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React Integration Testing with Karma, Jasmine and Vertx

The basic idea is to build a single page(spa) production application ensuring consistent and stable code using JavaScript, CSS and Bootstrap linting and automated unit and integration(e2e) testing.

Building Front-End Production Bundle

Building Front-End Test Bundle

Development Overview

Bundle Tools

  1. Fusebox


Main Tools

  1. Vertx
  2. Gradle
  3. Gulp
  4. Karma
  5. Jasmine
  6. Mocha/Allure reporting
  7. Any Browser with a karma launcher
  8. Fuse-Box v4, javascript code bundler
  9. Node, Npm



Install Assumptions:

  1. OS Linux or Windows(Tested on Windows10)
  2. Node and npm
  3. Gulp4 - use npx gulp if not installed globally.
  4. Google Chrome
  5. Firefox
  6. Dodex-Vertx


cd to <dodex-vertx install>/src/spa-react.

  npm install

To install all required dependencies.

Note Npm will produce vulnerability warnings, they must be dealt with manually.

The test build will generate the spa application in src/main/resources/static/dist_test/react-fusebox and production in src/main/resources/static/dist/react-fusebox. The application is accessible after rebuilding the Vertx test server. The rebuild is usually automatic, however restarting the server or touching a *.java file with the Vertx server running will redeploy the application.


After building the application(see Production Build and Test Build), view the application with a Browser @

localhost:8087/dist/react-fusebox/appl/testapp.html or localhost:8087/dist_test/react-fusebox/appl/testapp_dev.html.

Production Build


  1. Start the Vertx test server cd <install> and execute gradlew run.

  2. cd <install>/src/spa-react/devl. This is the directory used for building the front-end and testing the application(both front-end and back-end).

  3. Execute gulp prod or npx gulp prod if you do not have Gulp installed globally. This should run all tests and if successful will produce the production bundle and static content in src/main/resources/static/dist/react-fusebox. Note: the javascript linting uses eslint:recommended which forces double-quoted strings and semi-colon statement endings etc. This can be changed in <install>/src/spa-react/devl/.eslintrc.js.

  4. View the application using the production bundle at localhost:8087/dist/react-fusebox/appl/testapp.html.

  5. You can run gulp prd to bypass the testing.

  6. Executing gulp prd -l will produce a local version in <install>/src/dist/react-fusebox for viewing with Node without the Java back-end. Execute node koa from the devl directory and view in a browser at localhost:3088/dist/react-fusebox/appl/testapp.html.

    Note: see dodex-vertx for building the production jar.

    Important: the test directory dist_test is removed from the vertx server during the production build. Execute gulp rebuild or gulp test to rebuild the test front-end application.

    Also; whenever building and execution are not working, try running gulp rebuild then touch a java file, e.g. touch src/main/java/dmo/fs/vertx/ This will rebuild the Vertx server with the test bundle. It appears that memory constraints may generate flaky tests.

Test Build


The javascript Gulp task runner is used to accomplish test execution, see src/spa-react/devl/gulpfile.js. These tasks will execute the Karma test runner with the Jasmine assertion library, see src/spa-react/devl/karma.conf.js. Karma can run both unit and localized tests as well as integration testing across HTTP. The default is to run intergration testing, therefore the Dodex-Vertx server must be running. The integration testing runs best with only one browser, the default is Chrome. Use the USE_BROWSERS environment variable to switch browsers, e.g. export USE_BROWSERS=FirefoxHeadless.

Using the Cassandra Database

After setting the database to cassandra, co-ordination among Akka, Vertx and React builds is difficult to automate. Therefore using gulp test and gulp prod will not work. For a test build use gulp rebuild and once Vertx and Akka are restarted, tests can be executed with gulp acceptance. For the React production build, use gulp prd.

Test Tasks

Run these commands from src/spa-react/devl. Note: If gulp is not installed globally, you and execute npx gulp.

  1. gulp test
    • default, run once with headless browser
    • builds the React application using Fuse-Box
    • copies static content
    • location src/main/resources/static/dist_test (accessible to Vertx)
    • redeploys the Dodex-Vertx verticle
    • executes the unit tests in src/spa-react/tests
    • executes the integration tests in src/spa-react/appl/jasmine
    • reports the results to the console, see below
    • view in browser @ http://localhost:8087/dist_test/react-fusebox/appl/testapp_dev.html
  2. gulp rebuild
    • rebuild and redeploy the React application without testing.
  3. gulp acceptance
    • run tests without rebuilding, very useful when using gulp watch
  4. gulp watch
    • Fuse-Box watcher to rebuild application on javascript code changes
    • once the verticle is redepoyed, execute gulp acceptance to test new/changed code.
    • changes are also viewable in the browser
  5. gulp tdd Test driven development
    • default, run continuously with normal browser
    • run with gulp watch to automatically test while developing
  6. gulp development
    • run both gulp tdd and gulp watch in the same terminal window
  7. gulp copy
    • Copy any changed content to the Vertx static directory
    • If gulp watch is running the verticle will be redeployed
    • Manually redepoly the Dodex-Vertx verticle by touching any *.java file in src/main/java/...
  8. gulp lint
    • Run linting for Javascript, CSS and Bootstrap
  9. Allure Reporting
    • Run gulp test -a, gulp acceptance -a or gulp prod -a for Allure reporting
    • Creates results in devl/allure-results
    • Execute npm run allure to generate reports in devl/allure-reports
    • Execute npm start to startup Node server to view
    • Use browser to view @ http://localhost:3088
  10. gulp hmr
    • Runs Fuse-Box hot module reload for the React application.
    • Runs a Node http Server and makes front-end javascript changes visible
    • Back-end Java is not accessible
    • Use browser to view @ http://localhost:3087/dist_test/react-fusebox/appl/testapp_dev.html
  11. gulp preview
    • Runs Fuse-Box to build production front-end without minify and starts a node http server
    • Use browser to view @ http://localhost:3087/dist/react-fusebox/appl/testapp.html

