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The interface for defining a likelihood problem builds on top of Optimization.jl. Below we list the three main structs that we use, with LikelihoodProblem the most important one and the only one that needs to be directly defined. Examples of how we use these structs are given later, and much extra functionality is given in the tests. Complete docstrings are given in the sidebar.

LikelihoodProblem: Defining the likelihood problem

The LikelihoodProblem is the definition of a likelihood function, and provides the following constructor:

LikelihoodProblem(loglik::Function, θ₀;
    syms=eachindex(θ₀), data=SciMLBase.NullParameters(),
    f_kwargs=nothing, prob_kwargs=nothing)

Here, loglik is a function for the log-likelihood, taking the form ℓ(θ, p). The second argument, θ₀, is the initial estimate for the parameter values. You can provide symbolic names for the parameters via syms, so that e.g. prob[:α] (where prob is a LikelihoodProblem with :α ∈ syms) returns the initial estimate for . The argument p in the likelihood function can be used to pass data or other parameters into the argument, and the keyword argument data can be used for this. Lastly, f_kwargs and prob_kwargs are additional keyword arguments for the OptimizationFunction and OptimizationProblem, respectively; see the Optimization.jl documentation for more detail here.

We also provide a simple interface for defining a log-likelihood that requires the solution of a differential equation:

LikelihoodProblem(loglik::Function, θ₀,
    ode_function, u₀, tspan;
    syms=eachindex(θ₀), data=SciMLBase.NullParameters(),
    ode_parameters=SciMLBase.NullParameters(), ode_alg,
    ode_kwargs=nothing, f_kwargs=nothing, prob_kwargs=nothing)

Importantly, loglik in this case is now a function of the form ℓ(θ, p, integrator), where integrator is the same integrator as in the integrator interface from DifferentialEquations.jl; see the documentation at DifferentialEquations.jl for more detail on using the integrator. Furthermore, ode_function is the function for the ODE, u₀ its initial condition, and tspan its time span. Additionally, the parameters for the ode_function (e.g. the p in ode_function(du, u, p, t) or ode_function(u, p, t)) can be passed using the keyword argument ode_parameters. The algorithm used to solve the differential equation is passed with ode_alg, and lastly any additional keyword arguments for solving the problem are to be passed through ode_kwargs.

The full docstrings for the methods available are given in the sidebar.

LikelihoodSolution: Obtaining an MLE

The MLEs for a given LikelihoodProblem are found using the function mle, e.g. mle(prob, Optim.LBFGS()) will optimise the likelihood function using the LBFGS algorithm from Optim.jl (see also ?mle). This function returns a LikelihoodSolution, defined by:

struct LikelihoodSolution{N,Θ,P,M,R,A} <: AbstractLikelihoodSolution{N,P}

If sol isa LikelihoodSolution, then you can use the syms from your original problem to access a specific MLE, e.g. sol[:α] would return the MLE for the paramter .

If you want to use multiple optimisers, i.e. a sequence of optimisers $(O_1, O_2, \ldots)$, in which $O_j$'s initial estimate starts from the solution from the optimiser $O_{j-1}$, you can also provide a Tuple into the algorithm argument, e.g. mle(prob, (Optim.LBFGS(), NLopt.LN_NELDERMEAD)).

The full docstring for mle is given in the docstring section in the sidebar, along with the docstring for LikelihoodSolution.

ProfileLikelihoodSolution: Profiling the parameters

The results for a profile likelihood, obtained from profile(prob, sol) (see also ?profile), are stored in a ProfileLikelihoodSolution struct:

struct ProfileLikelihoodSolution{I,V,LP,LS,Spl,CT,CF,OM}

Here, the parameter values used for each parameter are given in parameter_values, with parameter indices (or symbols) mapped to these values. Similarly, the values of the profile log-likelihood are stored in profile_values. We use a spline (see Interpolations.jl) to make the profile log-likelihood a continuous function, and these splines are given by splines. Next, the computed confidence intervals are given in confidence_intervals, with a confidence interval represented by a ConfidenceInterval struct. Lastly, since computing the profile log-likelihood function requires an optimisation problem with one variable fixed and the others free, we obtain for each profile log-likelihood value a set of optimised parameters -- these parameters are given in other_mles.

