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DeDop Shell


DeDop Shell comprises a single command-line executable, which is called dedop and is available after installing the DeDop Shell on your computer. With this tool, users can have a complete interaction with the input data, processor, configuration, and finally the output products. If you have not done so, see section um_setup to install and initialize DeDop Shell.

In this section, you will find a complete manual on how to use DeDop Shell. This can be sub-divided into the following parts:

  • Workspace Management <workspace_manag>
  • Source File Management <source_file_manag>
  • Processor Configuration Management <config_manag>
  • Running the Processor <run_proc>
  • Analyse the Results <analyse_results>

Workspace Management

Add a new workspace

When DeDop Shell runs for the first time, there is no workspace available. An automatic creation of default workspace can be triggered by running dedop input add some/path/to/your/ or dedop run command as described here <processing_l1a_l1b>.

To add a new workspace is by running the following command:

$ dedop w add workspace_name

Upon successful operation, the following responses shall be returned:

$ created workspace "workspace_name"
$ current workspace is "workspace_name"

This means that the new workspace has been successfully created and made the current workspace, which means that, unless explicitly changed, whatever operations being performed after this will happen inside this workspace.

Remove a workspace

To remove a workspace, run one of the following commands:

$ dedop w remove                   # CASE 1
$ dedop w remove workspace_name    # CASE 2

In both cases, a confirmation prompt will appear to really ensure that this action is intentional. To disable this prompt, use the optional argument --yes (eg. dedop w remove --yes).

In CASE 1, the tool will remove the current workspace. It will then change the current workspace to the next workspace. When no more workspaces exist, it will just be assumed that there is no current workspace.

In CASE 2, the tool will remove the specified workspace. If the specified name is also the current workspace name, the above scenario will be in effect.

remove has an alias rm.

Copy a workspace

To copy a workspace, run one of the following commands:

$ dedop w copy                                       # CASE 1
$ dedop w copy workspace_to_be_copied                # CASE 2
$ dedop w copy workspace_to_be_copied new_workspace  # CASE 3

In CASE 1, without specifying which workspace to be copied, it will default to the current workspace. The new workspace name is also not specified, so in this case a new name with the format of current_workspace_name + _ + unique_number is created. The unique number will be incremented until a unique combination is constructed. For example, for a current workspace workspace1, it will create a new workspace named workspace1_1.

In CASE 2, the workspace to be copied is specified, but not the name of the new workspace. It will then follow the same rule as in CASE 1, by creating a new workspace with a name that is of format workspace_to_be_copied + _ + unique_number.

In CASE 3, both the workspace to be copied and the name of the new workspace are specified. It is very clear that it will copy the specified workspace to a new workspace with the specified name.

One thing that is worth mentioning is that copying a workspace does not automatically change the current workspace.

copy has an alias cp.

Rename a workspace

To rename a workspace, run one of the following commands:

$ dedop w rename new_workspace_name                           # CASE 1
$ dedop w rename workspace_to_be_renamed new_workspace_name   # CASE 2

In CASE 1, the current workspace will be renamed to new_workspace_name. The current workspace will be automatically changed after the renaming.

In CASE 2, the specified workspace will be renamed to new_workspace_name. There is NO change on the current workspace.

rename has an alias rn.

Get current workspace

It is sometimes useful to know in which workspace we are working on at the moment. To get that information, run the following:

$ dedop w current

If there is a current workspace, the name of the current workspace will be returned. Otherwise, no current workspace will be returned.

current has an alias cur.

List workspaces

To list available workspaces, run the following command:

dedop w list

list has an alias ls.

Source File Management

After creating a workspace, the next step is to manage the L1A source files.

Add new L1A source file

To add a new L1A file(s) into this workspace, run the following command:

$ dedop i add /path/to/file1 /path/to/file2 /path/to/file3

What this command does is copying those files into the current workspace directory. When successful, those files will be located inside inputs directory under the current workspace directory. Every workspace will have its own inputs directory, which in the end can be used as a source file for running multiple processes with different configurations.

Remove L1A source file

To remove the previously-added L1A file(s), run one of the following commands:

$ dedop i remove                                           # CASE 1
$ dedop i remove file_name1 file_name2                     # CASE 2
$ dedop i remove -w workspace_name                         # CASE 3
$ dedop i remove -w workspace_name file_name1 file_name2   # CASE 4

In all cases, a confirmation prompt will appear to really ensure that this action is intentional. To disable this prompt, use the optional argument --quiet (eg. dedop i remove --quiet).

