generic compiler install. ([ issue@ELabs #59])
  • Added support for DMD Unix style compiler installs ("usr/bin/dmd" and similar). ([ issue@ELabs #56])
  • Fixed several bugs with the D Search Page (incorrect or missing search matches).
  • Fixed bug of incorrect default text shown in D Search Page when editor cursor/selection was on a symbol definition.
  • Labels for D elements in the outline and quick outline now show type (for variables) and return type (for functions).
  • Icons for D elements in all viewers now show protection attribute info.
    • This can be configured (overlay for all elements, or JDT-style icon overlays) in the new Appearance preference page.
  • Fixed the Open D Type dialog so that it shows the standard D icons as the rest of the IDE.
  • Fixed parser NPE bug when using inout as const wildcard declarator.
  • Fixed parser error when "alias this" appeared as a statement.
  • Fixed bugs where parser and semantic engine ignored the parameters of constructors.
  • Fixed some invalid menu entries in editor context menu (entries for commands that are not implemented).
  • Modules without module declarations will now have their names inferred from their filename. ([ issue@ELabs #26])

DDT 0.5.0 (2011-08-26)

  • Updated DDT to DTLK 3.0
  • Made icons of D source elements (classes, structs templates, etc.) consistent throughout the UI.
    • (Previously DLTK views and some popups used simplified icons, and only CA and outline used more detailed icons.)
  • Outline view changes:
    • Now shows nested elements.
    • Clicking on named elements correctly selects their name in the editor (previously it just revealed the element).
    • Added context menu to the outline elements, added some filter actions to the toolbar of the view.
  • Constructor/Desctructors/Allocators/Deallocators now show up in Outline view and quick Outline.
  • Implemented issue@ELabs #52: function/delegate literals can now be folded. And also anonymous classes.
  • Fix in Documentation hovers: removed redudant text, and now displays concrete archetype (Class, Interface, Struct, Union), instead of "Aggregate".
  • Fixed issue@ELabs #47: NPE while parsing is expression. Source ranges will still be missing though.
  • Fixed some minor NPE and assertion failure bugs.
  • Fixed [ issue@ELabs #51], parsing AssertFailedException.
  • Resolved #19 in a definite and proper way (instead of with a workaround hack).
  • Fixed some issues relate to completion of imports, including [ issue@ELabs #53].
  • Fixed issue@ELabs #58: typing the dot causes selected completion proposal to be applied.

DDT 0.4.3 (2011-06-02)

  • Resolved [ issue@ELabs #12], added Content Assist preference page.
    • Options: Completion insert/override; Single proposals automatic insert; Auto-Activation enable and delay;
    • Added Content Assist proposal auto-insertion trigger characters: ' ', '=', ';', '.'.
  • Fixed issue@ELabs #31: Indent auto edit: full indent deletion is incorrectly triggered on certain positions.
  • Fixed some shortcomings related to auto indent in lines that started with comments.
  • Resolved [ issue@ELabs #30], changed implementation of editor folding to a newer API:
    • Now the editor can fold non-DDoc comments as well (a previous limitation).
    • Now the editor can fold unittests and conditional declarations (debug/version).
    • Added folding preference page, can now configure the initial state (folded or not) of each folding group.
    • The folding groups/kinds are now: comments, DDoc comments, module header comments, aggregate types, functions, unittests, conditional declarations.
  • Fixed minor source range bugs for template references and typeof() references.
  • is and !is now correctly considered as keywords for the purposes of syntax highlighting.
    • !in is fully highlighted, instead of just in.
  • Fixed [ issue@ELabs #41] and some other related parsing bugs with qualified expressions (DotIdExp).
  • Fixed issue where syntax highlighting would break when typing inside a multi-line r"" string.

