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Applying gRPC disruption to chaos dogfood demo application

⚠️ To learn how to set up a gRPC disruption on your own applications, follow these instructions.

(0) Turn chaos on

Make sure chaosEnabled is set to true in dogfood_server.go:

const chaosEnabled = true // In your application, make this a feature flag

var serverAddr string

func init() {

Make sure you have already setup chaos-controller on your local Colima by following the main guidelines.

To run the dogfood application, go through the build and install instructions in dogfood/ If you already have the application running, restart it.

(1) Follow client logs

Get pod name (such as chaos-dogfood-client-84596b6c5-8kdxl or chaos-dogfood-server-5fdcff889f-hblj2) by running:

kubectl -n chaos-demo get pods -o wide

Follow live logs with the --follow option on the logs command:

kubectl -n chaos-demo logs --follow <pod name such as chaos-dogfood-client-84596b6c5-8kdxl>

(2) Make dogfood application return errors

From the root of the repository, run kubectl apply -f examples/grpc_error.yaml.

Which applies the following disruption spec (examples/grpc_error.yaml):

  level: pod
    app: chaos-dogfood-server
  count: 100%
    port: 50050
      - endpoint: /chaosdogfood.ChaosDogfood/getCatalog # gRPC service endpoint to disrupt
        error: UNAVAILABLE # gRPC error code to return instead computed response
      - endpoint: /chaosdogfood.ChaosDogfood/order # gRPC service endpoint to disrupt
        error: NOT_FOUND # gRPC error code to return instead computed response

To break this down:

  • app: chaos-dogfood-server - a selector identifying which pods to disrupt (in this case, chaos-dogfood-server-5fdcff889f-hblj2).
  • port: 50050 - port to connect to the gRPC application on your pod (it's distinct from the port you expose on the Kubernetes Service which in this case would be 50051, not 50050).
  • Since the endpoints do not have query_percents specified, the assigned errors will be applied to all queries for the respective endpoints.

The sample client logs might look like in the moment the disruption is applied:

| catalog: 3 items returned (cow, cat, dog)
| ERROR ordering food: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Sorry, we don't deliver food for your mouse =(
| ordered:
| catalog: 3 items returned (cat, dog, cow)
| ordered: Chewey is on its way!
| catalog: 3 items returned (cat, dog, cow)
| ordered: Meowmix is on its way!
| ERROR getting catalog:rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = Chaos Controller injected this error: UNAVAILABLE
| catalog: 0 items returned ()
| ERROR ordering food: rpc error: code = NotFound desc = Chaos Controller injected this error: NOT_FOUND
| ordered:
| ERROR getting catalog:rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = Chaos Controller injected this error: UNAVAILABLE
| catalog: 0 items returned ()
| ERROR ordering food: rpc error: code = NotFound desc = Chaos Controller injected this error: NOT_FOUND
| ordered:
| ERROR getting catalog:rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = Chaos Controller injected this error: UNAVAILABLE
| catalog: 0 items returned ()
| ERROR ordering food: rpc error: code = NotFound desc = Chaos Controller injected this error: NOT_FOUND
| ordered:

The first three groups of logs (where a "group" is demarcated by an x) are healthy responses, and second three groups are each returning the configured errors for both requests' types.

Run kubectl delete -f examples/grpc_error.yaml to remove the disruption. You should see the logs you are following revert back to the original responses which successfully fill orders for dog and cat but not mouse.

(3) Make dogfood application return an override

From the root of the repository, run kubectl apply -f examples/grpc_override.yaml.

Which applies the following disruption spec (examples/grpc_override.yaml):

  level: pod
    app: chaos-dogfood-server
  count: 100%
    port: 50050
      - endpoint: /chaosdogfood.ChaosDogfood/getCatalog
        override: "{}"
      - endpoint: /chaosdogfood.ChaosDogfood/order
        override: "{}"

The sample client logs might look like in the moment the disruption is applied:

| catalog: 3 items returned (cat, dog, cow)
| ordered: Chewey is on its way!
| catalog: 3 items returned (cat, dog, cow)
| ordered: Meowmix is on its way!
| catalog: 3 items returned (cat, dog, cow)
| ERROR ordering food: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Sorry, we don't deliver food for your mouse =(
| ordered:
| catalog: 0 items returned ()
| ordered:
| catalog: 0 items returned ()
| ordered:
| catalog: 0 items returned ()
| ordered:

For now, the only override available is an empty protobuf message denoted by "{}". Run kubectl delete -f examples/grpc_override.yaml to remove the disruption. You should see the logs you are following revert back to the original responses which successfully fill orders for dog and cat but not mouse.

