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72 lines (55 loc) · 3.26 KB

File metadata and controls

72 lines (55 loc) · 3.26 KB


First of all, thanks for contributing!

This document provides some basic guidelines for contributing to this repository. To propose improvements, feel free to submit a PR or open an Issue.

Found a bug?

For any urgent matters (such as outages) or issues concerning the Datadog service or UI, contact our support team via for direct, faster assistance.

You may submit a bug report concerning the Datadog Plugin for Flutter by opening a GitHub Issue. Use appropriate template and provide all listed details to help us resolve the issue.

Getting started?

Make sure you have installed the Flutter SDK, and that flutter doctor passes without issues.

Next, run the script in the root of the repo. This will run flutter pub get on all of the packages in this repo, generate necessary files with flutter pub run build_runner build, and generate .env files for the various apps in order to use them with Datadog.

Running ./ creates .env files in the various example application, which should be modified with your Client Id and Application Id from the Datadog RUM setup. It can alternately pull this information from environment the variables DD_CLIENT_TOKEN and DD_APPLICATION_ID for most test apps, and DD_E2E_CLIENT_TOKEN and DD_E2E_APPLICATION_ID for the e2e test application.

If you need to switch environments frequently, you can use ./ to only generate the environment files, without re-running other prepare steps.

Code Style

Code style is enforced with the following libraries in the following languages:

  • Flutter - we use the included Flutter analyzer and linter. If you can, set up your IDE to format your Dart files on save, which will keep you in conformance with the linter
  • iOS / Swift - Swiftlint is configured to run as part of the build in XCode. If you want Swiftlint to autoformat your files for you and fix any potential errors, run swiftlint --fix
  • Android / Kotlin - We have both ktlint and detekt set up for static analysis and linting.

Before submitting a PR, you can run all of these steps, as well as all integration tests, by running the ./ script in the root of the repo. Using this script requires you have both Swiftlint and Bitrise CLI available on your path


There are three types of tests in this repo

  • Unit Tests (held in test) - These tests mostly check the logic of the platform_channel interfaces.
  • Integration Tests (integration_test_app/integration_test) - These tests check that that calls to the SDK are sent to a mock server and match our expectations for the data that is getting sent to DataDog.
  • E2E tests (held in e2e_test_app/integration_test) - These tests are still in progress, but they report information back to the Integration environment at Datadog, measuring that we send the correct number of events and monitor the performance of the SDK.

Any new PR must at least include unit tests, and hopefully include changes to (or new tests) in the corresponding integration tests.