DDT 0.4.2 (2011-04-29)

  • Fixed [ issue@ELabs #33], bug with spaces in projects names: made all variables in DMD response file resolve to quote escaped values.
  • Fixed bug where all D comments where considered DDoc comments for documentation hover.
  • Fixed limitation where problem hovers where not more prioritary than documentation hovers.
  • Fixed issue@ELabs #37: F2 always brings up empty documentation hover.
  • Fixed issue@ELabs #38: autocomplete crashing / very slow. (Content Assist takes very long to show up when many completion options are available)
  • Added support for editor code templates in Content Assist.
  • Fixed bug in cast expression, where the cast type reference was ignored by the parser/semantic-engine;
  • Fixed bug where DDoc comments where not associated with the corresponding symbol definition if that definition had protection, storage, linkage, or certain other kinds of attributes;
  • Implemented [issue@ELabs #35]( format immutable keyword and @annotations.
    • Added (nothrow, pure, shared, immutable) keywords to syntax coloring
    • Added @annotations to syntax coloring (spaces after @ not supported, any identifier accepted)
    • Changed syntax coloring example in preferences
  • Fixed minor Content Assist bug where completions would not appear when requested on certain syntax errors.

DDT 0.4.1 (2011-03-04)

  • Fixed some parser bugs. (mostly relating to Template Instance references and source with invalid syntax)
  • Fixed issue@ELabs #25 and other source highlighting bugs (like nested comments being lexed as non-nested comments).
    • Also added additional syntax highlighting options for WYSIWYG strings, delimited strings, and character literals.
  • Fixed a bug due to reuse of a single instance of the editor source-highlighting & folding parser.
    • This bug may have been manifested in obscure, unknown, and/or hard to replicate ways.
  • Fixed issue@ELabs #17, issue@ELabs #18, issue@ELabs #20, all related to editor auto edits. Properly implemented:
    • Editor auto-edits (smart indenting/deindenting according to block structure), added "Typing" preference page.

DDT 0.4.0 (2010-11-17)

  • Renamed project to DDT
  • Updated IDE to latest DLTK version (2.0).
  • Fixed comment indentation character (was '#' instead of '//') on toggle comment actions
  • Fixed defaults bug in DeeRootPreferencePage and DeeEditorPreferencePage.
  • Added DEEBUILDER.COMPILEREXEPATH variable to builder, changed builder response file defaults.
  • Fixed parser to be able to parse expressions as the argument of typeid.
  • Added a parser workaround to allow parsing D source with annotations.
  • Fixed several parser bugs.
  • Removed Content Assist Templates preference page.

Mmrnmhrm 0.3.1 (2010-04-12)

  • Updated IDE to latest DLTK version (1.0), fixed bugs related to DLTK version migration.
  • Added Eclipse feature and update-site (so now supports automatic updating).
  • Updated support for new folder layout in newer DMD compiler installations.
  • Added D perspective.

Mmrnmhrm 0.3.0 (2008-10-09)

  • Updated IDE to latest DLTK version (1.0M2), and also to Eclipse 3.4.
  • Minor builder changes. Added $DEEBUILDER.COMPILERPATH builder flag for compiler executable location.
  • Implemented initial DLTK Type Hierarchies implementation. Supertype hierarchy viewing should work ok, but subtype hierarchy is not, needs further work on part of DLTK. (Type Hierarchy View is available by pressing F4, Type Hierarchy Pop-up is available by pressing Ctrl-T).
  • Minor fixes to the search engine (searching for classes and functions should work better now, as well as Open-Type)
  • Added auto edit strategies: smarter indentation on enter presses, copy&paste, etc. There may still be some kinks.

Mmrnmhrm 0.2.2 (2007-11-13)

  • Fixed dependency on the org.junit plugin, and consequently on JDT.
  • Fixed SWT debug colors allways on.
  • Fixed Source Coloring preference page "Basic types" entry bug.
  • Removed unused DTLK project script builder (fix only takes effect on new projects).
  • Rethought and implemented the integrated project builder, based on a simple IDE-managed response file. It should be ready for use now.

Mmrnmhrm 0.2.1 (2007-10-23)

  • Fixed major bug with document syntax highlighting and partitions.
  • Improved name lookup: statement blocks and enum bodies are now supported correctly (they don't see forward definitions anymore).
  • Improved Code completion: duplicates or occluded names are no longer presented.
  • Can now set, view, and remove Descent-compatible breakpoints in Mmrnmhrm's editor (these will work with Descent's debugger).
  • DDoc text and code completion hovers are now processed and presented as HTML instead of raw characters, thanks to Ary Mazana's Descent DDoc parser.