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Releases: DemocracyLab/CivicTechExchange

7/26/2020 Release

27 Jul 05:15
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New Menu

  • Top Menu now has separate sections for Projects, Events, and Groups that expand when clicked

Donate/Thank You Pages

  • Replaced stock images with hackathon images

Home Page

  • Active Projects section arrows now have sliding transition to next/previous projects


  • Replace remaining Material UI uses and remove the library, reducing bundle.js size

7/14/2020 Release

15 Jul 05:16
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Groups Feature

Groups are intended to represent a civic tech group's presence on the platform. For this first iteration, they mainly serve as a repository of projects owned by a single organization.

Create Groups

  • Link to Create Group on top bar
  • User enters in group information in the Create Group workflow
  • Group must be approved by admin before showing up on Find Groups page

Browse Groups

  • Link to Find Groups on top bar
  • Can search for groups by issue area, location, and keyword

Group Profile

  • Displays group information, as well as listing all projects that are part of the group
  • Lists issue areas based on the issue areas of the constituent projects

Inviting Group to Project

  • Group owner can invite the project via the 'Invite Project to Group' button on Project profile
  • Project owners will receive email with invitation, and can approve via email
  • On the project profile, project owners will see entries for pending group approvals, and can approve or reject the invitation there

Bug Fixes

  • Append https:// to project urls if not provided
  • Support case-insensitive link source detection for link sections on Project/Groups

6/26/2020 Release

27 Jun 06:57
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Home/About Us Pages

  • Splash Images have text moved to bottom to keep from obscuring faces

Error Page

  • Added Basic Error page that reads specific errors from the back-end

Bug Fixes


  • Latitude/Longitude was being inserted backwards in the back-end, causing distorted distance calculations.


  • Attempting to Sign up with Github account that doesn’t have first/last name will show appropriate error page
  • Signing in with Facebook (which injects #= at the end of the return url) redirects to Home page successfully

6/19/2020 Release

20 Jun 04:53
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Sign Up Page

  • Added link to Privacy Policy on sign up page, controlled by PRIVACY_POLICY_URL environment variable

Bug Fixes


  • We now request email scope for github, which will allow github users with private emails to sign up

Create/Edit Project

  • Clearing project location now unsets the location fields in the database

6/15/2020 Release

16 Jun 05:19
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Search By Location

-Add search fields where user can input a location and a radius they want to search for projects for within X miles of that location
-User must select Country, and then can type in their address, city, or zip code into the Near field. Suggestions powered by HERE technologies will appear, and the user can click on the appropriate location.
-Legacy urls that involve searching by City, State still work, and now show a cancelable tag pill labeled “In: City, State”.

Project Location

-User can select country, and use Location Autocomplete field on the Create and Edit project pages
-Location can’t be selected until country has been selected

5/29/2020 Release

30 May 05:59
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-Blog link shown in top menu, set by BLOG_URL environment variable

Create Project

-Project Saved icon appears briefly after hitting ‘Next’ button
-Fixed issues where changes would always be detected on Description/Link/Positions pages, even when no changes were made

Bug Fixes

-Create Event link not shown in hamburger menu

5/8/2020 Release

30 May 05:40
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-Admins can create events, which give a landing page for DemocracyLab events
-Event listings page is not implemented. For now, current event can be linked to with an Event link in top menu that is set by the value of the EVENT_URL environment variable.

Qiqochat Integration

  • Added integration with Qiqochat, a platform for running remote conferences
  • Qiqochat interface lives within iframe on LiveEvent page, configured by environment variables

4/17/2020 Release

18 Apr 06:06
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  • Added Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sponsorship
  • Removed Medium link
  • Removed line of text above Partner With Us CTA
  • Partner With Us no longer all in caps
  • Retitled corporate sponsor section
  • Reduce sponsor header text size on mobile dimensions

About Us Page

  • Board titles are now italicized ("President," "Treasurer")
  • Board member professional titles and bios updated

Home Page

  • Background of Active Projects changed so "Need Volunteers?" section stands out better
  • Text and order changes in "Want to Volunteer?"
  • Text and icon changes in "Need Volunteers?"
  • Text changes in "Accelerating Civic Innovation"
  • Section title change (Partners In Action -> Our Community Partners)
  • Fixed Active Projects section bug for tablet dimensions

Edit Project/Edit User Profile Pages

  • Added Save button at the top of the page in addition to the one at the bottom

Bug Fixes

  • Image selector preview pane now shows full area of non-square images

4/3/2020 Release

04 Apr 06:02
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Technology Tags

  • For project Technologies used, user can select CRM tags and filter by them on the Find Projects page

About Us Page

  • 2019 Annual report link added

Edit User Profile Page

  • Users are now restricted to cropping square images, to avoid distortion in the square regions that their portraits are displayed

3/20/2020 Release

21 Mar 06:58
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Home Page

  • Top splash now has both Find Projects and Create Project link
  • Top two Find Projects links no longer prompt for Login first
  • Testimonial pictures updated

About Us Page

  • There is now a link to the DemocracyLab project profile
  • The team section now no longer shows volunteers pending approval


  • Subscribe to MailChimp button no longer asks for email address


  • Docker setup added


  • Minify Production build
  • Build Sass files using webpack plugin
  • Split .js files between vendor code and our code