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forthebadge forthebadge forthebadge forthebadge

Step 4 - Transactions Table

forthebadge forthebadge

In our third trading.transactions database table we have each BUY or SELL transaction for a specific ticker performed by each member

View The Data

You can inspect the most recent 10 transactions by member_id = 'c4ca42' (do you remember who that is?)

SELECT * FROM trading.transactions
WHERE member_id = 'c4ca42'
ORDER BY txn_time DESC

Data Dictionary

Column Name Description
txn_id unique ID for each transaction
member_id member identifier for each trade
ticker the ticker for each trade
txn_date the date for each transaction
txn_type either BUY or SELL
quantity the total quantity for each trade
percentage_fee % of total amount charged as fees
txn_time the timestamp for each trade

Transactions Questions

Let's finish our initial data exploration with a few more questions for the trading.transactions table!

Question 1

How many records are there in the trading.transactions table?

Click here to reveal the solution!
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM trading.transactions;

Question 2

How many unique transactions are there?

Click here to reveal the solution!
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT txn_id) FROM trading.transactions;


Question 3

How many buy and sell transactions are there for Bitcoin?

Click here to reveal the solution!
  COUNT(*) AS transaction_count
FROM trading.transactions
WHERE ticker = 'BTC'
GROUP BY txn_type;

txn_type transaction_count
SELL 2044
BUY 10440

Question 4

For each year, calculate the following buy and sell metrics for Bitcoin:

  • total transaction count
  • total quantity
  • average quantity per transaction

Also round the quantity columns to 2 decimal places.

Click here to reveal the solution!
  EXTRACT(YEAR FROM txn_date) AS txn_year,
  COUNT(*) AS transaction_count,
  ROUND(SUM(quantity)::NUMERIC, 2) AS total_quantity,
  ROUND(AVG(quantity)::NUMERIC, 2) AS average_quantity
FROM trading.transactions
WHERE ticker = 'BTC'
GROUP BY txn_year, txn_type
ORDER BY txn_year, txn_type;

txn_year txn_type transaction_count total_quantity average_quantity
2017 BUY 2261 12069.58 5.34
2017 SELL 419 2160.22 5.16
2018 BUY 2204 11156.06 5.06
2018 SELL 433 2145.05 4.95
2019 BUY 2192 11114.43 5.07
2019 SELL 443 2316.24 5.23
2020 BUY 2350 11748.76 5.00
2020 SELL 456 2301.98 5.05
2021 BUY 1433 7161.32 5.00
2021 SELL 293 1478.00 5.04

Question 5

What was the monthly total quantity purchased and sold for Ethereum in 2020?

Click here to reveal the solution!
  DATE_TRUNC('MON', txn_date)::DATE AS calendar_month,
  SUM(CASE WHEN txn_type = 'BUY' THEN quantity ELSE 0 END) AS buy_quantity,
  SUM(CASE WHEN txn_type = 'SELL' THEN quantity ELSE 0 END) AS sell_quantity
FROM trading.transactions
WHERE txn_date BETWEEN '2020-01-01' AND '2020-12-31'
  AND ticker = 'ETH'
GROUP BY calendar_month
ORDER BY calendar_month;

calendar_month buy_quantity sell_quantity
2020-01-01 801.0541163041565 158.1272716986775
2020-02-01 687.8912804600265 160.06533517839912
2020-03-01 804.2368342042604 182.1895644691428
2020-04-01 761.87446914631 203.16695745059786
2020-05-01 787.4238801914097 149.08328330131854
2020-06-01 787.4659503521506 208.3362898912813
2020-07-01 890.7807530272569 117.01628097387932
2020-08-01 800.6004484214079 178.5423079909115
2020-09-01 767.654783160818 118.86826373014458
2020-10-01 744.7913667867248 174.269279883162
2020-11-01 698.0915637008526 163.74629299419385
2020-12-01 752.4121935735661 212.77643601396653

Question 6

Summarise all buy and sell transactions for each member_id by generating 1 row for each member with the following additional columns:

