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Client library for Transportation Laws and Incentives

Installation and Usage

npm install --save @datafire/nrel_transportation_incentives_laws
let nrel_transportation_incentives_laws = require('@datafire/nrel_transportation_incentives_laws').create({
  api_key: ""

.then(data => {


Query our database of State and Federal Laws and Incentives for Alternative Fuels



Return a full list of laws and incentives that match your query.

  "output_format": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • output_format required string (values: json, xml, csv): Response format
    • limit integer: Limit the number of laws returned
    • jurisdiction string: Return laws for the given Jurisdiction. Jurisdiction must be given as a two character state code (eg, 'CO' for Colorado). A single jurisdiction, or a comma-separate list of multiple jurisdiction, may be given. Use the code 'US' for federal laws and the code 'DC' for Washington D.C.
    • technology string: Search by the technology type. A single type, or a comma-separate list of multiple types, may be given. Values and what they stand for are as follows: 'BIOD' for Biodiesel, 'ETH' for Ethanol, 'NG' for Natural Gas, 'LPG' for Propane (LPG), 'HY' for Hydrogen Fuel Cells, 'EFFEC' for Fuel Economy / Efficiency, 'IR' for Idle Reduction, 'ELEC' for EVs, 'HEV' for HEVs, 'PHEV' for PHEVs, 'OTHER' for Other, 'AFTMKTCONV' for Aftermarket Conversions, and 'NEVS' for NEVs
    • incentive_type string: Search by the incentive type. A single type, or a comma-separate list of multiple types, may be given. Values and what they stand for are as follows: 'GNT' for Grants, 'TAX' for Tax Incentives, 'LOANS' for Loans and Leases, 'RBATE' for Rebates, 'EXEM' for Exemptions, and 'OTHER' for Other.
    • regulation_type string: Search by the regulation type. A single type, or a comma-separate list of multiple types, may be given. Values and what they stand for are as follows: 'REGIS' for Registration / Licensing, 'STD' for Fuel Production / Quality, 'DREST' for Driving / Idling, 'REQ' for Acquisition / Fuel Use, 'FUEL' for Fuel Taxes, 'RFS' for Renewable Fuel Standard / Mandate, 'OTHER' for Other, 'AIRQEMISSIONS' for Air Quality / Emissions, and 'CCEINIT' for Climate Change / Energy Initiatives
    • user_type string: Search by the user type. A single type, or a comma-separate list of multiple types, may be given. Values and what they stand for are as follows: 'IND' for Vehicle Owner/Driver, 'FLEET' for Fleet Purchaser/Manager, 'STATION' for Fueling / TSE Infrastructure Owner, 'AFP' for Alternative Fuel Producer, 'AFS' for Alternative Fuel Dealer, 'PURCH' for Alternative Fuel Purchaser, 'MAN' for AFV Manufacturer/Retrofitter, and 'OTHER' for Other
    • poc boolean: Include points of contacts in the return value.
    • recent boolean: Return only recently added or updated laws and incentives
    • expired boolean: Show only expired, repealed or archived laws and incentives.
    • law_type string: Search by the law type. A single type, or a comma-separate list of multiple types, may be given. Values are as follows: 'STATEINC' for State Incentives, 'UPINC ' for Utility/Private Incentives, 'LAWREG' for Laws and Regulations, 'INC' for Incentives, 'PROG' for Programs, 'LUP' for Last Updated, 'OVIEW' for Overview, and 'HILITE' for Highlights
    • keyword string: Search laws by keyword in title or text.
    • local boolean: Show only local examples of laws and incentives.



Return the law categories for a given category type.

  "output_format": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • output_format required string (values: json, xml): Response format
    • type string (values: tech, user, regulation, incentive): Search by the category type.



Get the points of contact for a given jurisdiction.

  "output_format": "",
  "jurisdiction": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • output_format required string (values: json, xml): Response format
    • jurisdiction required string: Return the points of contact for the given Jurisdiction. Jurisdiction must be given as a two character state code (eg, 'CO' for Colorado). A single jurisdiction, or a comma-separate list of multiple jurisdiction, may be given. Use the code 'US' for federal laws and the code 'DC' for Washington D.C.


Fetch the details of a specific law given the law's ID.{
  "output_format": "",
  "id": 0
}, context)


  • input object
    • output_format required string (values: json, xml): Response format
    • id required integer: The id of the law that you are searching
    • poc boolean: Include points of contacts in the return value.




