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File metadata and controls

148 lines (96 loc) · 7.24 KB


Thank you for helping. Here are a few guidelines that will help you along the way.

Code of Conduct

We have adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project contributors to adhere to. Please read the full text so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated.

Branch Structure

All stable releases are to be tagged. At any given time, rhythm-ui-mk-2 represents the latest development version of the library. Patches or hotfix releases are prepared on an independent branch.

If you send a pull request, please do it against the rhythm-ui-mk-2 branch.


We are using GitHub Issues to track bugs.

Proposing a Change

If you intend to change the API, or make any large changes to the implementation, please file an issue. This lets the team reach an agreement on your idea before you put significant effort into it.

If you’re only fixing a bug, it’s fine to submit a pull request right away but we still recommend to file an issue detailing what you’re fixing. This is helpful in case we don’t accept that specific fix but want to keep track of the issue.

Submitting a Pull Request

If you decide to fix an issue, please be sure to check the comment thread in case somebody is already working on a fix. If nobody is working on it at the moment, please leave a comment stating that you intend to work on it so other people don’t accidentally duplicate your effort.

If somebody claims an issue but doesn’t follow up for more than two weeks, it’s fine to take over it but you should still leave a comment.

Before submitting a Pull Request, please make sure the following is done:

  • If you’ve fixed a bug or added code that should be tested, add tests!
  • Make sure the Test suite passes yarn test
  • Make sure your code lints yarn lint
  • Make sure your code is formatted yarn format

Development Workflow

After cloning Rhythm UI, run yarn && yarn bootstrap to fetch its dependencies. Then, you can run several commands:

  • yarn lint checks the code style.
  • yarn clean removes build artifacts.
  • yarn test runs the test suite.
  • yarn build builds the components and their documentation sites.
  • yarn start runs the documentation site in development mode.
  • yarn start:react runs the React Storybook site in development mode.
  • yarn start:vue runs the Vue Storybook site in development mode.
  • yarn format formats your code with Prettier.
  • yarn generate starts the guided componenent generator.

We recommend developing Web Components while running the documentation site with yarn start.

Use yarn start:react or yarn start:vue if you are developing Web Component adapters.

Coding style

Please follow the coding style of the current code base. This project uses eslint, so if possible, enable linting in your editor.

Rhythm UI Architecture

Rhythm UI is split into multiple packages.

Each package falls into one of the following categories:

  • Subsystem: A package that contains common functionality and/or business logic used by multiple components.
  • Component: A package that contains a native Web Component. We are using Lit Element.
  • Adapter: A Package that encapsulates a component for a specific framework. eg React, Vue or Angular.

Suggested Reading guides:

Creating new components with Plop

To boilerplate components or adapters run yarn generate and follow the prompts.

Read more our guide on plop.


Please note we only use Static Styles for their performance benifits.

All styles written should be kept to minimal skeleton rules only that allows good extensionbility.

CSS Variables

The css variables you create should follow the scope-property-modifier naming pattern. All component variables should also be prefixed with rui-<component-name>__ to prevent namespace conflicts

Name Description Usage
Scope A descriptive name close to the target element's class name that indicates what element(s) this variable is targeting Use when targeting an element of the the web component that is not the base style. If you are adding the variable to the base element, no scope is required.
Property The css property that the variable is being used for. This should always be included, match the css property name wherever possible
Modifier A string describing a variable that only applies for certain states of the component Use when you need to define a variable that only applies for certain states of the component


Variable Description
--rui-my-component__color Only property is used here so we assume this will be the base text colour for element
--rui-my-component__icon-height Specifies we are talking about an element with the class .icon, and refering to the height property
--rui-my-component__carousel-btn-color-disabled Target the carousel button colour when the button is disabled

Each variable decleration must be decorated with /* @variable Some Description */ so it appears on the documentation site.


This project publishes packages to npm:

Instructions for publishing new releases:

  1. Check out the master branch.
  2. Do not manually change version numbers in lerna.json or package.json files (they are updated programatically).
  3. Update the file and add the changes to the git staging area. These changes will be included in the automatic commit that increments the version numbers. You don't need to commit them separately.
  4. Run Lerna's publish command, and pass in your One Time Password for npm as an environment variable: NPM_CONFIG_OTP=yourtoken lerna publish.
  5. Select the new version (or enter a custom one) adhering to the principles of semantic versioning.
  6. Lerna will create a new release of the packages that have been updated. It will create a new git commit/tag and publish to npm.

Developing on Windows

If you develop on Windows you might run into issues that your Mac/Linux counterparts have never encountered. Here's a suggested setup to combat this:

  1. Git bash (ensure you have included the bash terminal and commands in your system PATHs)
  2. nvm for Windows
  3. Node 11.11.0
  4. Yarn 1.17.3

Getting the node and yarn version correct helps to prevent issues relating to git bash path modification (yarnpkg/yarn#5717) and multiple packages of the same dependency issues with yarn workspaces.

If you get the issue Something went wrong installing the 'sharp' module try doing npm uninstall expo-cli -g before running yarn again. (lovell/sharp#1696)


By contributing to Rhythm UI, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the BSD-3-Clause license.