In CASE 1, all previously-added source files in the current workspace will be removed.

In CASE 2, the specified files in the current workspace will be removed.

In CASE 3, all previously-added source in the specified workspace will be removed.

In CASE 4, the specified files in the specified workspace will be removed.

remove has an alias rm.

List all L1A source files

To list all source files that have been added, run one of the following commands:

$ dedop i list                     # CASE 1
$ dedop i list -w other_workspace  # CASE 2
$ dedop i list L1A*                # CASE 3

In CASE 1, the tool will return a list of all source files in the current workspace.

In CASE 2, the tool will return a list of all source files in the specified workspace.

In CASE 3, the tool will return a list of all source files that match the given regex L1A*.

list has an alias ls.

Processor Configuration Management

The next step before running an actual process is to manage the configurations.

Add a new configuration

To add a new configuration, run one of the following commands:

$ dedop c add new_config_name                     # CASE 1
$ dedop c add -w other_workspace new_config_name  # CASE 2
$ dedop c add --cryosat-adapted new_config_name   # CASE 3

In all cases, a new folder named new_config_name is created under a workspace and it consists of three default configuration files CHD.json, CNF.json, and CST.json. The generated configurations are by default for Sentinel-3 processing unless when --cryosat-adapted is specified.

In CASE 1, a new configuration will be created under the current workspace directory.

In CASE 2, a new configuration will be created under the specified workspace directory.

In CASE 3, a new configuration suited for Adapted Cryosat-2 FBR data will be created under the current workspace directory.

Remove a configuration

To remove a configuration, run one of the following commands:

$ dedop c remove                                  # CASE 1
$ dedop c remove config_name                      # CASE 2
$ dedop c remove -w other_workspace config_name   # CASE 3

In all cases, a confirmation prompt will appear to really ensure that this action is intentional. To disable this prompt, use the optional argument --yes (eg. dedop c remove --yes). Removing a configuration means deleting a configuration folder including its contents (all the CHD, CNF, and CST files).

In CASE 1, the current configuration in the current workspace will be removed. It will then change the current configuration to the next configuration. When none left, it will go into a state where there are no current configurations.

In CASE 2, the specified configuration in the current workspace will be removed. There is no change of current configuration if it does not involve current configuration.

In CASE 3, the specified configuration inside a specified workspace will be removed.

remove has an alias rm.

Modify a configuration

To modify a configuration, run one of the following commands:

$ dedop c edit                                 # CASE 1
$ dedop c edit config_name                     # CASE 2
$ dedop c edit -w other_workspace config_name  # CASE 3

In all cases, it will launch a text editor and open all three configuration files. The text editor to be launched is OS-dependent and it is configurable on the Tool Configuration <tool_config> with the key name launch_editor_command <tool_config_parameters>.

In CASE 1, the text editor will open all the configuration files of the current configuration under the current workspace.

In CASE 2, the text editor will open all the configuration files of the specified configuration under the current workspace.

In CASE 3, the text editor will open all the configuration files of the specified configuration under the specified workspace.

When you are finished, just save the files and close the editor.

edit has an alias ed.

Copy a configuration

To copy a configuration, run one of the following commands:

$ dedop c copy                                                               # CASE 1
$ dedop c copy config_name_to_be_copied                                      # CASE 2
$ dedop c copy config_name_to_be_copied new_config_name                      # CASE 3
$ dedop c copy -w other_workspace config_name_to_be_copied new_config_name   # CASE 4

In CASE 1, neither the configuration to be copied nor the new configuration name is specified, so in this case a new name with the format of current_config_name + _copy_ + unique_number is created. The unique number will be incremented until a unique combination is constructed. For example, for a current config config1, it will create a new config named config1_copy, config1_copy_2, config1_copy_3, and so on.

In CASE 2, the configuration to be copied is specified, but not the name of the new config. It will then follow the same rule as in CASE 1, by creating a new config with a name that is of format current_config_name + _copy_ + unique_number.

In CASE 3, the specified configuration will be copied as new_config_name inside the current workspace

In CASE 4, the specified configuration will be copied as new_config_name inside the specified workspace

As in workspace management, copying a configuration does NOT automatically change the current configuration.

copy has an alias cp.

