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TEG detectors implementation

The tegdet package includes the modules that implements the TEG detectors:

  • it is the main module that includes the API;
  • it includes the graph class and it is responsible to compute the difference between two graphs according to a given metric (variant of strategy pattern).

The tegdet package depends on several well-known Python packages as shown in the diagram below:

Each module includes a set of classes, which are detailed in the class diagram below, where the colour is used to map the classes to the module they belong to:

teg module

The teg module includes the following classes:

  • TEGDetector: the API class to be used from the user point of view.
attributes (class) description
__N_BINS: int Level of discretization of real valued observations (number of levels). Value=30.
__N_OBS_PER_PERIOD: int Number of observations per period. Value=336
__ALPHA: int Significance level 100-_ALPHA. Value=5.
attributes description
__metric: string Dissimilarity metric used to compare two graphs. Input parameter.
__n_bins: int Level of discretization of real valued observations (number of levels). Input parameter. Default value= __N_BINS
__n_obs_per_period: int Number of observation per period. Input parameter. Default value= __N_OBS_PER_PERIOD
__alpha: int Significance level 100-alpha. Input parameter. Default value= __ALPHA
method description
__init__(metric: string, n_bins: int =__N_BINS, n_obs_per_period: int =__N_OBS_PER_PERIOD, alpha: int =__ALPHA) Constructor that initializes the TEGDetector input parameters (see the attribute table)
get_dataset(ds_path: string): DataFrame Loads the dataset from ds_path file (comma-separated value format), renames the columns and returns it as a pandas Dataframe
build_model(training_dataset: Dataframe): ModelBuilder, float Builds the prediction model based on the training_dataset and returns it together with the time to build the model (float type)
predict(testing_dataset: Dataframe, model: ModelBuilder): numpy array of int, int, float Makes predictions on the testing_dataset using the model. It returns: the outliers (numpy array of {0,1} values) and total number of observations (int type), and the time to make predictions (float type)
compute_confusion_matrix(ground_true: numpy array of int, predictions: numpy array of int): dict Computes the confusion matrix based on the ground true values and predicted values (numpy array of {0,1} values). It returns the confusion matrix as a dictionary (dict) type
print_metrics(detector: dict, testing_set: string, perf: dict, cm: dict) Prints on the stdout: the detector (dicttype including the metric and the input parameters setting), and the testing_set, the performance metrics perf(dict type including the time to build the model and the time to make predictions) and the confusion matrix cm
metrics_to_csv(detector: dict, testing_set: string, perf: dict, cm: dict, results_csv_path: string) Saves in the file with pathname results_csv_path (comma-separated values format): the detector (dicttype), the testing_set, the performance metrics perf (dict type) and the confusion matrix cm (dict type)
  • ModelBuilder: the builder of the prediction model, based on TEG and baseline graph dissimilarity distribution
attribute description
__obs: Dataframe Training set
__le: LevelExtractor LevelExtractor instance
__baseline: numpy array of float Baseline distribution of the training period.
__global_graph: Graph Global graph associated to the training period.
method description
__init__(observations: Dataframe, n_bins: int) Constructor that initializes the ModelBuilder based on the training dataset observations and n_bins
__sum_graphs(gr1: Graph, gr2: Graph) Adds to graph gr1 the graph gr2. Pre-Condition: gr1 nodes set includes the gr2node set
__compute_global_graph(graphs: list of Graph): Graph Creates and returns a global graph as the sum of a list of graphs
get_level_extractor(): Dataframe Returns __le
get_baseline(): numpy array of float Returns __baseline
get_global_graph(): Graph Returns __global_graph
build_model(metric: string, n_periods: int) Computes and sets __global_graph and __baseline based on the metric, number of periods n_periods and __obs.
  • AnomalyDetector: it makes predictions and computes outliers
attribute description
__model: ModelBuilder ModelBuilder instance
method description
__init__(model: ModelBuilder) Constructor that initializes model with the reference ModelBuilder
make_prediction(metric: string, observations: Dataframe, n_periods): numpy array of float Makes the predictions of the observations based on the dissimilarity metric, the number of periods n_periods and the reference __model
compute_outliers(prediction: numpy array of float, sigLevel: int): numpy array of int Computes the outliers based on the prediction, the significance level sigLevel and the reference model (concretely, the __baseline distribution)
  • LevelExtractor: extractor of levels and univariate time-series discretizer
attribute description
__level: numpy array of int Discretization levels
__step: int Discretization step
__minValue : float Minimum value of the training observation set
method description
__init__(minValue: float, step: int, n_bins: int) Constructor that initializes the LevelExtractor attributes
get_levels(): numpy array of int Returns level
discretize(observations: Dataframe): numpy array of int Discretizes the real valued observations according to the discretization levels and returns the discretized observations
  • TEGGenerator: Time-Evolving-Graph generator
attribute description
__teg: list of Graph Time evolving graph
method description
__init__(observation_discretized: numpy array of int, n_periods: int) Generates and sets the __teg from the discretized observations observation_discretized and the number of periods n_periods
get_teg(): list of Graph Returns the generated __teg
  • GraphDistanceCollector: Collector of distances between graphs in a TEG and the global graph
attribute description
__distance: numpy array of float Graph distances
method description
__init__(n_periods: int) Constructor, sets the __distance attributes as an n_periods length empty array
compute_graphs_dist(teg: list of Graph, global_graph: Graph, metric: string): numpy array of float Computes and returns the distances between each graph in teg and global_graph using the dissimilarity metric

