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FSCseq is an R package for simultaneous feature selection and clustering of RNA-seq gene expression data. It can also correct for differences in sequencing depth using size factors from DESeq2 (Love et al, 2014), as well as for covariates such as batch. The main application is in delineating tumor subtypes, but FSCseq can be used for other applications involving discovery of subpopulations and identification of significant features. Code to replicate the results from the FSCseq paper is available at


You can install the released version of FSCseq from this repository with:



This example gives a brief overview of how to run FSCseq analysis with simulated data. We show how to use a real RNA-seq read count dataset instead of simulated data. The extension to a real dataset is straight-forward

Step 1a: Simulating data

To simulate data, use the simulateData function available in FSCseq. Read count expression will be simulated from a finite mixture of negative binomials. For ease of use, simulated data will be saved automatically in the save_dir directory, and will be saved in object sim.dat. In this example, one dataset is simulated (nsims) with 10000 genes (G, default) and 50 samples (n) from 1 batch (B, default) with 2 underlying clusters (K), baseline \log_2 mean of 12 (beta0), and overdispersion of 0.35 (phi).

B=1; g=10000; K=2; n=50; LFCg=1; pDEg=0.05; beta0=12; phi0=0.35
sim.dat = FSCseq::simulateData(B=B, g=g, K=K, n=n, LFCg=LFCg, pDEg=pDEg,
             beta0=beta0, phi0=phi0, nsims=1, save_file=FALSE)
# for save_file=TRUE, can input custom save_dir and save_prefix for parallelization of downstream analyses

The simulateData function outputs a list of length nsims with a sim.dat list object for each simulation. The contents of sim.dat can be examined as follows, where each element of the list corresponds to a distinct simulated dataset:

#> List of 1
#>  $ :List of 9
#>   ..$ cts       : num [1:10000, 1:50] 1145 1203 2810 7645 1867 ...
#>   ..$ cts_pred  : num [1:10000, 1:25] 4217 5317 3312 7618 4077 ...
#>   ..$ cls       : int [1:50] 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 ...
#>   ..$ cls_pred  : int [1:25] 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 ...
#>   ..$ batch     : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#>   ..$ SF        : num [1:50] 0.808 0.796 0.965 0.931 1.109 ...
#>   ..$ SF_pred   : num [1:25] 1.438 0.863 0.785 1.012 0.95 ...
#>   ..$ DEg_ID    : logi [1:10000] TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
#>   ..$ sim_params:List of 18
#>   .. ..$ K       : num 2
#>   .. ..$ B       : num 1
#>   .. ..$ g       : num 10000
#>   .. ..$ n       : num 50
#>   .. ..$ n_pred  : num 25
#>   .. ..$ pK      : num [1:2] 0.5 0.5
#>   .. ..$ pB      : num 1
#>   .. ..$ LFCg    : num 1
#>   .. ..$ pDEg    : num 0.05
#>   .. ..$ sigma_g : num 0.1
#>   .. ..$ LFCb    : num 0
#>   .. ..$ pDEb    : num 0.5
#>   .. ..$ sigma_b : num 0
#>   .. ..$ beta    : num [1:10000, 1:2] 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 ...
#>   .. ..$ phi     : num [1:10000] 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 ...
#>   .. ..$ disp    : chr "gene"
#>   .. ..$ LFCg_mat: num [1:10000, 1:2] 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 ...
#>   .. ..$ DEb_ID  : logi [1:10000] TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE ...

Step 1b: Analyzing custom data

To perform analysis on your own data, download the read counts and load it. This example shows how to acquire the TCGA Breast Cancer Dataset available on the NCI GDCPortal, using the TCGAbiolinks package. Warning: this query contains 1215 files with a total of about 1.84 GB, and will take a long time to download:

# library(devtools)
# devtools::install_github("BioinformaticsFMRP/TCGAbiolinks")
query1 = GDCquery(project="TCGA-BRCA",
                data.category = "Gene expression",
                data.type = "Gene expression quantification",
                platform = "Illumina HiSeq",
                file.type  = "results",
                experimental.strategy = "RNA-Seq",
                legacy = TRUE)
GDCprepare(query = query1, save = TRUE, save.filename = "TCGA_BRCA_exp.rda")

Then, read the saved data into the R environment

cts <- round(assay(data),0)
cts <- cts[!duplicated(cts[,1:ncol(cts)]),]
anno <- colData(data)@listData

Optionally, you may want to pre-filter out genes with low FPKM values. Subtype information for the TCGA BRCA dataset used in our paper can be obtained using the TCGAquery_subtype() function, and used as the true cluster labels. These true cluster labels are optional, but useful to track diagnostics in FSCseq:

BRCA_tab = TCGAquery_subtype("BRCA")
match_ids = match(anno$patient, BRCA_tab$patient) # match patients
anno$subtypes = BRCA_tab$BRCA_Subtype_PAM50[match_ids]

true_cls = as.numeric(as.factor(anno$subtypes))

Then, you can proceed with the subsequent steps with the cts matrix and true cluster labels true_cls, as in the simulated data. Details of the processing steps and analyses on the TCGA BRCA dataset performed in our paper can be found here. In the subsequent steps, we walk through just the simulated dataset, but analysis can be done on your own data using the same steps.

