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Preparation {#PagPreparation}


This package ships the source code of \Proj. In order to use the application, it has to get compiled first. Therefor at least the FB compiler and the dependency libraries have to get installed on the users system. Other tools are used by the author, here's how to get all components working.

Tools # {#SecTools}

The following table lists all dependencies for \Proj and their category. The FreeBASIC compiler and the dependency libraries are mandatory (M), the others are optional. Some are recommended (R) in order to make use of all package features. Some are helpful for testing (T) purposes. LINUX users may find some packages in their distrubution management system (D).

Name Type Function
fbc M FreeBASIC compiler to compile the source code
Gtk-3 M D GimpToolKit: GUI library
OsmGpsMap M D OpenStreetMap widget for Gtk
GIT R D version control system to organize the files
CMake R D build management system to build executables and documentation
CMakeFbc R FreeBASIC extension for CMake
fbdoc R FreeBASIC documentation tool
Doxygen R D documentation generator (ie. for this text)
Graphviz R D Graph Visualization Software (caller/callee graphs)
LaTeX R D A document preparation system (PDF output)
Geany T D Integrated development environment (ie. to test templates)
devscripts & tools R D Scripts for building Debian packages (for target deb)

It's beyond the scope of this guide to describe the installation for those programming tools for all operating systems. Find detailed installation instructions on the related websides, linked by the name in the first column.

As an example the preparation of a Debian Linux system is shown here

-# In order to install the FreeBASIC compiler, follow the installation instructions.

-# Then install the distributed (D) packages of your choise. Ie. on Debian LINUX execute:

sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev libosmgpsmap-1.0-dev
sudo apt-get install git cmake doxygen graphviz doxygen-latex texlive geany debhelper

\note The first line is mandatory. In the second line you can omit unwanted packages.

-# Make CMakeFbc working, if wanted. That's easy, when you have GIT and CMake. Execute (in your projects folder) the commands

git clone
cd cmakefbc
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=../cmake/Modules
sudo make install
cd ../..

\note Omit sudo in case of non-LINUX systems.

-# Make fbdoc working, if wanted. That's easy, when you have GIT and CMake. Execute (in your projects folder) the commands

git clone
cd fbdoc
mkdir build
cd build
cmakefbc ..
sudo make install
cd ../..

\note Omit sudo in case of non-LINUX systems.

Get Package # {#SecGet}

Assuming you installed the recommended GIT software, get your copy of the \Proj package by

git clone

Now your copy of the source tree should be in the pavi folder under your projects path.

\note As an alternative you can download a Zip archive by clicking the Download ZIP button on the \Proj website, and use your local Zip software to unpack the archive.

Build # {#SecBuild}

Manual builds are possible, but laborious. Better use the recommended tools CMake and CMakeFbc. From the root (projects) folder execute:

cd pavi
mkdir build
cd build
cmakefbc ..

The newly compiled executable should be at pavi/build/src/bas/pavi[.exe] and can get executed and tested from there.

Install # {#SecInstall}

In order to install the binary on your system, so that you can use it from any path, execute (in the pavi/build folder)

sudo make install

\note Omit sudo in case of non-LINUX systems.

Uninstall # {#SubUninstall}

CMake doesn't support the uninstall target, find details in CMake FAQ. In order to purge that application from your system, remove the files listed in the file pavi/build/install_manifest.txt. Ie. on Unix systems execute

cd pavi/build
sudo xargs rm < install_manifest.txt

Documentation # {#SubBuildDoc}

The package is prepared to build a documentation in form of a HTML tree and/or a PDF file. Both get created by the \Doxygen generator, using the \FbDoc tool to extract (filter) the documentation context from the \FB source code. Generate both (PDF file and HTML tree) by executing

make doc

Find the output in file doxy/cmakefbc.pdf and the HTML startpage in file doxy/html/index.html. Both outputs can also get build separately by building the targets

make doc_pdf
make doc_htm

A further target is implemented to upload the HTML tree to a web server, by executing

make doc_www

\note The doc_www target needs some configuration first, since the upload tool, its target and its login have to get specified. Find details in the documentation from cmakefbc and fbdoc.