Rename a configuration

To rename a configuration, run one of the following commands:

$ dedop c rename new_config_name                                          # CASE 1
$ dedop c rename config_to_be_renamed new_config_name                     # CASE 2
$ dedop c rename -w other_workspace config_to_be_renamed new_config_name  # CASE 3

In CASE 1, the current config name will be renamed to new_config_name. The current configuration will also be changed to new_config_name.

In CASE 2, the specified config name in the current workspace will be renamed to new_config_name.

In CASE 3, the specified config name in the specified workspace will be renamed to new_config_name.

rename has an alias rn.

Show configuration info

To display information about the configuration such as current configuration path, list of files, as well as the file sizes, run the following command:

$ dedop c info                                 # CASE 1
$ dedop c info other_config                    # CASE 2
$ dedop c info -w other_workspace config_name  # CASE 3

In CASE 1, information for the current configuration in the current workspace will be displayed.

In CASE 2, information for the specified configuration in the current workspace will be displayed.

In CASE 3, information for the specified configuration in the specified workspace will be displayed.

info has an alias i.

Get current configuration

To get the current configuration name, run the following:

$ dedop c current

If there is a current configuration, the name of the current configuration will be returned. Otherwise, no current DDP configuration will be returned.

It is also possible to get the current configuration in the other workspace by adding this parameter -w other_workspace_name in the command.

current has an alias cur.

List configurations

To list available configurations, run one of the following commands:

$ dedop c list

As before, to list available configurations in the other workspace, just add -w other_workspace_name in the command.

list has an alias ls.

Upgrade configurations

A new version of DeDop Core sometimes comes with new versions of configuration files. In order to update your configurations, run the following command:

$ dedop c upgrade

Failure to use the latest version of configurations may result in processing errors.

upgrade has an alias up.

Show configuration version

To display the current configuration version, run the following command:

$ dedop c version

version has an alias v.

Running the Processor

Once the L1A source files have been added and configurations have been created, it is time to run the processing. To do that, use the following command:

$ dedop run

This command calls a processor to process L1A files to L1B (and possible L1BS). More information on how the processor works, go to here <processor_info_not_yet_exists>. By default, the command above will process every single L1A files inside the inputs directory under the current workspace, unless --inputs [L1A_FILE [L1A_FILE ...]] flag is specified.

The default behaviour is that the current configuration is used for processing. However, when --all-configs flag is set, it will process the input files with all available configurations in the current workspace, producing an output for each configuration. The output products will be located inside outputs directory under each configuration directory. To specify other locations for the outputs, the flag --output DIR can be used.

When the flag --skip-l1bs is added to the command above, the process will generate only L1B files.

Analyse the Results

After the processing has been finished, we can now compare the L1B outputs in an interactive Jupyter Notebook:

$ dedop output compare -C default

When you pass just file names to the dedop output compare command, DeDop must know to which configurations they refer to. The first filename corresponds to the current DDP configuration or the one given by the -c option. The second filename corresponds to a DDP configuration given by the -C (upper case!) option. You can also pass file paths to the dedop output compare command in which case the configuration names are ignored.

Tool Configuration

Configuration File

When DeDop is run for the first time it will create a file in the directory .dedop of the current user's home directory. All DeDop tools use this file to read special software configuration parameters.

This is not to be confused with the processor configurations referred to in the dedicated section above.

Unixes and Darwin: On Unixes and Darwin (OS X), the full path to the DeDop tools configuration file is usually:


where /home/<username> is also given by ~ or $HOME in a terminal or shell.

Windows: On Windows 7+, the full path to the DeDop tools configuration file is usually:


where C:/Users/<username> is also given by %USERPROFILE% on the Windows command-prompt.

To force writing a new DeDop tools configuration file use:

$ dedop --new-conf

This may be useful after DeDop software updates. It will ensure that you get the latest configuration parameters supported by a given DeDop version.

Configuration Parameters

Given here are the current DeDop tools configuration parameters:

Parameter name Description Default value
workspaces_dir Path where the DeDop Shell stores your workspaces. '~/.dedop/workspaces'


An OS-specific shell command string used to launch a new Jupyter notebook server.



Whether launching the notebook creates a new terminal window.



An OS-specific shell command string used to launch a text editor for the processor configuration files.


Command Reference

The following examples shall help you understand the basic concepts behind the various dedop commands.