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Password Manager

A simple, lightweight password management tool that stores passwords on your computer, not on the cloud.

By David Sams

Start-up Guide

  1. Download the project to a secure folder on your machine.

  2. Navigate to resources/data.js and open it in a code editor.

  3. Add your passwords, following the provided format and adding however many additional fields you need.

  4. Open the root app.html file in your browser and you should be able to see your passwords in the left sidebar.

General Notes

  • There are no restrictions on the number or names of properties you can use in password objects; any key/value pair in the object will be displayed in the password card for that password.

  • The tab property in the object array located in resources/data.js corresponds to the list of categories in app.html. Feel free to edit or delete them to create your own custom categories.

  • Clicking any field in a password card automatically copies that field's contents to the clipboard.

  • In resources/data.js, an array with a [1] value of ['web'] will turn that field into a clickable link.

  • Similarly, an array with a [1] value of ['pw'] will conceal the field. Hold down the shift key to temporarily reveal hidden fields.

Creating a shortcut to the app

Mac users can add a nifty shortcut to the app that will open it in a new browser window.

Simply open the Shortcuts app and create a new shortcut. Add the following command from the searchbar on the right:

Run AppleScript with Input

Copy and paste the following code snippet into the script:

tell application "Google Chrome"
	tell (make new window)
	end tell
end tell

Click the hammer icon. Then append an Open File command, and select the path to app.html:

Open app.html in Default App

You can now add the shortcut wherever you like, in your dock or in the status bar if you prefer it out of sight.

Thanks for trying my app! :)