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ReduKt Data

Maven Central GitHub API reference

ReduKt Data provides a generic flow of fetching asynchronous data.


  1. Data sources
  2. Resolving data sources
  3. Calling data sources
  4. Cancelling calls
  5. Handling responses
  6. Manual calls

Data sources

A data source is any object that provides a response to a request, most of the time in an asynchronous way. It has to implement DataSource interface. The example below shows how to implement it with Ktor:

data class FetchBookDataSource(
    val client: HttpClient,
) : DataSource<String, Book> {

    override suspend fun call(request: String): Book {
        return client

Resolving data sources

The first thing you have to do to make your DataSource "visible" by ReduKt Data is to create a key:

object DataSources {
    object FetchBook : DataSourceKey<String, Book>

Then you have to create a DataSourceResolver by DataSourceResolver function (recommended) or implement it yourself. Example below shows the first way:

fun createDataSourceResolver(httpClient: HttpClient) = DataSourceResovler {
    DataSources.FetchBook resolvedBy { FetchBookDataSource(client) }

Be aware that function passed to resolvedBy is called every time your DataSource is resolved.

Now you have to add DataSourceResolver to the store closure:

fun store(httpClient: HttpClient) = buildStore {
    // ...
    closure {
        // ...

Calling data sources

The dataSourceMiddleware is responsible for calling data sources, so it has to be added to a store:

fun store(httpClient: HttpClient) = buildStore {
    middlewares {
        // ...
        // ...
    // ...

To trigger a data source call you have to dispatch DataSourceCall:

store.dispatch(DataSourceCall(key = DataSources.FetchBook, request = "book-1"))

It results in:

  1. DataSources.FetchBook is resolved with DataSourceResolver from the closure. If DataSourceResolver or DataSource with given key is missing, exception is thrown and flow ends here.
  2. DataSourceAction(DataSources.FetchBook, DataSourcePayload.Started("book-1")) is dispatched.
  3. A Foreground coroutine is launched. dispatch method returns here. The rest of the flow happens in the coroutine.
  4. DataSource is called with "book-1".
    • If it fails, DataSourceAction(DataSources.FetchBook, DataSourcePayload.Failure("book-1", exception)) is dispatched.
    • If it returns response properly, DataSourceAction(DataSources.FetchBook, DataSourcePayload.Success("book-1", response)) is dispatched.

Cancelling calls

To cancel a data source call, you have to cancel the foreground coroutine that hosts it:

val job = store.dispatchJob(DataSourceCall(key = DataSources.FetchBook, request = "book-1"))
// ...

Cancellation results in DataSourceAction(DataSources.FetchBook, DataSourcePayload.Failure("book-1", cancellationException)).

Handling responses

All events related to data sources are represented by DataSourceAction. Every action contains a DataSourceKey and a DataSourcePayload. Payload has 3 variants:

  • DataSourcePayload.Started - dispatched on start of the call.
  • DataSourcePayload.Success - dispatched on successful call.
  • DataSourcePayload.Failure - dispatched on failed call.

The suggested way to handle these events is to use the createDataSourceReducer:

object DataSources {
    object FetchAllBooks : DataSourceKey<Unit, List<Book>>

data class DataHolder<Data>(
    val isLoading: Boolean,
    val error: Throwable?,
    val data: Data,

val booksReducer: Reducer<DataHolder<List<Book>>> = createDataSourceReducer(
    key = DataSources.FetchAllBooks,
    onStarted = { holder, _ -> holder.copy(isLoading = true) },
    onSuccess = { holder, (_, books) -> holder.copy(isLoading = false, error = null, data = books) },
    onFailure = { holder, (_, error) -> holder.copy(error = error) }

Manual calls

To perform a data source call and process the response manually you have to use callDataSource from a middleware:

val customCallMiddleware = middleware<AppState> {
    launchForeground {
        val book = callDataSource(DataSources.FetchBook, "book-1")

This approach does not dispatch any actions automatically. It just calls given data source.