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91 lines (63 loc) · 4.83 KB

File metadata and controls

91 lines (63 loc) · 4.83 KB


LGPL licensed



Branch Status
main Build Status
release/10.1 Build Status
release/10.2 Build Status


  • Visual Studio
    • From 2017 to 2022
    • English only (vcpkg limitation)
    • Use this installer configuration or alternatively use vstools
    • Check also "Desktop development with C++"
  • Kitware's CMake >= 3.25 or Visual Studio integrated version

Build environment can be setup quickly using Microsoft's developer virtual machines. Import this .vsconfig from Visual Studio Installer.


Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions should be built for maximum compatiliby before deployment. See for more details about deployment and configuration.

In a prompt like Developer Command Prompt for VS 2019 (prefer to avoid using cmd.exe):

git clone --recursive
cd dfir-orc
mkdir build-x86 build-x64

cd build-x86
cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A Win32 -T v141_xp ..
cmake --build . --config MinSizeRel -- -maxcpucount

cd ../build-x64
cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 -T v141_xp ..
cmake --build . --config MinSizeRel -- -maxcpucount
  • The -T v141_xp option will allow compatibility with Windows XP SP2 and later, it can safely be removed if this is not required.

  • The default ORC_BUILD_VCPKG=ON option will build vcpkg packages in 'external/vcpkg' subdirectory.

Important Always do a git submodule update after any git pull to update submodules aswell. Alternatively, always pull with git pull --recurse-submodules


CMake option Default Description
ORC_DOWNLOADS_ONLY OFF Only download vcpkg dependencies
ORC_BUILD_VCPKG ON Build vcpkg dependencies
ORC_BUILD_APACHE_ORC OFF Build Apache Orc module
ORC_BUILD_COMMAND ON Build OrcCommand library
ORC_BUILD_FASTFIND OFF Build FastFind binary
ORC_BUILD_ORC ON Build Orc binary
ORC_BUILD_PARQUET OFF Build Parquet module (x64)
ORC_BUILD_SSDEEP OFF Build with ssdeep support
ORC_BUILD_JSON ON Build with JSON enabled
ORC_USE_STATIC_CRT ON Use static runtime
ORC_VCPKG_ROOT ${ORC}/external/vcpkg VCPKG root directory
ORC_XMLLITE_PATH XmlLite.dll path (xp sp2)
VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET Autodetect VCPKG triplet to use
CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE Autodetect VCPKG's toolchain file

[1] The xmllite.dll is native after patched Windows XP SP2

Note: Some combinations may be irrelevant.


The contents of this repository is available under LGPL2.1+ license. The name DFIR ORC and the associated logo belongs to ANSSI, no use is permitted without express approval.

Le contenu de ce dépôt est disponible sous licence LGPL2.1+, tel qu'indiqué ici. Le nom DFIR ORC et le logo associé appartiennent à l'ANSSI, aucun usage n'est permis sans autorisation expresse.


DFIR ORC is disclosing Microsoft source code with Microsoft's permission.