  • Bitcoin buy quantity
  • Bitcoin sell quantity
  • Ethereum buy quantity
  • Ethereum sell quantity
Click here to reveal the solution!
      WHEN ticker = 'BTC' AND txn_type = 'BUY' THEN quantity
      ELSE 0
  ) AS btc_buy_qty,
      WHEN ticker = 'BTC' AND txn_type = 'SELL' THEN quantity
      ELSE 0
  ) AS btc_sell_qty,
      WHEN ticker = 'ETH' AND txn_type = 'BUY' THEN quantity
      ELSE 0
  ) AS eth_buy_qty,
      WHEN ticker = 'BTC' AND txn_type = 'SELL' THEN quantity
      ELSE 0
  ) AS eth_sell_qty
FROM trading.transactions
GROUP BY member_id;

member_id btc_buy_qty btc_sell_qty eth_buy_qty eth_sell_qty
d3d944 4270.8573823425313401 735.87222217343213249 1744.65425673609669642 735.87222217343213249
c20ad4 4975.75064119164404784 929.6597445190769838 2187.1154401373141792 929.6597445190769838
c9f0f8 4572.8800842388871361 852.3638794847991004 2343.4690790139731866 852.3638794847991004
eccbc8 2844.65155099725936589 305.345489355233177 2573.754757641582429 305.345489355233177
167909 4448.23880624893711454 503.0407229884321422 1119.7353314008790779 503.0407229884321422
c81e72 2600.9308762349498788 974.09502352354264169 4852.52157101720575379 974.09502352354264169
e4da3b 3567.3882471515063849 998.37853535959315513 2053.9833252960165058 998.37853535959315513
c51ce4 2580.4064599247725600 1028.7200828179673870 2394.7300314796354124 1028.7200828179673870
a87ff6 5023.705687783492459935 863.4858182768507102 3822.0371970017654265 863.4858182768507102
8f14e4 2647.0768334782105019 445.743862547520261 3233.47685039578173973 445.743862547520261
45c48c 3814.2424689381731354 198.131022250011036 4442.13685422790551869 198.131022250011036
c4ca42 4380.4429315724604872 1075.5626055691556454 4516.5972484100717280 1075.5626055691556454
6512bd 4031.6925788360780822 574.78279876648434158 2941.2223099752008596 574.78279876648434158
aab323 3491.8873912094965336 916.3032786678013621 4373.76210149024236043 916.3032786678013621

Question 7

What was the final quantity holding of Bitcoin for each member? Sort the output from the highest BTC holding to lowest

Click here to reveal the solution!
      WHEN txn_type = 'BUY' THEN quantity
      WHEN txn_type = 'SELL' THEN -quantity
      ELSE 0
  ) AS final_btc_holding
FROM trading.transactions
WHERE ticker = 'BTC'
GROUP BY member_id
ORDER BY final_btc_holding DESC;

member_id final_btc_holding
a87ff6 4160.219869506641749735
c20ad4 4046.09089667256706404
167909 3945.19808326050497234
c9f0f8 3720.5162047540880357
45c48c 3616.1114466881620994
d3d944 3534.98516016909920761
6512bd 3456.90978006959374062
c4ca42 3304.8803260033048418
aab323 2575.5841125416951715
e4da3b 2569.00971179191322977
eccbc8 2539.30606164202618889
8f14e4 2201.3329709306902409
c81e72 1626.83585271140723711
c51ce4 1551.6863771068051730

Question 8

Which members have sold less than 500 Bitcoin? Sort the output from the most BTC sold to least

We can actually do this in 3 different ways!

