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ReduKt Core

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Before you start

Before diving into this guide, you should be familiar with Redux terminology. It's worth to notice that some elements are missing/changed/added in comparison to JS Redux.


  1. Create a store
  2. Define actions
  3. Define reducers
  4. Select and subscribe the state
  5. Define middlewares
  6. Dispatch closure basics
  7. Working with coroutines
  8. Thread safety

Create a store

To create a store you should use DSL provided by buildStore function.

data class AppState(
    val posts: List<Post> = emptyList(),
    val user: User? = null

fun appReducer(state: AppState, action: Action) = AppState(
    posts = postReducer(state.posts, action),
    user = userReducer(state.user, action)

val store: Store<AppState> = buildStore {

    AppState() reducedBy ::appReducer // initial state and root reducer

    middlewares { // declares middlewares pipeline in given order
        +threadGuradMiddleware // first in the pipeline
        if (IS_DEBUG) +debugMiddleware() // second in the pipeline, but only in debug version of the app

middlewares block might be divided into multiple blocks like this.

middlewares { // declares middlewares pipeline in given order
    +threadGuradMiddleware // first in the pipeline
// ...
middlewares {
    if (IS_DEBUG) +debugMiddleware() // second in the pipeline, but only in debug version of the app

Define actions

Action must be marked with Action interface.

object InitAction : Action

Actions can be grouped using sealed classes/interfaces.

sealed interface UserAction : Action {
    data class LoggedIn(val user: User) : UserAction
    object Logout : UserAction

Define reducers

Reducers might be defined simply as functions:

fun userReducer(user: User, action: Action): User = when (action) {
    is UserAction.LoggedIn -> TOOD()
    else -> user

Also, you can define reducers as properties with lambdas:

val userReducer: Reducer<User> = { user, action ->
    when (action) {
        is UserAction.LoggedIn -> TOOD()
        else -> user

You can combine multiple reducers of the same type into single one with combineReducers function.

val userReducer1: Reducer<User> = TODO()

fun userReducer2(user: User, action: Action): User = TODO()

val combinedUserReducer: Reducer<User> = combineReducers(userReducer1, ::userReducer2)

Combined reducers apply changes to state in a given order.

Warning: JS Redux also has combineReducers function, but it works differently!

Select and subscribe the state

There is no subscribe method in ReduKt Store. Instead, store provides state: StateFlow<AppState> field. To receive state updates you have to collect the flow:

store.state.collect { /* process state updates here */ }

// or more `subscribe-like` approach
    .onEach { /* process state updates here */ }

To observe part of a state you have to use select.

val totalProductsPrice = { it.products.sumBy(Product::price) }
totalProductsPrice.value // returns current state of total products price
totalProductsPrice.collect {
    /* this block is called only if total products price changes */

StateFlow returned by select is lazy by default and has the following properties:

  • Selector function is not called before you access or collect selected state.
  • Selector function is not called if state is not changed (by default it's compared using equals).
  • If selector function returns the same value as previously (by default it's compared using equals), selected state is not emitted again (just like every StateFlow).

To optimize state selection you can use select with Selector param like this:

val totalProductsPriceSelector = Selector(
    stateEquality = { old, new -> old.products == new.products },
    selector = { it.products.sumBy(Product::price) }
// selected state is recalculated only if products list is changed
val totalProductsPrice =

totalProductsPrice.collect { }

It's also possible to change selected state equality function with Selector, but generally it should not be necessary.

Define middlewares

Middlewares in ReduKt differ a little from JS Redux. The key differences are:

  • There is only 1 nested lambda instead of 2.
  • getState, dispatch and next are available from middleware lambda receiver - MiddlewareScope.
  • getState function is replaced by currentState property.
  • MiddlewareScope also provides closure. Read more about DispatchClosure here.

The most straightforward way to define a middleware:

fun debugMiddleware(): Middleware<AppState> = {
    var actionsCounter = 0 // this variable has middleware lifetime
    { action ->
        println("[${actionsCounter++}] $action")
        println("New state: $currentState")

If you don't need to define variables like actionsCounter, you can use middleware helper function like this:

fun debugMiddleware() = middleware<AppState> { action ->
    println("New state: $currentState")

If you always want to call next and don't need fine control over it, you can use translucentMiddleware:

fun debugMiddleware() = translucentMiddleware<AppState> { action ->
    // next is always called after this block

There is also translucentDispatch helper that can be used like this:

fun debugMiddleware(): Middleware<AppState> = {
    var actionCounter = 0
    translucentDispatch { action ->
        println("[${actionCounter++}] $action")
        // next is always called after this block

If you want to consume certain type of actions by your middleware and pass others to the next one, you can use consumingMiddleware:

fun fooMiddleware() = consumingMiddleware<AppState, FooAction> { action ->
    // action is always a FooAction and there is no need to cast
    // next is called only if action is not a FooAction

There is also consumingDispatch helper that can be used like this:

fun fooMiddleware(): Middleware<AppState> = {
    consumingDispatch<FooAction> { action ->
        // action is always a FooAction and there is no need to cast
        // next is called only if action is not a FooAction

Let's go back to the approach from the first middleware. It has two problems if we change it a little:

fun restorePreviousValue(): Int = TODO()

fun counterMiddleware(): Middleware<AppState> = {
    var i = restorePreviousValue() // semicolon is required here to compile
    { action -> // label must be defined manually here
        if (action is ResetCounter) {
            i = 0
            return next(action) // early exit requires a label to lambda

Normally, to fix it we would have to add a custom label and a semicolon. However, this semicolon is a little confusing and naming labels is quite annoying.

