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Linux IPC and pipes
  • TOC {: toc}


This lab has a number of elements:

  1. Practice with C structs, arrays and pointers
  2. Linux IPC with signals
  3. Linux IPC with pipes

C structs, arrays and pointers


You need to understand how to use C structs, arrays and pointers in order to develop a strong understanding of operating systems. You should already have a good C text book. There is also some useful material online. See the module page.

What to do

  1. Read Section 3 Complex Data Types in Essential C.

  2. Create a program called c_structs_and_pointers.c from the example below.

    #include <stdio.h>
    struct fraction {
    int numerator;
    int denominator;
    void printFraction(struct fraction f) {
    printf("%i/%i", f.numerator, f.denominator);
    int main () {
    struct fraction f1;
    struct fraction f2;
    f1.numerator = 21;
    f1.denominator = 3;
    f2 = f1;
    printf("f1 = ");
    printf("f2 = ");

    {: .code} Compile and run the program. Read through it carefully. Ask your lab tutor about any aspects that you don't understand. In the exercises that follow, make sure that you compile and run the program after every modification. Don't leave compiling and running to the end.

  3. Edit the program to add two new variables of type struct fraction, called f3 and f4. Add assignment statements to set the numerator of f3 to 24 and its denominator to 6. Do the same for f4 making its numerator and denominator 48 and 8, respectively. Add statements to print out the details of f3 and f4, similarly to the way that f1 and f2 are printed in the example.

  4. Add two new integer variables called num and denom to the program. Write assignments to make the value of num equal to the numerator of f3 and the value of denom equal to the denominator of f4. Add print statements to print out the values of num and denom.

  5. Declare an array a of 5 variables of type struct fraction. Write a function initFractionArray to initialise the numerators and denominators of all elements in the array to the value 1 (use a loop). Call initFractionArray from your main function to initialise a. Now add code to your main function to set the values of the numerator and denominator of the third element in the array to the same values as f2, and the values of the numerator and denominator of the fourth element in the array to 6 and 12, respectively. Add code to print out the values of all elements of a.

  6. Declare a variable p1 to be a pointer to a struct fraction. Write an assignment statement to make p1 point to the fraction f1. Use the * notation with p1 to assign the value 5 to the numerator of the fraction that it points to. Use the -> notation with p1 to assign the value 25 to the denominator. Write statements to print the values of the fraction f1 and the fraction pointed to by p1. Using a single assignment statement, assign the value of the fraction pointed to by p1 to the fraction f3. Print out the value of f3.

  7. Write an assignment statement to make p1 point to the third element of the array a. Now assign the value of f4 to the fraction pointed to by p1. Print out the values of all the variables in your program. Make sure that you can explain the results that you see.

Linux IPC with signals


A very basic form of inter-process communication in Unix is the use of signals. Signals are described in this lecture.

Using signals in a C program

The program below gives a simple example of the use of a signal in a C program. The alarm() function causes the SIGALRM signal to be generated at the end of a specified period of time, e.g. alarm(2) generates the signal after 2 seconds. The pause() function simply waits until any signal is generated. The program shows how to install your own handler for the SIGALRM signal. You can use this approach to install a handler for any signal.

struct sigaction is a C struct that includes the fields

  • sa_handler - this should be set to the function that you want to act as the handler for the signal. In the example below, the handler function is catchAlarm(). Notice that the type of this function shows that it takes a single integer argument and returns a void result, i.e. void catchAlarm(int sig). Every signal handler function that you write must have a type like this.

  • sa_mask - this is a value that determines which other signals will be blocked while your signal handler function is executed. If act is a struct sigaction then calling sigfillset(&act.sa_mask) ensures that all signals will be blocked.

  • sa_flags is a field that controls some aspects of the signal handling. For the moment, it is fine for you to accept the default behaviour by setting the value of this field to 0.

    #include <signal.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #define TIMEOUT_SECS 2
    int tick = 0;
    void give_up(char *msg) {perror(msg); exit(1);}
    void catchAlarm(int ignored) {tick += 1;}
    int main() {
      struct sigaction act;
      act.sa_handler = catchAlarm;
      if (sigfillset(&act.sa_mask) < 0) {
      act.sa_flags = 0;
      if (sigaction(SIGALRM, &act, 0) < 0) {
      do {
        printf("Tick %i\n", tick);
      } while (1);

    {: .code}

  1. Create a program called ticker.c using the program above. Compile and build the program. Run it and observe its behaviour. Make sure that you understand the program. Ask your lab tutor about any aspects that you're not clear about.

  2. Add code to this program to install your own handler for the SIGQUIT signal. Your handler should just print the message "SIGQUIT handler called" and allow the program to continue execution. Build and test your program.

Using signals in a shell script

It is also possible to handle signals in a shell script. The trap command can be used to install your own signal handler. It is good practice to write a shell function to act as the handler. See the program below for examples of how this is done.


SIG_handler() {
  echo "This is a signal handler for SIGQUIT and SIGTERM"
  exit 0

SIGINT_handler() {
  echo ""
  echo "This is the SIGINT handler"
  read -p "Press ENTER ..."

EXIT_handler() {
  echo "This is the EXIT handler"
  exit 0

trap SIGINT_handler SIGINT
trap EXIT_handler EXIT

while true
  echo "Hello"
  sleep 1

{: .code}

  1. Create a shell script called trap_demo that contains the code above. Make the the script executable. Run it and observe its behaviour.

  2. Try pressing Control-C and Control-\ while your script is running. What happens? Why?

  3. Run the script again. Discover the process id your running script. In another terminal, use the kill command to send the TERM signal to the process. What happens? Why?

Linux IPC with pipes


You have already seen many examples of the use of pipes. What you are aiming to do here is to clarify your understanding of what the shell does when you enter a command that contains the pipe symbol (|). You will also look at a simple example of using a named pipe.

Simple pipes

  1. Create a shell script that will print Hello 30 times at 1 second intervals. Call this script hello30. Make the script executable.

  2. Execute the script hello30 and pipe its output into the command wc -l. What behaviour do you expect from this pipeline?

  3. Discover the process id of your terminal. Use echo $$ to do this. Run the pipeline again.

  4. While your pipeline is running, in another terminal window, use the ps command to identify which processes have been created to run the pipeline. Explain what you observe.

Named pipes

Read the section on named pipes in the lecture

  1. Implement the example from the lecture and observe the behaviour.

  2. Write a C program that writes "Hello named pipe world" to stdout. Write a second C program that reads a string from stdin. Open a terminal window. Create a named pipe. Run your first program with output redirected to the named pipe. Open a second terminal window. Run the second program with input redirected from the named pipe. Observe what happens. Use the ls -l command to examine the named pipe.

  3. Repeat the previous exercise but this time using shell scripts.