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SonicPi Code Cookbook

Some "recipes" (ie code snippets) that can be used for sonification using Sonic Pi.

Sonic Pi is an open source, community project maintained by Sam Aaron. Please consider supporting his Patreon!

Normalising data

One of the most common techniques in sonification is to translate data values into a musical variable, also called parameter mapping.

Here is a basic normalise function:

def normalise(x, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
  xrange = xmax - xmin
  yrange = ymax - ymin
  ymin + (x - xmin) * (yrange.to_f / xrange)

Given a data value, you can use the above function to "translate" it like so and store it in the variable translatedValue:

translatedValue = normalise(originalValue, 0.01, 1, 50, 120)

In the above example, we set the range of the data (ie the xmin and xmax) as 0.01 and 1 (perhaps your data is in percentages). The output range is 50 - 120. You can set these numbers to whatever you like. In this example, perhaps this value will be used to change the "cutoff" of a synthesizer.

Loading data from CSV

Sonic Pi includes a native method to read CSV files. The below snippet shows you how to load a CSV file and then save the first column as a data array in the variable first_column.

require "csv"

file = "path/file.csv"

data = CSV.parse(, headers: true, col_sep: ",")

# read first row and convert every observation to an integer. if you want to convert it to factor, use .map(&:to_f)
first_column = data.by_col[1].map(&:to_i) 

Looping through data

If you have many values that you want to loop through and sonify, you can use the tick method:

data = [32, 28, 42, 40, 40, 36, 46, 42]

live_loop :dataloop do
   value = data.tick
   synth :prophet, note: value, release: 1, attack: 0.1, cutoff: 80, amp: 0.3
   sleep 0.5
   if (tick == data.length-1)

The above recipe will "tick" through all the values in the data array. In this case, it stores each value in the value variable and then uses that value to pass in a MIDI note number to the synth.

In order to prevent infinite looping through the array, the if statement at the end checks to see when you are at the end of the data array, and then stops the loop.

Conditional statements

Sonic Pi has a built in "if" statement which can be handy. The below statement sets a 50/50 chance of playing a given note:

play 53, amp: 0.3, release: 2 if one_in(2)

To make this more interesting, you can combine it with the normalise function documented above to control the frequency of notes based on a piece of data:

value = normalise(dataPoint,data.min,data.max,1,10)

play 53, amp: 0.3 if one_in(value)

Sonifying distributions

Let's say you have a dataset with distribution values, like 25% are X, 60% are Y and 15% are Z. If you wanted to represent this sonically, you might map each group (X,Y, and Z) to a different note and then want to spread those notes according to their percentage values. The below snippet shows how to do this:

# if you have a dataset with a distribution of values
# this dataset means: 25% should be the note C3, 60% E3 and 15% G3
data = [
  [:C3, 0.25],
  [:E3, 0.60],
  [:G3, 0.15]

# create an empty array
note_distribution = []

# define length of the array
len = 10

# create an array with length of len and distribute the note-values according to the percentage
data.length.times do |i|
  n = data[i][1] * len.to_f
  n.times do
    note_distribution << data[i][0]

# shuffle the array
note_distribution = note_distribution.shuffle
puts note_distribution

# now in the following live-loop, the notes are played according to their distribution in the dataset
live_loop :distribute do
  note = note_distribution.tick
  synth :piano, note: note
  sleep 0.5

You can also do this with effects, panning, whatever you want!

Advanced data loading

Here's a longer snippet that develops some of the above techniques to load, process, and normalise a dataset with multiple columns. It doesn't use the CSV library, instead it reads in the data line by line from the file.

normParameters = {"year" => nil,
                  "column1" => {"note" => :e4, "pan" => -0.7,
                               "x1" => 0, "x2" => 200,
                               "y1" => 0, "y2" => 100},
                  "column2" => {"note" => :a4, "pan" => 0.7,
                             "x1" => 50, "x2" => 100,
                             "y1" => 0, "y2" => 1}

# -------------
# load the data
# -------------
puts("Loading data")

data = # set up empty array to hold the data

# Store each line from the file in an array
lines = [];'path/file.csv') do |file| # Open the file
  file.each_line do |line| # loop over each line
    lines.push(line) #strip off any whitespace

puts("Data loaded - there are #{lines.length} lines in the file, including the header.")

# -------------------
# processing the data
# -------------------

colheaders = lines[0].split(",") #split the first line into an array

colheaders.each { |colhead| # loop over that array
  colhead.strip! # strip whitespace from each header
  data[colhead] = # add header as a key in the data hash

puts("Header parsed - columns are:", colheaders)

# Then loop over each remaining lines
lines[1..lines.length-1].each do |line| # Loop over each line
  # loop over each column header
  colheaders.length.times do |colindex|
    # Log the data into the hash

puts("Track will be #{(lines.length-1) / current_bpm} minutes long")

# -----------------------------
# define normalisation function
# -----------------------------
puts ("Defining normalisation function")

define :normalize do |x, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax|
  xrange = xmax - xmin
  yrange = ymax - ymin
  return (x == "") ? "-" : ymin + (x.to_f - xmin) * (yrange.to_f / xrange.to_f)

# ------------------
# normalise the data
# ------------------
puts ("Normalising the data")

ndata = # new hash for normalised data

# Loop over each column header
colheaders.each do |header|
  # Make a new array to store the normalised data for that column header
  ndata[header] =
  if (normParameters[header] == nil) # For non-data rows
    ndata[header] = data[header] # Don't normalise at all - just pass the data through
    # Loop over each datapoint
    data[header].each do |datum|
      # Normalise it according to the parameters set at the top
      ndatum = normalize(datum, normParameters[header]["x1"], normParameters[header]["x2"], normParameters[header]["y1"], normParameters[header]["y2"])
      # Clip down things that exceed the parameters
      if (ndatum > normParameters[header]["y2"])
        ndatum = normParameters[header]["y2"]
      # Push it into the appropriate array

puts ("Data normalised!")
puts ndata

Note density function

Here's a function called noteDensity that can be used to map data to the number of sounds in a time period. The denser the sounds, the higher the number, producing an effect like a Geiger counter.

# -------------
# Load data
# -------------
data = [1, 5, 11, 2, 9, 16, 5, 6] # Set up placeholder array between 1 and 16

# ---------------------------
# Define noteDensity function
# ---------------------------
puts ("Defining noteDensity function")

define :noteDensity do |array, level|
  possibles = (0..array.length-1).to_a # Make an array of indexes
  # Run a loop "level" times
  level.times do
    chosen = possibles.sample(1) # Pick one random index from the possibles array
    possibles.delete(chosen) # Remove it from the possibles array
    array[chosen] = 1 # Set it to "on"
  return array

# ------------------
# Play sonification!
# ------------------

counter = 0; # Initialise data counter

data.length.times do |datum|
  puts counter
  maxClicks = 16 # Set max clicks per datapoint
  tickGap = 3.0/maxClicks # Set gap between clicks
  # Choose a variable to sonify
  geig = data[counter.to_i] # Get the datapoint for that variable for that row
  # Set up array of data
  geigArray = {|i| 0 } # Create an array of 0s
  noteDensity(geigArray, geig) # Add data to the array
  # loop over each array
  geigArray.each do |pulse|
    if (pulse == 1) # If the pulse is on...
      use_synth :beep
      play 72, release: 0.05 # Play a short beep sound
    sleep tickGap # Add gap between ticks
  sleep 1
  # Increment the counter
  counter += 1