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My linux rice

Made with a lot of 💜 and ☕

While I don't spend some time formatting a decent README, here is the roadmap


- [ ] Add a with screenshots


- Window manager
	- [x] i3wm v4.22 (merged with i3-gaps)
	- [ ] Sway?
	- [x] key bindings
	- [x] startup apps
	- [x] workspaces
- terminal emulator
	- [x] kitty, don't need tmux anymore
	- [x] color scheme
	- [x] key bindings
- status bar
	- [x] polybar
	- [x] color scheme
	- [x] calendar
	- [x] music
	- [x] background with shades of color
	- [x] rounded corners
- Launcher
	- [x] Albert launcher
- window compositor (picom)
	- [x] basic config
	- [x] animations
	- [x] blur
- Vim
	- [x] NeoVim
	- [x] Separate config in files using vim's directory system (start, after, plugin etc)
	- [x] Code completion plugin (CoC)
	- [x] nvim key bindings (leader key)
	- [x] Code snippets (UltiSnippets)
	- [x] tab management
	- [x] plugin for better tabs
- Wallpaper	
	- [x] nitrogen
- Notifications
	- [x] dunst
	- [ ] layout
	- [x] color schemes by sender (spotify, opera, wifi)
- Dijo habit tracker
	- [ ] find out more about it