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File metadata and controls

163 lines (146 loc) · 5.96 KB


After initializing the module, a mouse.json file will be created in your directory containing the entire database. All of it is built on objects and keys in them. Here's an example:

    "key": "vаlue"

The "key" holds the "value". Consider a more complex object:

    "profile": {
        "name": "Иван"

How do I refer to the name key? Simple !:

You can also refer to arrays:

    "profile": {
        "names": ["Иван"]

Here's an example: "profile.names[0]"

Below you will understand how it works with examples!

Class initialization.

The class takes two arguments:

  • Key.
  • Object with settings.


> JаvаScript

const DataBase = require("mouse-db.json");
const db = new DataBase("key", { fileName: "users.json" });

> TypeScript

import DataBase = require("mouse-db.json");
const db = new DataBase("key", { fileName: "users.json" });

For those who write in TypeScript, @types/node types are provided by default already in the library, so you probably won't need to install anything.

In fact, the class is flexible, and you can, for example, omit the second or first argument. Here are examples of options:

new DataBase();
new DataBase("key");
new DataBase({ fileName: "users.json" });
new DataBase("key", { fileName: "users.json" });

What functions are there at the moment?

  • db.add(key, value) - Add a number.
  • db.subtract(key, value) - Subtract the number.
  • db.push(key, value) - Add an item to the array.
  • db.set(key, value) - Write the element to the base.
  • db.get(key) - Get an item from the base.
  • db.has(key, checkNull) - Check if there is such an element in the database.
  • db.delete(key) - Remove an element from the base.
  • db.setConfig(key) - Install the key for the base.
  • db.addKey(key) - Add key.
  • db.removeKey(number) - Remove the key.

Примеры работы функций:

// The symbol "->" will denote what this or that function returns.
const DataBase = require("mouse-db.json");
const db = new DataBase();

// The function will create a profile object in mouse.json:
    "profile": {
        "mouse": { "age": 2 }
db.set("profile.mouse.age", 2); // -> 2

// Returns what is located by a specific key.
db.get("profile.mouse.age"); // -> 2

// Returns true if there is something for such a key
// The checkNull parameter allows you to specify whether to return false if the value is null
db.has("profile.unknown_user"); // -> false
db.set("profile.unknown_user", null); // -> null
db.has("profile.unknown_user"); // -> true
db.has("profile.unknown_user", true); // -> false

// Deleting an element by key. Returns true if the element is deleted and false if not.
db.delete("profile.unknown_user"); // -> true

// Adds a number or creates it if it does not exist.
db.add("profile.mouse.age", 1);         // -> 3
db.add("profile.mouse.cheese", 1);      // -> 1
db.add("profile.mouse.cheese", 2, 2);   // Добавит 4 сыра.

// Subtracts a number.
db.subtract("profile.mouse.cheese", 1); // -> 4
db.subtract("profile.mouse.cheese", 2, 2); // It will subtract 4 cheeses -> 0

// Adds an element to the array ( or creates it )
db.push("profile.mouse.friends", "Zlagger"); // -> ["Zlagger"]
db.push("profile.mouse.friends", "Аndrey", "Mаshа"); // -> ["Zlagger", "Аndrey", "Mаshа"]

// An alternative way to pass elements to push:
const friends = ["Zlagger", "Аndrey", "Mаshа"];
db.push("profile.mouse.friends", ...friends);


Aliases are an alternative name for some functions. For example, instead of db.get - db.fetch. There are only a few of them, that's all:

  • db.get - db.fetch
  • db.has - db.exists

Let's talk about the class.

If you are working with the same key, it will be much easier to initialize the class with the key and already work.


const DataBase = require("mouse-db.json");
const db = new DataBase("profile.mouse");

db.has(); // -> false
db.set({}); // -> {}
db.has(); // -> true

// An interesting feature, if you specify the key in the functions, it will be supplemented with the main one. Example:
db.set("age", 3); // A key addition occurred ( profile.mouse.age )
db.get(); // -> { age: 3 }

The class also has 3 useful functions:

  • db.setKey(key) - Set a new key for the class.
  • db.addKey(key) - Add a new key for the class.
  • db.removeKey(number) - Remove a certain number of keys.

Examples of work:

const DataBase = require("mouse-db.json");
const db = new DataBase();

db.addKey("cheese"); // Now the key = "profile.mouse.cheese"
console.log(db.key); // -> ["profile", "mouse", "cheese"]

db.removeKey(1); // We remove one key from the end. Now the class has a key = "profile.mouse"
console.log(db.key); // -> ["profile", "mouse"]

The class also has a couple of statistical variables that may be useful to you:

  • db.key - Returns the key as an array.
  • db.config - Local configuration.
  • DataBase.globalPath - Returns the global path to your project.
  • DataBase.config - Global configuration.
  • DataBase.json - An object that shows what is stored in each file.

!? Questions/Answers ?!

  1. soon...

That's all, I hope you will like my module. If anything, I'm waiting for everything in #Issues of this GitHib repository :]

The documentation was translated using an online translator...