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executable file
359 lines (298 loc) · 7.5 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
359 lines (298 loc) · 7.5 KB


Use polybar instead of i3bar

{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let
  barName = "top";
  xsession.windowManager.i3.config.bars = [];

  services.polybar = {
    enable = true;
    package = pkgs.polybarFull;
    settings = rec {



colors = {
  background = "#0000";
  foreground = "#161320";
  glass = "#A6F9F9F9";
  gold-opaque = "#EFB402";
  gold-opaque-dark = "#AB8203";
  red-opaque = "#E00804";
  gray-opaque = "#333";
  red = "#A6E8A2AF";
  purple = "#A6C9CBFF"; #idle
  yellow = "#A6FAE3B0";
  violet = "#A6BD93F9";
  lilla = "#A6DDB6F2";
  cyan = "#A696CDFB";
  salmon = "#A6F8BD96"; # temp
  azure = "#A6B5E8E0";
  green = "#A6ABE9B3";

Top bar

"bar/${barName}" = {

  background = "\${colors.background}";
  foreground = "\${colors.foreground}";

  height = "20px";

Bottom border is not required, since I use i3 with gaps

  border = {
    top.size = "4px";
    bottom.size = 0;
  padding = "6px";

  module.margin = "4px";

  line.size = "4px"; # colored line under active workspace
  font = [
    # T1: text
    "JetbrainsMono Nerd Font:size=9;2"
    # T2: powerline
    "JetbrainsMono Nerd Font:antialias=true:size=11;2"

  modules = {
    left = "i3";
    center = "window";
    right = "volume vpn eth wlan ram cpu battery tray clock"; # TODO idle

Common config for rounded corner

Emulate rounded corner with powerline chars

rounded = lib.concatMapToAttrs (spec: {
  ${spec} = {
    prefix = {
      foreground = "\${self.${spec}-background}";
      background = "#0000";
      text = "";
      font = 2;
    suffix = {
      foreground = "\${self.${spec}-background}";
      background = "#0000";
      text = "";
      font = 2;
}) [

i3 workspace and mode indicators

"module/i3" = {
  type = "internal/i3";
  pin.workspaces = true; # show only this monitor ws
  enable.scroll = false;

  label = lib.concatMapToAttrs (spec: {
    ${spec} = {
      text = "%index%"; # do not show icon
      padding = "4px";
      background = "\${}";
  }) [
    "visible" # focused on antoher monitor

  label-focused = {
    foreground = "\${}";
    underline = "\${}";
  label-visible = {
    foreground = "\${colors.gray-opaque}";
    underline = "\${colors.gray-opaque}";
  label-urgent = {
    foreground = "\${}";
    underline = "\${}";

  label-mode.background = "\${}";

Here we cannon inherit rounded, so we have to emulate it:

  format = "%{B#0000 F${} T2}%{B${} F${colors.foreground} T-}<label-state>%{B#0000 F${} T2}%{B- F- T-} <label-mode>";
  label-mode.text = "%{B#0000 F${} T2}%{B${} F${colors.foreground} T-}%mode%%{B#0000 F${} T2}%{B- F- T-}";

Window title

"module/window" = {
  type = "internal/xwindow";
  label = "%title:0:60:…%";
  "inherit" = "rounded";
  format.background = "\${}";


TODO: headphones 

"module/volume" = {
  type = "internal/pulseaudio";
  "inherit" = "rounded";
  format = {
    volume.text = "<ramp-volume> <label-volume>";
    volume.background = "\${colors.yellow}";
    muted.background = "\${colors.yellow}";
  ramp.volume = [ "" "" "" ];
  label.muted = " ";
  click.right = "pavucontrol";


Common facilities

net = {
  type = "internal/network";
  label.disconnected = "";
  format = {
    connected.background = "\${colors.violet}";
    disconnected.background = "\${}";
  # TODO show ip on click


"module/eth" = {
  "inherit" = "net rounded";
  interface.type = "wired";
  label.connected = "󰈀 %linkspeed%";


"module/wlan" = {
  "inherit" = "net rounded";
  interface.type = "wireless";
  label.connected = "  %essid:0:10:…% (%signal%%)";


"module/vpn" = {
  "inherit" = "net rounded";
  interface = "tun0";
  label.connected = "";

System monitor

"module/ram" = {
  type = "internal/memory";
  interval = 5;
  label = " %percentage_used%%";
  "inherit" = "rounded";
  format.background = "\${colors.lilla}";
"module/cpu" = {
  type = "internal/cpu";
  interval = 5;
  label = " %percentage%%";
  "inherit" = "rounded";
  format.background = "\${colors.cyan}";


"module/battery" = rec {
  type = "internal/battery";
  time.format = "%H:%M";
  format = {
    charging = {
      text = "<animation-charging>  <label-charging>";
      background = "\${}";
    discharging = {
      text = "<ramp-capacity>  <label-discharging>";
      background = "\${}";
    full = {
      text = "<ramp-capacity>  <label-full>";
      background = "\${}";
    low.background = "\${}";
  ramp.capacity = [ "" "" "" "" "" ];
  animation.charging = ramp.capacity;
  "inherit" = "rounded";


"module/try" = {
  type = "internal/try";


"module/clock" = {
  type = "internal/date";
  date = {
    text = "%H:%M";
    alt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";
  "inherit" = "rounded";
  format.background = "\${}";

Multi output

Simulate multi output feature with an autorandr hook.

First of all disable polybar reloading on output change (we will do it), and show the bar on a monitor taken from env

settings.screenchange.reload = true;
monitor = "\${env:MONITOR:}";

Start polybar on all displays

services.polybar.script = ''
  for m in $(polybar --list-monitors | ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/cut -d":" -f1); do
    MONITOR=$m polybar ${barName} &

Wait i3 before starting polybar (otherwise workspaces and window title are not shown)

# = [ "" ]; # TODO: not solving

# Temporary fix: restart polybar
xsession.windowManager.i3.config.startup = [
  { command = "systemctl --user restart polybar"; always = true; notification = false; }

Then enable autorandr hook after switch

programs.autorandr = {
  enable = true;
  hooks.postswitch = {
    "reload-polybar" = "systemctl --user restart polybar";