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Using Bounding Boxes For Object Detection Tasks

Annotation Formats

3D Bounding Boxes are cuboids that encapsulate an object within a volumetric image. There are many formats to annotate bounding boxes, and dicaugment supports 4 formats: pascal_voc_3d, albumentations_3d, coco_3d, and yolo_3d.

The following scan has a height of 512px, a width of 512px, and a depth of 64px. The width of the bounding box in this scan is 45px, while the height is 46px, and the depth is 20px.



pascal_voc_3d is a format derived from the Pascal VOC dataset. Coordinates of a bounding box are encoded with six values in pixels: [x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max]. x_min, y_min, and z_min are coordinates of the forward-top-left corner of the bounding box. x_max, y_max, and z_max are coordinates of furthest-bottom-right corner of the bounding box. Coordinates of the example bounding box in this format are [265, 211, 0, 310, 257, 20].


albumentations_3d is the internal format for dicaugment that uses the same coordinates annotation formats as pascal_voc_3d but is normalized by the height, width, and depth of the image. Coordinates of the example bounding box in this format are [265 / 512, 211 / 512, 0 / 64, 310 / 512, 257 / 512, 20 / 64] which simplifies to [0.5176, 0.4121, 0, 0.6055, 0.502, 0.3125].


coco_3d is a format derived from the Common Objects in Context dataset

In coco_3d, a bounding box is defined by six pixel values [x_min, y_min, z_min, width, height, depth]. They are coordinates of the forward-top-left corner along with the width, height, and depth of the bounding box.

Coordinates of the example bounding box in this format are [265, 211, 0, 45, 46, 20].


In yolo_3d, the bounding box is represented by [x_center, y_center, z_center, width, height, depth] where x_center, y_center, and z_center are the normalized coordinates of the center of the bounding box and height, width, and depth are the normalized height, width, and depth of the bounding box.

Coordinates of the example bounding box in this format are [((265 + 310) / 2) / 512, ((211 + 257) / 2) / 512, ((0 + 20) / 2) / 64, 45 / 512, 46 / 512, 20 / 64] which simplifies to [0.5615, 0.4570, 0.15625, 0.0879, 0.0898, 0.3125].

Augmenting Bounding Boxes

  1. Import the necessary modules:

    import dicaugment as dca
  2. Define an augmentation pipeline using A.Compose:

    transform = dca.Compose([
        dca.Rotate(p=0.5, limit=20, interpolation=1),
        dca.RandomCrop(height=64, width=64, depth=64)
        bbox_params= dca.BboxParams(format='pascal_voc_3d')

    Note that unlike augmenting only images and masks, if you wish to augment bounding boxes, you must pass an instance of a BboxParams object to the bbox_params parameter in the declaration of A.Compose. The BboxParams object is critical to the pipeline when augmenting bounding boxes because it specifies the annotation format of the bounding boxes that will be passed through the pipeline.

    format is a required argument for BboxParams and must be one of pascal_voc_3d, dicaugment_3d, coco_3d, and yolo_3d.

Filtering Bounding Boxes

There are additional optional arguments for BboxParams that may be useful in filtering out bounding boxes that may not be useful after a particular transformation.

transform = dca.Compose([
    dca.Rotate(p=0.5, limit=20, interpolation=1),
    dca.RandomCrop(height=64, width=64, depth=64)
    bbox_params= dca.BboxParams(format='pascal_voc_3d', min_planar_area = 400, min_volume = 4000)

min_planar_area and min_volume are some of many parameters for the BboxParams object that dictate how a pipeline should handle a bounding box if its shape has changed due to a transform such as resizing or cropping.

min_planar_area is the minimum area of the 'xy' dimension of the bounding box that is required after a transform in order to be maintained. If the resulting area of a transformed bounding box does not satisfy this condition, then it will be removed and not be returned from the pipeline.

min_volume is the minimum volume of the bounding box that is required after a transform in order to be maintained. If the resulting volume of a transformed bounding box does not satisfy this condition, then it will be removed and will not be returned from the pipeline.

See more parameter options in the documentation for BboxParams

Class Labels for Bounding Boxes

Most bounding box annotations have associated classes or labels. In DICaugment, labels are required for bounding boxes. There are two primary ways to incorporate labels into the pipeline.

Internal Labels

You may include class labels within each bounding box annotation.

