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Mindwave Unity - MindwaveHelper

This static class is a helper for working with the Mindwave device values.



public const int SENSE_MAX = 100

Corresponds to the maximum "eSense" value (meditation or attention).

public const int BLINK_MAX = 200

Corresponds to the maximum blink strength value that the headset can detect.

public const int NO_SIGNAL_LEVEL = 200

Corresponds to the maximum value of "poorSignalLevel" that ThinkGear Connector can send, meaning that there's no signal to the headset.


public static float GetSenseRatio(float _SenseValue)

Calculates a ratio of a given sense value (meditation or attention).

public static float GetBlinkRatio(float _BlinkValue)

Calculates the ratio of the given blink strength value, on the maximum.