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CKAN extension for the UNHCR RIDL project


This extension is being developed against CKAN 2.7.x

Please follow installation instructions of the software below if needed. Also, take a look inside the Makefile to understand what's going on under the hood:

  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • /etc/hosts contains the ckan-dev line

For building static assets and running end-to-end tests Node.js is required and can be installed with these commands:

$ nvm install 10
$ nvm use 10
$ npm install

Setting up environment

Clone the ckanext-unhcr repository (assuming that we're inside the docker-ckan-unhcr/src directory):

$ git clone
$ cd ckanext-unhcr

It's designed to support live development of extensions. The only one requirement is that the folder with the project should be inside docker-ckan-unhcr/src. See docker-ckan-unhcr for more information.

Working with docker

The whole docker setup is inside the docker-ckan-unhcr directory. You can tweak any CKAN instance's aspects there (e.g. patches/cron/etc). To add other CKAN extensions to the work - add its folders to (see ckan-dev volumes).

Pull the latest ckan-base/dev images and build the project's images:

$ make docker

Starting development server

Let's start the development server. It's recommended to run this command in an additional terminal window because you need it running during the work. All changes to connected extensions will trigger live-reloading of the server:

$ make start
# see CKAN logs here

Now we can visit our local ckan instance at (you can login using ckan_admin@test1234):


Running unit tests

We write and store unit tests inside the ckanext/unhcr/tests. Prefer to name test files after feature/bug names. To run the tests you should have the development server up and running:

$ make test

Running E2E tests

We write and store E2E tests inside the tests directory. Prefer to name test files after feature/bug names. To run the tests you should have the development server up and running:

$ make e2e
$ npx nightwatch tests/<testname>.js # for a single E2E test

See the how to write E2E tests guide:

Building static assets

Put your images/fonts/etc inside the ckanext/unhcr/fanstatic folder. It can be used as usual ckan fanstatic and public contents. At the same time, we use JS and CSS preprocessors to build. Put your scripts/styles inside the ckanext/unhcr/src and build it:

$ make assets

Processed styles will be put to the ckanext/unhcr/fanstatic folder.

Working with i18n

To extract i18n messages and compile the catalog we have to have our development server running. In another terminal window run a command:

$ make i18n

See CKAN documentation for more on i18n management.

Loging into container

To issue commands inside a running container:

$ make shell

Now you can tweak the running ckan-dev docker container from inside. Please take into account that all changes will be lost after the next container restart.

Updating readme

To update this readme's table of contents run:

$ make readme

Managing docker

There are a few useful docker commands:

$ docker ps -aq # list all containers
$ docker stop $(docker ps -aq) # stop all containers
$ docker rm $(docker ps -aq) # remove all containers
$ docker rmi $(docker images -q) # remove all images

Reseting docker

It will destroy all your projects inside docker!!!

If you want to start everything from scratch there is a way to prune your docker environment:

$ docker system prune -a --volumes