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Graying the Black Box: Understanding DQNs

Quick Thoughts and Introduction

This might be useful for visualization and understanding DQNs. It's also related to t-SNE, which I only know due to reading Chris Olah's blog. =) Here's the link to that post (warning, heavy computation!).

The paper's contribution seems to be additional t-SNE experiments as compared to the Nature 2015 paper (yeah, that one used some visualizations!). The benchmarks are on three Atari 2600 games, though they suggest that these methods extend to other domains. I can see the limitations of this work right away (and the reviewers seemed to agree). However, that doesn't mean this paper isn't helpful, and it got in ICML. Their main finding appears to be that agents identify hierarchical patterns. I think that makes sense, given the layering in convolutional neural networks. More specifically, the state space decomposes into several (or many?) clusters, which are lower-dimensional manifolds, and policies are learned for each of those clusters.

They also make an interesting distinction between inner optimization and outer optimization:

While the optimization of the inner level is analytic to a high degree, the optimization of the outer level is far from being so.

The outer optimization level addresses the choice of neural network architecture, learning algorithm, and so on. Indeed, this is less principled because it's harder to "loop over."

Figures and Visualizations

They do this mostly by (1) extracting activations from the last DQN layer and (2) applying t-SNE. How similar is (1) to the way that others have visualized deep networks (think filters in convolutional neural networks).

Rationale for t-SNE makes sense:

[t-Sne] is known to be particularly good at creating a single map that reveals structure at many different scales, which is particularly important for high-dimensional data that lie on several different, but related, low-dimensional manifolds.

Figure 1 looks good; they provide a graphical user interface. Seems like this would be a hybrid of UIST and ICML. I particularly like the gradient image, though naturally the t-SNE image is the real star.

I think they are trying to color the t-SNE image in Section 4.2 with hand-designed features, because otherwise how could we tell the clusters? (I remember with MNIST, one can color the images by their class, so I assume this is something similar.)

Also, what are saliency maps (Section 4.3)? I think I saw these before but I need to refresh my memory.

Maybe t-SNE requires these features as input, instead of the raw pixels?

Analysis of Games

  • Breakout: The hierarchical policy is (to simplify a bit) in two stages: first, carve a tunnel, then, keep the ball above the bricks. They demonstrate these clusters with t-SNE. Looks cool! Also, Section 5.5 addresses something that's been long bugging me: what happens when the first stage of the game is cleared, and the board starts anew but with the same setting, except the score is 450 (or whatever the max score is for that first setting in Breakout). How does the agent do in that second setting? The pixels are exactly the same, except for the score counter. If we cropped the score counter, shouldn't the agent perform flawlessly?

  • Seaquest: This is harder for DQN than humans (at least, at the time this paper was published). The paper talks about specific scenarios in the game. Like the Breakout game, different options are identified.

  • Pacman: Interesting, I haven't seen this discussed in detail. Two t-SNE plots are provided.

The tradeoff with this paper is that it focuses very specifically on the actions and policies that are unique to these three games. The techniques of t-SNE and manual feature extraction (ugh) should certainly generalize.