(4) Complex gRPC disruptions on dogfood application

From the root of the repository, run kubectl apply -f examples/grpc.yaml.

Which applies the following disruption spec (examples/grpc.yaml):

  level: pod
    app: chaos-dogfood-server
  count: 100%
    port: 50050
      - endpoint: /chaosdogfood.ChaosDogfood/getCatalog
        error: NOT_FOUND
        queryPercent: 25
      - endpoint: /chaosdogfood.ChaosDogfood/getCatalog
        error: ALREADY_EXISTS
        queryPercent: 50
      - endpoint: /chaosdogfood.ChaosDogfood/getCatalog
        override: "{}"
      - endpoint: /chaosdogfood.ChaosDogfood/order # gRPC service endpoint to disrupt
        override: "{}"
        queryPercent: 50

The endpoints here read as follows:

  • for 25% of getCatalog queries, return a NOT_FOUND error
  • for 50% of getCatalog queries, return a ALREADY_EXISTS error
  • for remaining getCatalog queries (which calculates to 25%), return an empty protobuf message
  • for 50% of order queries, return an empty protobuf message

You can verify approximately that these proportions are honored in the logs:

| ERROR getting catalog:rpc error: code = NotFound desc = Chaos Controller injected this error: NOT_FOUND
| catalog: 0 items returned ()
| ordered: Chewey is on its way!
| ERROR getting catalog:rpc error: code = AlreadyExists desc = Chaos Controller injected this error: ALREADY_EXISTS
| catalog: 0 items returned ()
| ordered:
| catalog: 0 items returned ()
| ordered:
| ERROR getting catalog:rpc error: code = AlreadyExists desc = Chaos Controller injected this error: ALREADY_EXISTS
| catalog: 0 items returned ()
| ordered:
| ERROR getting catalog:rpc error: code = NotFound desc = Chaos Controller injected this error: NOT_FOUND
| catalog: 0 items returned ()
| ERROR ordering food: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Sorry, we don't deliver food for your mouse =(
| ordered:
| ERROR getting catalog:rpc error: code = AlreadyExists desc = Chaos Controller injected this error: ALREADY_EXISTS
| catalog: 0 items returned ()
| ordered:
| ERROR getting catalog:rpc error: code = NotFound desc = Chaos Controller injected this error: NOT_FOUND
| catalog: 0 items returned ()
| ordered: Meowmix is on its way!
| ERROR getting catalog:rpc error: code = AlreadyExists desc = Chaos Controller injected this error: ALREADY_EXISTS
| catalog: 0 items returned ()
| ordered:
| ERROR getting catalog:rpc error: code = NotFound desc = Chaos Controller injected this error: NOT_FOUND
| catalog: 0 items returned ()
| ordered: Chewey is on its way!
| ERROR getting catalog:rpc error: code = AlreadyExists desc = Chaos Controller injected this error: ALREADY_EXISTS
| catalog: 0 items returned ()
| ordered: Meowmix is on its way!
| ERROR getting catalog:rpc error: code = AlreadyExists desc = Chaos Controller injected this error: ALREADY_EXISTS
| catalog: 0 items returned ()
| ordered:
| ERROR getting catalog:rpc error: code = AlreadyExists desc = Chaos Controller injected this error: ALREADY_EXISTS
| catalog: 0 items returned ()
| ordered: Chewey is on its way!
| catalog: 0 items returned ()
| ordered: Meowmix is on its way!
| ERROR getting catalog:rpc error: code = AlreadyExists desc = Chaos Controller injected this error: ALREADY_EXISTS
| catalog: 0 items returned ()
| ERROR ordering food: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Sorry, we don't deliver food for your mouse =(
| ordered:
| catalog: 0 items returned ()
| ordered:

As usual, run kubectl delete -f examples/grpc.yaml to remove the disruption.