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Recurrent Models of Visual Attention

The motivation for this work is that applying CNNs on large images is computationally intractable because a vanilla CNN must "analyze" all of the pixels. They instead propose a special kind of network that can focus specifically on several areas of the image "at a higher resolution" (by this I assume just apply normal convolutional computations on this small region). Their model is non-differentiable and is trained using reinforcement learning, so it is hard attention, not soft attention.

(It turns out they use policy gradients, but interestingly enough, they can split the training so that the "neural network portion" is trained with backpropagation.)

Guiding principle:

One important property of human perception is that one does not tend to process a whole scene in its entirety at once. Instead humans focus attention selectively on parts of the visual space [...].

Well said! This will provide lots of savings if we can focus selectively on important parts of the input image. Now, how do we do that? Read on ...

Their Algorithm

The purpose of their algorithm Recurrent Attention Model (RAM) (see Figure 1) is, given a sequence of images so far (which might be video frames, for instance, or just randomly selected MNIST images), their algorithm gradually builds up an internal state which models the environment. The next image seen will have "attention" applied to it based on this internal model, as well as whatever task is at hand (I assume this must be encoded somehow?). This can be thought of as a RL problem where the agent interacts with the environment but with sensors that can only look at small parts of the environment (i.e., the image).

Intuition: they formulate it as a computer game. Interesting! The components are:

  • The sensors take in observations (not states!), which are the images x_t. The sensors don't view x_t as it is; in a tiny region, they view them with "high concentration", but have "low concentration" elsewhere. The latter is represented by a glimpse network f_g.
  • The internal state of the agent summarizes the information from observations {x_1,...,x_{t-1}}. Updated over time by the core network f_h and its hidden layer.
  • The actions are to focus somewhere on the next observation and to also impact the environment somehow. There's an action network f_a and a location network f_l. Wow, four different networks!!
  • After executing actions, agent gets rewards, along with the next observation x_{t+1}. The objective is to maximize rewards. I see, they fortunately give an example: in object classification, the agent gets +1 if the image is classified correctly after T steps (I guess each step means we can focus on a different part of the image maybe?) and +0 otherwise.

The key now is how to convert the above formalism/setting into a useful problem. For instance, how can we frame image classification as the computer game described above? They seem to suggest we can do this by finding a policy \pi which, when given \theta and s_{1:t}, must give us (l_t, a_t) as our action tuple. Also for image classification, the final action the agent gives must output the label of the image. So actions can equal labels in that case.

The policy in their case is defined by the RNN in Figure 1. That figure pretty much explains it all. I think I'm getting it.

Parameters: these need to be trained. They consist of the glimpse, core, and action network parameters. Since these together can be formulated into an objective that consists of maximizing the reward, we can perform reinforcement learning! Specifically, we'll do policy gradients, which involve unrolling out the trajectories, then using them to adjust \theta so as to increase the log probability of the sequence. They even use a baseline!

Remark: why are the location network parameters not part of the "parameters" above? I believe this is because these parameters don't have a gradient, but the others do. Hence use REINFORCE for this one, gradient descent (well, backpropagation) for the others.

What's not used is TRPO, because it wasn't invented yet. ;) Though I'm sure if this were a 2016 paper, they'd be using TRPO.

UPDATE: After a second read, I take back some of the above. They use backpropagation to train the differentiable parts, and policy gradients for the non-differentiable parts. So when I said "parameters" and said "policy gradients", I don't think that's policy gradients --- I think that's just the gradient itself which we use in backpropagation. Policy gradients are an RL algorithm, let's keep the terminology consistent. (Yes, see the text above "Variance Reduction" in the paper.)

Their Experiments

Two major experiments:

  • Image Classification: MNIST, of course, with centered and non-centered digits. For the latter, they had to translate the MNIST digits to create the data. Their retina was set at 8x8, which is only large enough to see part of the 28x28 digit. Finally, they also test using cluttered, non-centered datasets. The key is that they frame this as a sequential decision problem.

    OK, I think I'm getting it. In the static image classification task, the internal environment (of the RNN) corresponds to the content of the image, and the action is the predicted class ... but this may only be executed after a fixed number of steps. Ahhh ... that would explain it. Only in the last time step is a decision made. The action network thus has a linear softmax as its final layer.

    So in MNIST, they looked at an image up to 7 times (7 "glimpse"s, they report) with the 8x8 patches possibly looking at different locations in the same image? Cool! That seems a bit computationally heavy though --- I mean, seven times looking at an image?!? --- which is the opposite of what their method is supposed to do, but I guess it scales better and this example is just for didactic purposes.

    The non-centered one has an interesting conclusion:

    This experiment also shows that the attention model is able to successfully search for an object in a big image when the object is not centered.

    Another one with cluttered data:

    Systems that operate on the entire image at full resolution are particularly susceptible to clutter and must learn to be invariant to it. One possible advantage of an attention mechanism is that it may make it easier to learn in the presence of clutter by focusing on the relevant part of the image and ignoring the irrelevant part.

    Wow, this is starting to make sense to me. =) It's still amazing that this works.

  • A Game of "Catch": this is a dynamic environment, showcasing the attention model's impressive versatility.

In addition to describing their experiments, Section 4 also shows the design choices for the RNN as a whole, which may help answer some of the questions I have. The key thing, in my opinion, is how they design the retina. They do this by using several patches centered at the location l from the location network; the patches increase in size.

My Thoughts and Takeaways

This paper was important for me to read since it accomplishes two learning goals with one stone: understanding attention models and understanding recurrent neural networks.

It took a few reads of Figure 1, but I think I'm getting it. The model design seems very creative to me. I'm amazed that we can perform backpropagation on something as exotic as this. The computational graph must be insane when unrolled. But, calculus works! I still want to implement an attention model myself, when I have the time.

To practice understanding, it might be a good idea to frame various machine learning problems into their attention model formulation. Let's get back to that image classification problem. I know the actions are supposed to be the image labels (well, some of them). But we only wanted those at the end of the RNN right? Or at time T? What happens during times 1,2,...,T-1? What are the actions in those cases? I'm not sure but I think they still output actions each iteration ... so at time t, the action a_t is like the current prediction. It may or may not get changed, but should improve, to whatever is outputted at a_T.

After a second read, I'm starting to get really impressed. The cluttered MNIST experiment is creative! If I knew more about attention models, I'd provide comments/feedback, but judging by the amount of citations, there have been lots of improvements since this paper was published, so let me read more.