Running tests in local mode (no backend java integration tests)

  1. The test tasks test, acceptance, watch, tdd, rebuild, hmr, preview, prod can all be executed with the -l parameter e.g. gulp test -l.
  2. The builds are located in src/dist_test or src/dist.
  3. When running gulp hmr -l view with http://localhost:3087/dist_test/react-fusebox/appl/testapp_dev.html

Java Integration Testing

  • The demo application is interfaced with back-end java and database via the Log In popup. A simple login table is stored in a local Sqlite3 database, see src/main/java/dmo/fs/spa.... Therefore, to view the Dodex and Table View modules, a user must be created and logged in.

  • Because testing is via http, all of the tests evaluate Dodex-Vertex delivered content. However, only the Popup Login Form tests actually assert complete fullstack processes, i.e. adding, logging-in and logging-out a user.

  • The front-end login code is located in src/spa-react/appl/js/login.js and the back-end can be tracked from src/main/java/dmo/fs/spa/router/

A test result might look like

Chrome Headless 81.0.4044.129 (Linux x86_64) LOG: 'You should get 45 successful specs.'
LOG: 'Firefox 75: You should get 45 successful specs.'
  Unit Tests - Suite 1
    ✔ Verify that browser supports Promises
    ✔ ES6 Support
  Unit Tests - Suite 2
    ✔ Is Karma active
    ✔ Verify NaN
  Unit Tests - Suite 3
    ✔ Strip Canjs Warning Code
    ✔ Strip Fuse-Box Block Code
  Popper Defined - required for Bootstrap
    ✔ is JQuery defined
    ✔ is Popper defined
  Application Unit test suite - AppTest
    ✔ Is Welcome Page Loaded
    ✔ Is Pdf Loaded
    ✔ Is Tools Table Loaded
    Testing Menulinks Router
      ✔ is table loaded from router component
      ✔ is pdf loaded from router component
    Load new tools page
      ✔ setup and click events executed.
      ✔ did Redux set default value.
      ✔ new page loaded on change.
      ✔ did Redux set new value.
      ✔ verify state management
    Contact Form Validation
      ✔ Contact form - verify required fields
      ✔ Contact form - validate populated fields, email mismatch.
      ✔ Contact form - validate email with valid email address.
      ✔ Contact form - validate form submission.
    Popup Login Form
      ✔ Login form - verify modal with login loaded
      ✔ Login form - verify required fields
      ✔ Login form - verify user name pattern mismatch
      ✔ Login form - verify password pattern mismatch
      ✔ Login form - Make sure test user removed
      ✔ Login form - verify java vertx backend routing
      ✔ Login form - Create New User, click checkbox & fillout form
      ✔ Login form - Create New User, submit & verify new user
      ✔ Login form - Log Out User
      ✔ Login form - Reopen Login
      ✔ Login form - Remove added User
      ✔ Login form - verify cancel and removed from DOM
    Dodex Operation Validation
      ✔ Dodex - loaded and toggle on icon mousedown
      ✔ Dodex - Check that card A is current and flipped on mousedown
      ✔ Dodex - Check that card B is current and flipped on mousedown
      ✔ Dodex - Flip cards A & B back to original positions
      ✔ Dodex - Flip multiple cards on tab mousedown
      ✔ Dodex - Add additional app/personal cards
      ✔ Dodex - Load Login Popup from card1(A)
    Dodex Input Operation Validation
      ✔ Dodex Input - popup on mouse double click
      ✔ Dodex Input - Verify that form elements exist
      ✔ Dodex Input - verify that uploaded file is processed
      ✔ Dodex Input - close popup on button click

Finished in 15.164 secs / 11.543 secs @ 16:58:26 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

✔ 90 tests completed



A test and development scenario for Dodex-Vertx. Note: If gulp is not installed globally, you and execute npx gulp.

  1. Open a desktop terminal window
  2. cd <dodex-vertx install>, make sure Dodex is installed npm install in src/main/resources/static
  3. gradlew run
  4. Open a desktop terminal window
  5. cd <dodex-vertx install>/src/spa-react/devl, make sure React demo application is installed npm install in src/spa-react
  6. gulp watch
  7. When developing Java, issuing a save in an IDE will redeploy Dodex-Vertx.
  8. To test Java code, Open a desktop terminal window cd <dodex-vertx install> and execute runtests
  9. When developing Javascript, issuing a save will rebuild the Fuse-Box bundle and redeploy Dodex-Vertx
  10. Open a desktop terminal window
  11. cd <dodex-vertx install>/src/spa-react/devl
  12. gulp acceptance to run tests
  13. When changing static content, execute gulp copy, Dodex-Vertx should be redeployed



A blazing fast js bundler/loader with a comprehensive API

  • Using Fuse-Box V4
  • Configuration in src/spa-react/devl/fuse.js and src/spa-react/devl/gulpfile.js (functions runFusebox and fuseboxConfig)