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Releases: Der-Henning/tgtg

Version 1.17.1

24 Jun 05:52
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What's Changed

  • BugFix: Reservation Notification should now be escaped properly #379

Full Changelog: v1.17.0...v1.17.1

Version 1.17.0

22 Jun 07:41
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What's Changed

  • Possible breaking change !!!
    The telegram notifier now uses the markdown_v2 parser. You might need to update your configuration!
    For more details see
  • New Feature: Distance and time calculation by @nikdav in #340.
    Use the new variables "distance_walking", "distance_driving", "distance_transit", "distance_biking", "duration_walking", "duration_driving", "duration_transit", "duration_biking"
  • New Feature: Reservations.
    The Telegram bot now can make a reservation on the next bag available (no payment). The Reservation will be active for 5 minutes or until you cancel the reservation via the telegram bot. Now you can buy the bag in the official TGTG app.
  • New Feature: Script Notifier by @sjoerdj in #336.
    Execute any script when a new bag is available.
  • New Feature: Support for multiple crons by @crashcoq in #369.
    The cron options now support multiple ';'-separated crons. E.g. * 18-21 * * 1-5; * 7-21 * * 6
  • Added optional activity indicator for console application. It can be deactivated with Activity=False
  • The telegram notifier now supports images. Use the new telegram option image=item_logo_bytes or image=item_cover_bytes
  • Added new telegram notifier option disableCommands=false. Set to true to disable bot commands and use telegram only for notifications.
  • Some minor bugfixes
  • Dependency updates

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.16.3...v1.17.0

Version 1.16.3

25 May 19:29
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What's Changed

  • Bump TGTG API endpoint to v8 #342

New Contributors

  • @opticv made their first contribution in #312

Full Changelog: v1.16.2...v1.16.3

Version 1.16.2

15 Mar 06:18
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What's Changed

  • Bugfix: Apprise now works as intended when using the bundled executable

Full Changelog: v1.16.1...v1.16.2

Version 1.16.1

10 Mar 19:30
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What's Changed

  • Bugfix: Executable won't start #299

Full Changelog: v1.16.0...v1.16.1

Version 1.16.0

10 Mar 14:19
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What's Changed

  • New Feature: Added Ntfy notifier by @dalins in #289
  • New Feature: Added Apprise notifier by @leonghui in #292
  • New Feature: Added basic HTTP authentication to Webhook notifier by @dalins in #294

For options see Wiki:Configuration

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.15.2...v1.16.0

Version 1.15.2

24 Feb 21:02
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What's Changed

  • Updated helper functions. Item data can now be returned as plain JSON. For more information see Suggested by @Tqnsls in #285 and #286
  • Further reduced unnecessary warnings from logging

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.15.1...v1.15.2

Version 1.15.1

14 Feb 11:28
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What's Changed

  • BugFix: Added missing encoding for none JSON webhook body data #281

Full Changelog: v1.15.0...v1.15.1

Version 1.15.0

13 Feb 19:30
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What's Changed

  • New Feature: Internationalize "today" and "tomorrow" strings in variable ${{pickupdate}} by @p0lycarpio in #271
    To set up set the option Locale=en_US in config.ini or LOCALE=en_US for docker to your locale.
    For a list of available localizations see humanize.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue when using emojis and special characters in message bodies.
  • Bugfix: Webhook type now correctly defaults to text/plain.

Full Changelog: v1.14.10...v1.15.0

Version 1.14.10

05 Feb 08:55
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What's Changed

  • BugFix: New line characters \n used in notifier bodies now should work as intended.
  • New Feature: The webhook notifier now has the option Headers for additional HTTP headers send during requests
  • New Feature: Variable ${{scanned_on}} returns the timestamp the item was scanned

Full Changelog: v1.14.9...v1.14.10