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Continuous Control with Deep Reinforcement Learning

TL;DR: This is the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients paper, and it's probably one of my "The Nine Deep Reinforcement Learning Papers You Need to Know About" if I may shamelessly borrow from Adit Deshpande's blog ... the other thing to know (sorry) is that it is an extension of Deterministic Policy Gradients.

Other high-level comments: The title of this paper indicates that we're doing Deep RL using some neural networks, except that the actions here are continuous valued, so they may be 7-dimensional vectors, each of which is continuous and perhaps bounded in [-1,1]. However, this has surely been done before so the main task now is to understand the novelty in this work versus prior work. Yeah, it seemed like this was done with Deterministic Policy Gradients, except they show how to massively scale it up with deep learning. Indeed, they say:

Our contribution here is to provide modifications to DPG, inspired by the success of DQN, which allow it to use neural network function approximators to learn in large state and action spaces online.

PS: this is an actor-critic method with the actor playing the policy function and the critic being the Q(s,a) values learned via the Bellman error. The policy is denoted as \mu instead of \pi, I suppose for extra emphasis on having deterministic policies.

Their contributions can be thought of as extensions which are the following:

  • Using an experience replay buffer, literally exactly the same way as in DQN.

  • Using the target Q-network, except the updates are soft so intuitively the target Q-network's weights change slowly instead of jumping hard among target updates but then staying still for maybe 50k steps (at least, I think that was the interval I used for the CS 294-112 assignments). This seems to improve stability.

  • Using batch normalization to handle the fact that in some domains, different components in the action vector represent different units.

  • Note also that for exploration, they inject Gaussian noise into their actions. But that's something we already do with normal policy gradients! However, they don't use IID Gaussian noise but a sophisticated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process to "suit the environment." Don't forget that for test-time evaluation, we should not apply this extra noise.

My thoughts: so ... this can be thought of as a hybrid between DQN and PG? What exactly distinguishes the "deterministic" PG from "normal" PG? Also, this paper doesn't really introduce any new concepts, but I think their method really works well, maybe that's why this paper became popular?