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219 lines (176 loc) · 7.7 KB

File metadata and controls

219 lines (176 loc) · 7.7 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to the code converter will be documented here.

6.6.0 TBC

  • Ask people to upgrade VS if missing languageservices

C# -> VB

  • Improve event identifier conversion

VB -> C#

  • Improve conversion of interpolated strings (format, alignment, escaping)

6.5.0 03/03/2019

  • Avoid fatal error converting a project in a solution containing a website project (#243)
  • Improve best-effort conversion in the presence of errors
  • Improved nuget package and web converter's snippet detection
  • Exclude conversion-source-language files from converted project
  • Improve conversion of type casts
  • Web UI tweaks

C# -> VB

  • Fix for interpolated strings and switch statements in VS2019 Preview

6.4.0 07/02/2019

Fix initialization bug in VS2017

C# -> VB

  • Tuples now converted
  • All known operator overloads now converted

6.3.0 05/02/2019

  • VS 2019 support
  • Breaking API change: Most library API names and return types are now async
  • Improve VS startup time by making package load async
  • Added SourceLink

VB -> C#

  • Private setter added to conversion of ReadOnly properties to cater for backing field usage
  • Usage of compiler generated event variable name converted correctly
  • Access modifiers no longer added erroneously to static constructor
  • "Do Until" construct multi-part conditions are correctly converted
  • Tuple conversion support added
  • VB -> C#: Error (lot of comments about the issue) when define an array with number of elements
  • Decimal division conversion bugfix

C# -> VB

  • GoTo Case with dot in name converted correctly

6.2.0 19/11/2018

VB -> C#

  • Fix array indexing from outside a class
  • Escape double quotes with string interpolation
  • Converts date literals
  • Converts ChrW and Chr
  • Converts type promoted module members
  • Converts EntryPoint and Charset for native functions
  • Converts WriteOnly interface properties
  • Converts "Integer?" to int?
  • Converts property setters with parameters not named "value"
  • Fixed bug causing duplicate namespace qualification
  • Parenthesizes ternary conditional when necessary to preserve logic

C# -> VB

  • Convert enums with explicit base type

6.1.0 - 12/10/2018

VB -> C#

  • Parenthesize "as" cast if necessary
  • Convert properties using "Item" syntax
  • Extract variable for "To" expression
  • Convert base constructor call missing parentheses
  • Fix Nullref in SyntaxFactory.MethodDeclaration

6.0.0 - 21/08/2018

  • Performance improvement for large solutions
  • Fix solution/project level context menu item not appearing when projects are within folders

VB -> C#

  • Fix solution level conversion issues for projects other than the first one
  • Improve query syntax support (some forms of group now supported)

5.9.0 - 01/08/2018

  • Note: This release downgrades the library to net standard 1.3 for compatibility reasons - this should fix "could not load file or assembly netstandard, Culture=neutral'" error

VB -> C#

  • Type inferred const - convert to explicit type
  • Improve name qualification
  • Add parentheses around conditional expression in string interpolation
  • Add parentheses where needed when convert Not, CType and TypeOf
  • Fix namespace conversion issues
  • Conversion error for indexer on property value of unresolved type
  • Single-line lambda with statement body not implemented
  • Array literals not always converted to implicit C# array

5.8.0 - 26/06/2018

  • Move options lower down in the context menus so they aren't in the way

VB -> C#

  • Handle WithEvents fields without initializers
  • In lambda, use parentheses around single explicitly typed parameter
  • Convert LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax
  • Default parameter "value" now has the correct case
  • Multiline xml doc comment conversion bugfix

C# -> VB

  • Interfaces "implements" clause now converted
  • Shared no longer appears on Module members
  • Fixed .Name bug with anonymous object creation
  • Use Is and IsNot for reference type comparison

5.7.0 - 08/05/2018

  • Update to .NET Standard 2.0
  • Convert solution and project files
  • Added convert and copy to clipboard into options

VB -> C#

  • Convert WithEvents/Handles
  • Convert Handles and WithEvents similarly to the VB compiler
  • Handle expressions in Select Case
  • Ensure all parts of a partial class have the partial modifier
  • Handle missing optional arguments
  • Increase number of default global imports for web conversion
  • Default properties now converted

C# -> VB

  • Fix DeclarationExpressions without a type throwing exception
  • Convert Throw Expressions to multi-line lambda function
  • Convert properties with no accessors
  • Fix error converting ObjectCollectionInitializerSyntax within object initializer
  • Escape predefined if they are used for the name of declaration

5.6.3 - 09/04/2018

  • Improve support for sub-class snippets through the website
  • Best effort conversion with errors as comments inline
  • Tidy up duplicate import/using statements

VB -> C#

  • Using statements and array initialization improvements
  • Convert select case expressions
  • Fix for multi-parameter extension methods
  • Convert single line void delegates
  • Fix array initialization incorrect conversion bugs
  • Convert operator overloads
  • Overestimate when a method should be invoked with no parameters
  • Remove global namespace in conversion
  • Add Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices when convering an out parameter
  • Support Erase and Redim Preserve
  • Convert select case expressions
  • Extend support for converting with blocks

C# -> VB

  • Convert C# 7.0 features: "is pattern", throw and declaration expressions
  • Convert expression bodies
  • Fix to ensure Case Else always comes last in a Select statement
  • Convert base class constructor call
  • Fix convert char from integer cast
  • Convert hex literals to hex literals (rather than just integers)
  • Fix to avoid using "_" as a parameter name
  • Fix for loop variable missing declaration and initialization
  • Convert declare to extern
  • Fix to improve accuracy of adding AddressOf
  • Convert block syntax
  • Convert empty statement
  • Fix to avoid single line if-else statement's conversion causing compilation error
  • Fix to avoid delegate with no parameters throwing NullReferenceException

5.6.2 - 16/03/2018

VB -> C#

  • Fix for change in logic when converting nested one-line if blocks
  • Fix for loss of precision in arithmetic when using / operator
  • Integer division and bit shifting now converted
  • Is and IsNot operators now converted
  • Narrowing and Widening conversion operators now converted
  • Linq query syntax with no select clause now converted
  • DirectCast operator now converted
  • Shadows modifier now converted (to new)

C# -> VB

  • Newline now appears before each attribute list
  • Fix for new converting to Shadows - it now maps to Overloads

5.6.1 - 06/03/2018

  • VSIX: Gets conversion off the UI thread to avoid it freezing
  • VB -> C#: VB projects referencing other VB projects no longer error
  • VB -> C#: XmlDoc comments now are correctly newline terminated

5.6 - 05/03/2018

Visual studio extension

  • New commands added to convert whole solution/project at once
  • Works reliably in VS2017
  • Instead of copy to clipboard, opens result as Visual Studio window for quick viewing
  • Writes summary to output window to explain what's happened
  • Project context used for all conversions

VB -> C#

  • Query expression syntax converted in simple cases
  • Anonymous object creation converted
  • Object initializer syntax converted
  • Converts comments in the majority of cases (though with some formatting oddities)
  • Now works on sub-method snippets
  • Names now fully qualified where necessary
  • Out parameters correctly converted

5.5 - 12/29/2017

  • Move from Refactoring Essentials to a repository of its own
  • Separate NuGet
  • Separate VSIX
  • Improvements on the VB side