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File metadata and controls

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A data storage and manipulation library for javascript

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Schema enforcement.

new Schema(schema)

Param Type
schema SchemaDefinition


import { Schema } from 'hord';

const person = new Schema({
 first: String,
 last: String,
 age: 'integer',
 hobbies: {
     type: Array,
     content: String

 first: 'John',
 last: 'Doe',
 age: 21
// => []

schema.validate(item, [path]) ⇒ Array.<SchemaError>

Validate an item against the schema.

Param Type Default Description
item object The object validate against this schema.
[path] Array [] If provided then only the value at that path will be validated.

schema.enforce(item, [path], [replace]) ⇒ Array.<SchemaError>

Enforce an items structure against the schema. This function mutates the original item.

Param Type Default Description
item object The object enforce against this schema.
[path] Array [] If provided then only the value at that path will be enforced.
[replace] unknown If the current value at path is invalid, replace it with this.


Calls a callback for each rule that will be used to validate this schema.

Param Type Description
callback function Provides two args: the path and the rule. If true is returned then no more callbacks will happen further down this branch, but will continue up a level.

schema.extend(schema) ⇒ Schema

Returns a new Schema with the rules from the provided schema superimposed on the rules from this schema. If no args are provided, then the returned Schema is effectively a clone of this one.

Param Type Description
schema SchemaDefinition, Schema The schema to superimpose on this one.

SchemaError : object

Schema validation errors

Param Type Description
error string A message about the type of error
path string The path within the given item to the value causing the error
value unknown The value at this path
item unknown The original item being validated

SchemaDefinition : * | object

Schema type definitions. Can be just the type as defined below, or an array of types, or an object with the following options. Any extra options provided will be copied to the rule, which can be accessed via the schema.eachRule() method.

'*' can be used as a key to indicate that any keys are allowed in an object.


Name Type Default Description
type * | Array Supported native types are Array, Boolean, Date, Element, Function, Number, Object, RegExp, String. Also supports '*', 'integer', 'float', Enum (from type-enforcer), custom constructors (classes or constructor functions), or instances of Schema or Model.
[isRequired] boolean false Empty arrays or objects that aren't required will be removed by schema.enforce().
[default] boolean If isRequired is true, then schema.enforce() will set this value if the key is undefined.
[coerce] boolean false If true then values that can be coerced into the specified type will not return errors and will be coerced in schema.enforce().
[min] number For Number, 'integer', and 'float'
[max] number For Number, 'integer', and 'float'
[minLength] number For Arrays and Strings
[maxLength] number For Arrays and Strings
[clamp] boolean false Works with min, max, minength, and maxLength. If true then values outside the range will be forced within the range. If false then values outside the range will be deleted.
[enum] Enum If type is Enum, then this is required
[content] object | Array For arrays and objects to specify further content
[enforce] function This is automatically included, but can be overridden. (See type-enforcer enforce for more info)
[check] function This is automatically included, but can be overridden. (See type-enforcer checks for more info)


import { Schema } from 'hord';

// Can be a native type or string
const person = new Schema({
 first: String,
 last: String,
 age: 'integer'

// Or with options:
const person = new Schema({
 first: {
     type: String,
     isRequired: true
 last: {
     type: String,
     isRequired: true
 age: {
     type: 'integer'
     min: 0,
     coerce: true