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Releases: DevExpress/testcafe

v0.12.1 (2017-1-20)

20 Jan 16:05
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🏎️ A recovery release following v0.12.0 with an important fix. 🏎️

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug when the cursor was not visible while running tests (#1156).

v0.12.0 (2017-1-19)

19 Jan 14:28
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⚙️ HTTP authentication support (#955, #1109)

TestCafe now supports testing webpages protected with HTTP Basic and NTLM authentication.

Use the httpAuth function in fixture or test declaration to specify the credentials.

fixture `My fixture`
    .page ``
        username: 'username',
        password: 'Pa$$word',

        // Optional parameters, can be required for the NTLM authentication.
        domain:      'CORP-DOMAIN',
        workstation: 'machine-win10'

test('Test1', async t => {});          // Logs in as username

test                                   // Logs in as differentUserName
        username: 'differentUserName',
        password: 'differentPa$$word'
    ('Test2', async t => {});

⚙️ Built-in CI-friendly way to start and stop the tested web app (#1047)

When launching tests, you can now specify a command that starts the tested application.
TestCafe will automatically execute this command before running tests and stop the process when tests are finished.

testcafe chrome tests/ --app "node server.js"
    .startApp('node server.js')

You can also specify how long TestCafe should wait until the tested application initializes (the default is 1 sec).

testcafe chrome tests/ --app "node server.js" --app-init-delay 4000
    .startApp('node server.js', 4000)

⚙️ Screenshot and window resize actions now work on Linux (#1117)

The t.takeScreenshot, t.resizeWindow, t.resizeWindowToFitDevice and t.maximizeWindow actions can now be executed on Linux machines.

⚙️ Adding custom properties to the element state (#749)

The state of webpage elements can now be extended with custom properties.

We have added the addCustomDOMProperties method to the selector, so that you can add properties to the element state like in the following example.

import { Selector } from 'testcafe'

fixture `My fixture`
    .page ``;

test('Check Label HTML', async t => {
    const label = Selector('label').addCustomDOMProperties({
        innerHTML: el => el.innerHTML

    await t.expect(label.innerHTML).contains('input type="checkbox" name="remote"');

⚙️ Skipping tests (#246)

TestCafe now allows you to specify that a particular test or fixture should be skipped when running tests.
Use the fixture.skip and test.skip methods for this.

fixture.skip `Fixture1`; // All tests in this fixture will be skipped

test('Fixture1Test1', () => {});
test('Fixture1Test2', () => {});

fixture `Fixture2`;

test('Fixture2Test1', () => {});
test.skip('Fixture2Test2', () => {}); // This test will be skipped
test('Fixture2Test3', () => {});

You can also use the only method to specify that only a particular test or fixture should run while all others should be skipped.

fixture.only `Fixture1`;
test('Fixture1Test1', () => {});
test('Fixture1Test2', () => {});

fixture `Fixture2`;
test('Fixture2Test1', () => {});
test.only('Fixture2Test2', () => {});
test('Fixture2Test3', () => {});

// Only tests in Fixture1 and the Fixture2Test2 test will run

⚙️ Specifying the start webpage for a test (#501)

An individual test can now override the fixture's page setting and start on a different page.

 fixture `MyFixture`
     .page ``;

 test('Test1', async t => {
     // Starts at

     .page ``
     ('Test2', async t => {
         // Starts at

⚙️ Initialization and finalization methods for a test (#1108)

We have added the before and after methods to the test declaration.
Use them to provide code that will be executed before a test is started and after it is finished.

    .before( async t => {
        /* test initialization code */
    ('My Test', async t => {
        /* test code */
    .after( async t => {
        /* test finalization code */

⚙️ Sharing variables between hooks and test code (#841)

You can now share variables between fixture.beforeEach, fixture.afterEach, test.before, test.after functions and test code by using the test context object.

Test context is available through the t.ctx property.