If prof is a ProfileLikelihoodSolution, then you can also call it as e.g. prof(0.5, 1) to evaluate the profile log-likelihood function of the first parameter at the point 0.5. Alternatively, prof(0.7, :α) does the same but for the parameter at the point 0.7. You can also index prof at a specific index (or symbol) to see the results only for that parameter, e.g. prof[1] or prof[:α]; this returns a ProfileLikelihoodSolutionView.

The full docstring for profile and related functions are given in the sidebar.

BivariateProfileLikelihoodSolution: Computing bivariate profiles

You can also compute bivariate profiles, obtained from e.g. bivariate_profile(prob, sol, ((1, 2), (3, 1))), which will compute bivariate profiles between the parameters (1, 2) and between (3, 1). The results are stored in a BivariateProfileLikelihoodSolution struct:

struct BivariateProfileLikelihoodSolution{I,G,V,LP,LS,Spl,CT,CF,OM}

The definitions are similar to the univariate case, although parameter_values now maps to Tuples of grids, making use of OffsetVectors to define grids relative to an MLE. Similarly, we use OffsetMatrixs to define the grid of profile values, given in profile_values. You can also call the resulting struct, e.g. if prof is a BivariateProfileLikelihoodSolution, then prof(0.3, 0.9, :λ, :K) computes the bivariate profile between $\lambda$ and $K$ at $(\lambda,K)=(0.3,0.9)$. See ?ProfileLikelihood.BivariateProfileLikelihoodSolution for more detail, or its docstring in the sidebar.

You can also index such a prof to look at only a specific parameter. For example, prof[1, 2] will return a BivariateProfileLikelihoodSolutionView for the profile between the first and second parameter. Similarly, prof[:λ, :K] is the profile between $\lambda$ and $K$.

Propagating uncertainty: Prediction intervals

The confidence intervals obtained from profiling can be used to obtain approximate prediction intervals via profile-wise profile likelihoods, as defined e.g. in Simpson and Maclaren (2022), for a prediction function $\boldsymbol q(\boldsymbol\theta)$. These intervals can be based on varying a single parameter, or by taking the union of individual prediction intervals. The main function for this is get_prediction_intervals. Rather than explain in full detail here, please refer to the second example (the logistic ODE example), where we reproduce the first case study of Simpson and Maclaren (2022).

The full docstring for get_prediction_intervals is given in the sidebar.


We provide a function plot_profiles that can be useful for plotting profile likelihoods. It requires that you have done

using CairoMakie # (or any other Makie backend)

(else the function does not exist, thanks to Requires.jl and package extensions from Julia v1.9). A full description of this function is given in the corresponding docstring in the sidebar.


it can sometimes be useful to evaluate the likelihood function over many points prior to optimising it, e.g. to find a good initial estimate or to just obtain data at many points for the purpose of visualisation. We provide functions for this, based on either a RegularGrid or an IrregularGrid.

A RegularGrid is a grid in which the grid for each parameter is uniformly spaced, so that the values for all parameter values to try fall on a lattice. An IrregularGrid allows for the parameters to take on whatever values you want, with the requirement that the parameter values to evaluate at are provided as a matrix with each column a different parameter set.

The function grid_search, after having defined a grid, can then be used for performing the grid search. The main method of interest is:

grid_search(prob::LikelihoodProblem, grid::AbstractGrid; save_vals=Val(false), parallel=Val(false))

Here, grid could be either a RegularGrid or an IrregularGrid. You can set save_vals=Val(true) if you want an array with all the likelihood function values, Val(false) otherwise. To enable multithreading, allowing for the evaluation of the function across different points via multiple threads, set parallel=Val(true), otherwise leave it as Val(false). The result of this grid search, if save_vals=Val(true), will be (sol, f_vals), where sol is a likelihood solution giving the parameters that gave to the highest likelihood, and f_res is the array of likelihoods at the corresponding parameters. If save_vals=Val(false), only sol is returned.

More detail is given in the examples, and complete docstrings are provided in the sidebar.