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Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-learning

I know the main concept of this paper, but I'm reading it to get more intuition on what is meant by a "Q-value". (This paper has had quite an impact in the sense that anyone running vanilla DQN is advised to run double DQN, i.e. DDQN, and in fact, OpenAI baselines makes DDQN the default version of DQN.) At the time of publication (remember, this was AAAI, not ICLR, ICML, NIPS, etc.) it had state of the art results.

Update Dec 2018: been a while! I re-read the discussion here and it is making more sense. I can also implement the algorithm. :-) Thank goodness for Berkeley's DeepRL course.

Also, if you're still confused by why Q-Learning overestimates values, the simplest way is probably to write down both updates carefully, and then reasoning about what happens when we take the max values. In normal DQN, we take the max action over the target net, and in double DQN, we take a value that has to have a Q-value less than or equal to that quantity since the action is chosen by the other network.

Main Idea

In vanilla Q-learning (including parameterized variants like DQN), values of Q(s,a) are systematically overestimated. By doing DDQN, they can mitigate these overestimates. The result is not only more accurate Q(s,a) values, but also faster convergence and better overall performance on Atari 2600 games.

Specific update rules:

  • Normal: Y(t) = R(t+1) + gamma * max_a Q_theta(s(t+1),a)
  • Double: Y(t) = R(t+1) + Q_theta(s(t+1), argmax_a Q_phi(s(t+1),a))

(where phi is another set of parameters like theta)

For DDQN in particular, the second set of parameters is from ... drum roll the target network!! Yeah, that should have been obvious in hindsight.

Another nice contribution of the paper is some brief theoretical analysis on how estimation error leads to over-optimism. I might want to take another look at this again. Figure 1 might be useful to think about; they rely on Q(s,a) = V_opt(s) + eps where eps is Gaussian noise representing value function estimation errors.

Quick pointers:

  • Why overestimate? Because Q-learning relies on learning a policy indirectly where we define the relationship of ideal Q-values as Q(s,a) = r + gamma * max_a Q(s',a') and the "maximum" operator means it's overly optimistic.

  • It might be OK to overestimate values. Why? For instance, suppose we have six actions and given a state s, if we overestimate Q(s, a_i) by a value of 1 for all six actions, then it doesn't matter! We would still pick the correct action. Thus, uniform overestimation does not appear to be a problem. The issue here, of course, is that Q-learning does not uniformly overestimate.