Instead of using a global variable, assign the object you want to share directly to t.ctx or create a property like in the following example.

fixture `Fixture1`
    .beforeEach(async t  => {
        t.ctx.someProp = 123;

    ('Test1', async t => {
        console.log(t.ctx.someProp); // > 123
    .after(async t => {
        console.log(t.ctx.someProp); // > 123

⚙️ Assertion methods to check for regexp match (#1038)

We have added match and notMatch methods to check if a string matches a particular regular expression.

await t.expect('foobar').match(/^f/, 'this assertion passes');
await t.expect('foobar').notMatch(/^b/, 'this assertion passes');

⚙️ Improved filtering by predicates in selectors (#1025 and #1065)

Selector's filter predicates now receive more information about the current node, which enables you to implement more advanced filtering logic.

The filter, find, parent, child and sibling methods now pass the node's index to the predicate.
The find, parent, child and sibling methods now also pass a node from the preceding selector.

Selector('ul').find((node, idx, originNode) => {
    // node === the <ul>'s descendant node
    // idx === index of the current <ul>'s descendant node
    // originNode === the <ul> element

In addition, all these methods now allow you to pass objects to the predicate's scope on the client. To this end, we have added an optional dependencies parameter.

const isNodeOk = ClientFunction(node => { /*...*/ });
const flag = getFlag();

Selector('ul').child(node => {
    return isNodeOk(node) && flag;
}, { isNodeOk, flag });

⚙️ Filtering by negative index in selectors (#738)

You can now pass negative index values to selector methods. In this instance, index is counted from the end of the matching set.

const lastChild = Selector('.someClass').child(-1);

⚙️ Improved cursor positioning in test actions (#981)

In action options, X and Y offsets that define the point where action is performed can now be negative.
In this instance, the cursor position is calculated from the bottom-right corner of the target element.

await'#element', { offsetX: -10, offsetY: -30 });

⚙️ Client functions as an assertion's actual value (#1009)

You can now pass client functions to assertion's expect method. In this instance, the Smart Assertion Query Mechanism will run this client function and use the return value as the assertion's actual value.

import { ClientFunction } from 'testcafe';

const windowLocation = ClientFunction(() => window.location.toString());

fixture `My Fixture`
    .page ``;

test('My Test', async t => {
    await t.expect(windowLocation()).eql('');

⚙️ Automatic waiting for scripts added during a test action (#1072)

If a test action adds scripts on a page, TestCafe now automatically waits for them to finish before proceeding to the next test action.

⚙️ New ESLint plugin (#1083)

We have prepared an ESLint plugin.
Get it to ensure that ESLint does not fail on TestCafe test code.

Bug Fixes

  • Remote browser connection timeout has been increased (#1078)
  • You can now run tests located in directories with a large number of files (#1090)
  • Key identifiers for all keys are now passed to key events (#1079)
  • Touch events are no longer emulated for touch monitors (#984)
  • v8 flags can now be passed to Node.js when using TestCafe from the command line (#1006)
  • ShadowU...
Read more


19 Jan 09:45
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0.12.0-alpha6 Pre-release
Bump version. Release candidate (#1150)

v0.12.0-alpha5: Update hammerhead and browser-tools versions, bump testcafe version t…

13 Jan 12:04
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09 Jan 15:15
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v0.12.0-alpha4 Pre-release
Update hammerhead, bump version to 0.12.0-alpha4 (#1114)


09 Jan 14:00
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v0.12.0-alpha3 Pre-release
Bump version to 0.12.0-alpha3 (#1113)


21 Dec 10:09
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v0.12.0-alpha2 Pre-release
Bump version (#1084)


19 Dec 14:24
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v0.12.0-alpha1 Pre-release
Bump version (#1077)


12 Dec 13:55
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v0.12.0-alpha Pre-release
Bump version. Set 'alpha' tag (#1050)

v0.11.1 (2016-12-8)

08 Dec 13:39
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🏎️ A quick follow-up for the v0.11.0 with important fix for Firefox users. 🏎️

Bug Fixes

  • Firefox now launches successfully if TestCafe installation directory contains whitespaces (#1042).