  • Category object: A category that the law applies to
    • category_type required string: The type of category. (E.g. tech, incentive, regulation, user)
    • code required string: The code used to identify the category
    • title required string: The full name of the category


  • CategoryResults object
    • inputs required Inputs
    • metadata required Metadata
    • result required array: The array of law categories returned


  • FullCategory object
    • category_type required string: The type of category. (E.g. tech, incentive, regulation, user)
    • code required string: The code used to identify the category
    • help_text string: A short description of what the law category encompasses
    • sort_order required string: The sort order for the categories
    • title required string: The full name of the category



  • Law object: This is a Law
    • agency string: The agency with primary responsibility for federal incentives/regulations.
    • amended_date string: The date the incentive/law/regulation was updated through new legislation or rulemaking.
    • archived_date string: The date that an incentive/law/regulation is no longer relevant to the database. This may include longstanding Executive Orders or laws requiring legislative studies that have been completed.
    • categories required array: The various law categories that apply to this law
    • contacts array: The contacts for the given law, returned only if the parameter poc is true
    • enacted_date string: The date the enacting legislation (if applicable) was signed into law.
    • expired_date string: The date the incentive/law/regulation is set to end.
    • id required integer: A unique identifier for this specific incentive/law/regulation.
    • is_recent boolean: The true or false value used to distinguish between recent federal executive actions (TRUE) and active incentives/laws/regulations (FALSE).
    • plaintext required string: Description of the incentive/law/regulation, including applicable legislative references, in markdown formatting
    • recent_update_or_new string: An indicator if the last significant update was an update or the laws creation.
    • references required array: The URL associated with any bill or legislative reference included in the description.
    • repealed_date string: The date legislation is enacted or a rulemaking is finalized to repeal the incentive/law/regulation.
    • seq_num integer: The numerical value assigned to a description to show the order in which it is displayed online within a jurisdiction (state).
    • significant_update_date string: When the last significant update to the law was made.
    • state required string: The state in which the incentive/law/regulation was enacted and is active.
    • text required string: Description of the incentive/law/regulation, including applicable legislative references, html formated.
    • title required string: The brief title assigned to the incentive/law/regulation description.
    • topics required array: For local incentive/regulation descriptions, the category that the incentive/regulation falls under, described below: Infrastructure Requirements, Vehicle Purchase and Infrastructure Development Incentives, Fuel Use Incentives, Parking Incentives, Technical Assistance, Vehicle Acquisition Requirements, Promotion Initiatives, Idle Reduction Requirements, Renewable Fuels Mandates and Standards
    • type required string: The category that the incentive/law/regulation falls under, described below: -State Incentives, -Laws and Regulations, -Utility/Private Incentives
    • types required array: The types that apply to this law


  • LawReference object: The URL associated with any bill or legislative reference included in the description.
    • description required string: The context of the reference
    • url required string: The url linking to the reference.


  • LawResult object


  • LawTopics object: For local incentive/regulation descriptions, the category that the incentive/regulation falls under, described below: Infrastructure Requirements, Vehicle Purchase and Infrastructure Development Incentives, Fuel Use Incentives, Parking Incentives, Technical Assistance, Vehicle Acquisition Requirements, Promotion Initiatives, Idle Reduction Requirements, Renewable Fuels Mandates and Standards
    • id required integer: The database id of the law topic
    • sort_order required integer: The sort order of the law topic
    • title required string: The name of the law topic


  • LawType object: The category that the incentive/law/regulation falls under, described below: -State Incentives, -Laws and Regulations, -Utility/Private Incentives
    • code required string: The code used to identify the law type
    • id required integer: The id of the law type
    • title required string: The name of the law type


  • LawsResponse object
    • inputs required Inputs
    • metadata required Metadata
    • result required array: The array of laws returned


  • Metadata object: The identifying metadata.
    • count integer: If the request returns an array of results, this is the number of results returned in the array
    • version required string: This is the version of the api


  • Poc object
    • agency string: The agency that the contact represents
    • email string: The contacts email address
    • fax string: The contacts fax number
    • name required string: The name of the contact
    • state required string: The state in which the contact is based ('US' for Federal laws and 'DC' for the District of Columbia)
    • telephone string: The contacts phone number
    • title string: The job title of the contact
    • web_page string: The contacts webpage


  • PocResults object
    • inputs required Inputs
    • metadata required Metadata
    • result required array: The array of Points of Contacts for the state requested