Luckily, there is a simple solution to this problem. We can use dispatchFunction helper:

fun restorePreviousValue(): Int = TODO()

fun counterMiddleware(): Middleware<AppState> = {
    var i = restorePreviousValue() // semicolon is NOT required here to compile
    dispatchFunction { action ->
        if (action is ResetCounter) {
            i = 0
            return@dispatchFunction next(action) // default label can be referred here

Dispatch closure basics

Essentially, dispatch closure is an immutable map of objects (elements) that is injected into the store, and it is available from every middleware. It's primarily used to extend store's functionality.

Dispatch closure elements are associated with special keys. By convention, those keys are companion objects of closure element classes.

It might seem a little confusing, but it should be clear with this example:

fun fooMiddleware() = middleware<AppState> { action ->
    // to get an instance of DispatchCoroutineScope you have to pass its companion object as a key to closure
    val scope = closure[DispatchCoroutineScope]

Dispatch closure might contain only one DispatchCoroutineScope, because map must contain only one value for a given key. This applies for all closure elements introduced by this library. In other words, dispatch closure must contain only one object of given type.

Often closure elements come with handy extensions to access them. In case of DispatchCoroutineScope we can access it like this:

fun fooMiddleware() = middleware<AppState> { action ->
    coroutineScope // equivalent of closure[DispatchCoroutineScope]

Closure has to be defined at store creation and remains immutable. Despite it being immutable, its elements themselves might mutate.

val store = buildStore {
    // ...
    closure {

As a dependency injection tool, dispatch closure might seem a little limited, because effectively it handles only singletons. Also, adding completely new types to it comes with a little boilerplate. That is because, dispatch closure is not designed to be a dependency injection tool. It is used to extend store's functionality.

Despite dispatch closure not being a perfect DI tool, we can integrate a real DI into the store using this mechanism.

In example below our DI tool of choice is Kodein. In a first place we have to implement a DispatchClosure.Element like this:

class KodeinDI(di: DI) : DI by di, DispatchClosure.Element {

    override val key: Key get() = Key

    companion object Key : DispatchClosure.Key<KodeinDI>

Now we have to add it into the store:

val store = buildStore {
    val di = DI {
        bindSingleton { HttpClient() }
        // ...
    closure {

Now KodeinDI is accessible from any middleware:

fun fooMiddleware() = middleware { action ->
    val di = closure[KodeinDI]

We can add an extension to make it easier to access DI:

val DispatchScope<*>.di: DI get() = closure[KodeinDI]

Final result:

fun fooMiddleware() = middleware<AppState> { action ->
    val httpClient: HttpClient by di.instance()
    // ...

Working with coroutines

In ReduKt there is a concept of foreground job. It is a single coroutine that is logically associated with given action.

Let's consider this kind of action:

data class FetchBook(val id: String) : Action

Here we expect that this action is going to trigger an asynchronous call to get the book. A coroutine that host this call is a foreground job, because it is logically associated with given action.

However, ReduKt store can't really figure out which action has associated coroutine, so action has to be marked:

data class FetchBook(val id: String) : ForegroundJobAction

Now we have to ensure that there is a middleware that launches a coroutine:

fun booksMiddleware(client: HttpClient) = consumingMiddleware<AppState, FetchBook> { action ->
    launchForeground {
        val response = client.get("$API_URL/book/${}")
        // process the response

launchForeground launches a coroutine in the DispatchCoroutineScope that is a CoroutineScope associated with a store. By default, DispatchCoroutineScope is a MainScope, therefore foreground coroutines work on the main thread in this case.

Now, what we can do with it?

In the most straightforward example, you can use store.dispatchJob to dispatch a FetchBook action. This function returns a Job, so you are able to control the associated coroutine.

val job = store.dispatchJob(FetchBook("1"))
// ...

You can change a CoroutineScope for the associated coroutine with store.dispatchJobIn:

val scope = MainScope()

store.dispatchJobIn(FetchBook("1"), scope)

scope.cancel() // results in the associated coroutine being cancelled

Main purpose of dispatchJobIn is providing a CoroutineScope that has a shorter lifecycle than DispatchCoroutineScope. Using it to change a CoroutineDispatcher is technically correct, but also discouraged.

You can wait for the coroutine with store.joinDispatchJob like this:

fun initMiddleware() = middleware<AppState> { action ->
    if (action is InitAction) {
        launchForeground {
            val currentBookId = currentState.user.currentBookId

A foreground job that is launched by the joinDispatchJob is cancelled along with parent coroutine that dispatched it.

Thread safety

ReduKt store is designed to be accessed from a single thread. It should be the same thread as the one bound to DispatchCoroutineScope. By default, ReduKt store contains an instance of MainScope so you have to access the store from the main thread.

Despite all of this, ReduKt store is partially thread-safe. You can access or collect its state from different threads. That's because the state is stored within a StateFlow. Dispatch closure is effectively an immutable collection of objects, so it is also thread-safe. However, closure elements might mutate, and it might not be safe to interact with them from another thread.

The only thing that is definitely not thread-safe is dispatch.

If you want to make sure that you are calling dispatch from single thread, you can use threadGuardMiddleware like this:

val store = buildStore {
    middlewares {
        +threadGuradMiddleware // should be first in the pipeline
        // ...
    // ...

This middleware remembers the thread used to create a store and verifies if dispatch is called with this thread. If you use different thread, threadGuardMiddleware throws an exception.

If you really want to call the dispatch from another thread, you can use store.synchronized {} like this:

store.synchronized { dispatch(action) }

Store.synchronized launches given block in a coroutine within DispatchCoroutineScope.