The following example bounding box labeled annotations are valid and acceptable:

bboxes = [
    [15, 25, 30, 100, 200, 450, "A"],
    [20, 30, 40,  40,  50,  50, "B"],
    [10, 12,  5,  60, 100,  25, "B"],
    [20, 30, 40,  60,  80,  90, "C"],
bboxes = [
    [15, 25, 30, 100, 200, 450, 0],
    [20, 30, 40,  40,  50,  50, 1],
    [10, 12,  5,  60, 100,  25, 1],
    [20, 30, 40,  60,  80,  90, 2],
bboxes = [
    [15, 25, 30, 100, 200, 450, "A", True],
    [20, 30, 40,  40,  50,  50, "B", False],
    [10, 12,  5,  60, 100,  25, "B", True],
    [20, 30, 40,  60,  80,  90, "C", False],
bboxes = [
    [15, 25, 30, 100, 200, 450, "A", 2],
    [20, 30, 40,  40,  50,  50, "B", 0],
    [10, 12,  5,  60, 100,  25, "B", 1],
    [20, 30, 40,  60,  80,  90, "C", 2],

Note that labels can be any pythonic object such as strings, integers, and booleans. Bounding box annotations are also allowed to have multiple class labels as shown above.

With internal labels for each bounding box, the bounding box may be passed into the pipeline normally and the labels will be unnafected.

transform = dca.Compose([
    dca.Rotate(p=0.5, limit=20, interpolation=1),
    dca.RandomCrop(height=64, width=64, depth=64)
    bbox_params= dca.BboxParams(format='pascal_voc_3d', min_planar_area = 400, min_volume = 4000)

transformed = transform(image = scan, bboxes = bboxes)
transformed_scan   = transformed["image"]
transformed_bboxes = transformed["bboxes"]

External Labels

You may also include an external list of labels to be passed through the pipeline

Given the following example bounding box annotation

bboxes = [
    [15, 25, 30, 100, 200, 450],
    [20, 30, 40,  40,  50,  50],
    [10, 12,  5,  60, 100,  25],
    [20, 30, 40,  60,  80,  90],

The following external example labels are valid and acceptable

class_labels = [ "A",   "B",  "B",   "C"]
class_labels = [True, False, True, False]
class_labels = [   0,     1,    1,     2]

Note that if external labels are used, then the label_fields argument must be used in the BboxParams declaration to tell the pipeline what keyword argument/s to expect for all class labels passed through the pipeline

transform = dca.Compose([
    dca.Rotate(p=0.5, limit=20, interpolation=1),
    dca.RandomCrop(height=64, width=64, depth=64)
    bbox_params= dca.BboxParams(format='pascal_voc_3d', min_planar_area = 400, min_volume = 4000, label_fields=['class_labels'])

transformed = transform(image = scan, bboxes = bboxes, class_labels = class_labels)
transformed_scan   = transformed["image"]
transformed_bboxes = transformed["bboxes"]
transformed_labels = transformed["class_labels"]

If the bounding boxes have more than one label associated with them, then you may pass multiple lists of labels through the pipeline as long as each list is given a keyword argument in the label_fields parameter in BboxParams

class_labels     = [True, False, True, False]
class_categories = [ "A",   "B",  "B",   "C"]

transform = dca.Compose([
    dca.Rotate(p=0.5, limit=20, interpolation=1),
    dca.RandomCrop(height=64, width=64, depth=64)
    bbox_params= dca.BboxParams(format='pascal_voc_3d', min_planar_area = 400, min_volume = 4000, label_fields=['class_labels', 'class_categories'])

transformed = transform(image = scan, bboxes = bboxes, class_labels = class_labels, class_categories = class_categories)
transformed_scan   = transformed["image"]
transformed_bboxes = transformed["bboxes"]
transformed_class_labels = transformed["class_labels"]
transformed_class_catergories = transformed["class_categories"]


You have learned how to use dicaugment to augment 3D image bounding boxes for object detection. Feel free to explore the wide range of augmentation techniques available in dicaugment to further enhance your object detection tasks. For a comprehensive list of available techniques and their parameters, please refer to the :doc:`API Reference <dicaugment.augmentations>`. If you encounter any issues or have questions, please seek help from the dicaugment community on the dicaugment GitHub Discussions page.

Happy augmenting with DICaugment in your object detection pipeline!