Step 2: Performing clustering and feature selection

For brevity of illustration, we go through FSCseq analysis on the previously simulated dataset with a much smaller grid of values of tuning parameters. First, we subset the simulated dataset. In this example, we subset to just the 1st element of sim.dat since nsims=1, but for nsims>1, other simulated datasets can be accessed by changing the index value. The contents of each sim.dat object can be accessed, and counts and true cluster labels can be extracted as follows:

simdat = sim.dat[[1]]
cts=simdat$cts; true_cls=simdat$cls

Then, we run the FSCseq workflow. To do this, we input the simulated (or custom) cts matrix into FSCseq_workflow. Default search grids for tuning parameters are preset. Note that dir_name should be unique, in order to avoid utilizing saved results from a previously analyzed dataset. The workflow on this example dataset took about 5 minutes to complete:

t0 = as.numeric(Sys.time())
FSCseq_results = FSCseq::FSCseq_workflow(cts=cts,
                                         lambda_search=c(1.0, 1.5),
                                         alpha_search=c(0.1, 0.2), dir_name="~/test/Saved_Results")
#> No input batch. All samples from the same batch
#> Computing size factors...
#> converting counts to integer mode
#> Initializing warm starts...
#> K = 2 ... done.
#> K = 3 ... done.
#> Tuning parameters...
#> K = 2 ... done.
#> K = 3 ... done.
#> Removing saved interim results...
t1 = as.numeric(Sys.time())
print(paste("time elapsed:",t1-t0))
#> [1] "time elapsed: 310.549093008041"
res = FSCseq_results$results

Note that we did not simulate batch in this case. If batch was simulated, an additional argument batch = ... can be input to adjust for these batch effects. Additionally, a custom design matrix X = ... can also be specified. By default, batch is assumed to not be included in the X design matrix. If both batch and X are specified, then the design matrix will be augmented with batch as an additional covariate.

Step 3: Summarizing and visualizing results

We can now summarize our clustering results. FSCseq_workflow outputs the processed data after pre-filtering and normalizing for differences in sequencing depth, as well as the results from FSCseq analysis. Subset true cluster-discriminatory genes (as simulated) to those genes in idx, which were included in analysis after pre-filtering. This allows for comparison between true and derived cluster-discriminatory genes.

processed.dat = FSCseq_results$processed.dat
idx = processed.dat$idx  # IDs of genes that were included in clustering analysis after pre-filtering
true_disc = simdat$DEg_ID[idx]

summ = summary(res, true_cls, true_disc)  # true_cls and true_disc optional
#> K: 2 
#> True K: 2 
#> ARI: 1 
#>         cls
#> true_cls  1  2
#>        1  0 23
#>        2 27  0
#> -----------------
#> TPR: 0.934383202099738 
#> FPR: 0.0138558129465252 
#> -----------------
#> cls (first 5 samples):
#> [1] 1 2 2 2 2
#> disc (first 5 genes):

The true_cls and true_disc arguments are optional for the summary() function. Inputting true_cls additionally outputs the ARI and a two-way table comparing the true and derived cluster labels. Inputting true_disc additionally outputs the true positive rate (TPR) and false positive rate (FPR) of discovering true cluster-discriminatory genes.

We can additionally visualize the expression patterns by plotting a heatmap, with column annotations denoting cluster membership (red/black)

norm_y = processed.dat$norm_y
        scale="row",ColSideColors = as.character(res$cls),
        xlab="Samples",ylab="Genes",main="Heatmap of cluster-discriminatory genes")

Step 4 (optional): Predicting on new data

simulateData additionally simulates a test set with the same simulated parameters, in order to perform prediction after fitting the FSCseq model on the training set. Input the FSCseq fitted object res$fit into FSCseq_predict_workflow, along with the count matrix of the test set. The count matrix of the training set is also required to use as a pseudo-reference for the calculation of size factors in the test set. Input idx to narrow down list of genes to those included in FSCseq analyses.

cts_pred = simdat$cts_pred
true_cls_pred = simdat$cls_pred
fit_pred = FSCseq::FSCseq_predict_workflow(fit = res$fit,
                                           cts = cts,
                                           cts_pred = cts_pred,
                                           idx = idx)
#> Computing size factors...
#> converting counts to integer mode
#> Computing predictive posterior probabilities...
#> No covariates specified. Predicting on cluster-specific intercept-only model.
res_pred = fit_pred$results
#> Package 'mclust' version 5.4.5
#> Type 'citation("mclust")' for citing this R package in publications.
print(paste( "pARI: ", adjustedRandIndex(true_cls_pred, res_pred$clusters) ))
#> [1] "pARI:  1"

This analysis can be generalized to real data by replacing cts_pred with a separate test dataset, after fitting the FSCseq model on the training dataset.