Click here to reveal the `HAVING` solution!
  SUM(quantity) AS btc_sold_quantity
FROM trading.transactions
WHERE ticker = 'BTC'
  AND txn_type = 'SELL'
GROUP BY member_id
HAVING SUM(quantity) < 500
ORDER BY btc_sold_quantity DESC;

Click here to reveal the `CTE` solution!
WITH cte AS (
  SUM(quantity) AS btc_sold_quantity
FROM trading.transactions
WHERE ticker = 'BTC'
  AND txn_type = 'SELL'
GROUP BY member_id
WHERE btc_sold_quantity < 500
ORDER BY btc_sold_quantity DESC;

Click here to reveal the `subquery` solution!
    SUM(quantity) AS btc_sold_quantity
  FROM trading.transactions
  WHERE ticker = 'BTC'
    AND txn_type = 'SELL'
  GROUP BY member_id
) AS subquery
WHERE btc_sold_quantity < 500
ORDER BY btc_sold_quantity DESC;

member_id btc_sold_quantity
8f14e4 445.743862547520261
eccbc8 305.345489355233177
45c48c 198.131022250011036

Question 9

What is the total Bitcoin quantity for each member_id owns after adding all of the BUY and SELL transactions from the transactions table? Sort the output by descending total quantity

Click here to reveal the solution!
      WHEN txn_type = 'BUY'  THEN quantity
      WHEN txn_type = 'SELL' THEN -quantity
  ) AS total_quantity
FROM trading.transactions
WHERE ticker = 'BTC'
GROUP BY member_id
ORDER BY total_quantity DESC;

member_id total_quantity
a87ff6 4160.219869506641749735
c20ad4 4046.09089667256706404
167909 3945.19808326050497234
c9f0f8 3720.5162047540880357
45c48c 3616.1114466881620994
d3d944 3534.98516016909920761
6512bd 3456.90978006959374062
c4ca42 3304.8803260033048418
aab323 2575.5841125416951715
e4da3b 2569.00971179191322977
eccbc8 2539.30606164202618889
8f14e4 2201.3329709306902409
c81e72 1626.83585271140723711
c51ce4 1551.6863771068051730

Question 10

Which member_id has the highest buy to sell ratio by quantity?

Click here to reveal the solution!
  SUM(CASE WHEN txn_type = 'BUY' THEN quantity ELSE 0 END) /
    SUM(CASE WHEN txn_type = 'SELL' THEN quantity ELSE 0 END) AS buy_to_sell_ratio
FROM trading.transactions
GROUP BY member_id
ORDER BY buy_to_sell_ratio DESC;

member_id buy_to_sell_ratio
45c48c 19.91269871111331881
a87ff6 7.486010484765204502
c9f0f8 6.2499141870956191
8f14e4 5.30005322455443465
eccbc8 4.92850232946761881
c20ad4 4.65209743522270350
167909 4.60147388258864127
aab323 4.55272149176427243
6512bd 4.52509140656952666
c81e72 4.37533523692905634
c4ca42 4.2628218979753569
e4da3b 3.55762611425005570
d3d944 3.35445896964968774
c51ce4 2.3630130420937542

Question 11

For each member_id - which month had the highest total Ethereum quantity sold`?

Click here to reveal the solution!
WITH cte_ranked AS (
  DATE_TRUNC('MON', txn_date)::DATE AS calendar_month,
  SUM(quantity) AS sold_eth_quantity,
  RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY member_id ORDER BY SUM(quantity) DESC) AS month_rank
FROM trading.transactions
WHERE ticker = 'ETH' AND txn_type = 'SELL'
GROUP BY member_id, calendar_month
FROM cte_ranked
WHERE month_rank = 1
ORDER BY sold_eth_quantity DESC;

member_id calendar_month sold_eth_quantity
c51ce4 2017-05-01 66.092440429535028
d3d944 2020-04-01 60.417369973983352
6512bd 2018-05-01 47.93285714951591
167909 2020-12-01 45.92423664055218
c81e72 2018-08-01 41.26728177476413
aab323 2018-09-01 41.1750763370983665
c4ca42 2021-04-01 40.113474724022574
c20ad4 2017-12-01 37.71908498970638
eccbc8 2021-03-01 36.485934922948275
8f14e4 2017-07-01 36.17383743681231
e4da3b 2019-01-01 30.48442641077632
a87ff6 2020-07-01 27.28919836842423
45c48c 2020-01-01 20.21523406425370
c9f0f8 2020-11-01 15.931855129247867

forthebadge forthebadge