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Perform Foundational Infrastructure Tasks in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab


Welcome to the Challenge Lab on Foundational Infrastructure Tasks in Google Cloud! In this challenge, you'll apply your skills as a junior cloud engineer at Jooli Inc. to assist a newly formed development team with configuring their application development environment for a project called "memories." Unlike traditional labs, you won't receive step-by-step instructions; instead, use your knowledge to figure out how to complete the tasks independently.

Challenge Scenario: You're tasked with setting up initial configurations for the "memories" project. This involves creating a bucket for storing photographs, setting up a Pub/Sub topic for a Cloud Function, creating the Cloud Function itself, and removing access for the previous cloud engineer.

Jooli Inc. Standards:

  • Create resources in the specified region and zone.
  • Use project VPCs.
  • Follow the team-resource naming convention.
  • Use cost-effective resource sizes (e.g., e2-micro for small Linux VMs).
  • Complete all tasks within the allocated time to score 100%.

Your Challenge

Task 1: Create a Bucket

export REGION=<your-region>
export ZONE=<your-zone>
gsutil mb -l $REGION -c Standard gs://$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID-bucket

Task 2: Create a Pub/Sub Topic

export TOPIC_NAME=<your-topic-name>
gcloud pubsub topics create $TOPIC_NAME

Task 3: Create the Thumbnail Cloud Function

export FUNCTION_NAME=<your-function-name>
export REGION=${ZONE::-2}
gcloud functions deploy $FUNCTION_NAME \
--runtime nodejs14 \
--trigger-resource $DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID-bucket \
--trigger-event \
--entry-point thumbnail \

Task 4: Test the Infrastructure

curl -o map.jpg
gsutil cp map.jpg gs://$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID-bucket/map.jpg

Task 5: Remove the Previous Cloud Engineer

export USERNAME2=<previous-cloud-engineer-username>
gcloud projects remove-iam-policy-binding $DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID \
--member=user:$USERNAME2 \

Screenshot from 2023-12-29 08-26-29

Note: Replace placeholders such as <your-region>, <your-zone>, <your-topic-name>, <your-function-name>, and <previous-cloud-engineer-username> with the appropriate values.