graph comparison module

This module includes the following classes:

  • Graph: Graph generator (empty graph, graph from an univariate time-series) and manipulator (graph expansion)
attribute description
__nodes: numpy array of int nodes of the graph
__nodes_freq: numpy array of int node frequencies
__matrix: numpy array of int adjacency-frequency matrix
method description
__init__(nodes=None, nodes_freq=None, matrix=None ) Constructor that initializes the Graph attributes (possible empty graph)
__get_index(element: int): int Returns the index (int type) of the matrix row/column based on element
get_nodes() Returns __nodes
get_nodes_freq() Returns __nodes_freq
get_matrix() Returns __matrix
update_node_freq(pos: int, value: int) Increments by value the pos element of __nodes_freq
update_matrix_entry(row: int , col: int, value: int) Increments by value the __matrix entry in position row and col
generate_graph(obs_discretized_: Dataframe) Generates the graph from the discretized observations obs_discretized
expand_graph(position: int, vertex: int) Expands the graph by inserting a new node vertex in position. The new added fictious node has frequency -1. The new added row and column of the adjacency matrix have -1 entries
  • GraphComparator: Graph comparator operator. It is the superclass (actually never instantiated).
attribute description
_graph1: Graph first operator
_graph2: Graph second operator
method description
__init__(gr1: Graph, gr2: Graph) Constructor that initializes the attributes as gr1 and gr2, respectively
_normalize_matrices( ) Converts the incidence matrices of graph1 and graph2 into one-dimensional array, and normalizes the entries (i.e., relative frequencies).
resize_graphs( ) Compares the nodes of the two graphs and possibly expand them
compare_graphs( ) Signature only (it is overriden)

The rest of the classes are subclasses of GraphComparator that override the method compare_graphs(). Each subclass GraphMetricDissimilarity implements the dissimilarity metric included in the following Table.

  • The Hamming metric is computed considering two vectors P and Q obtained by flattening the incidence matrices of the two graphs

  • The Cosine metric is computed considering two vectors P and Q obtained by flattening the node-frequency and the incidence matrices of the two graphs

  • The rest of the metrics are computed considering two vectors P and Q obtained by normalizing the incidence matrices of the two graphs.

User script scenarios

The following sequence diagrams show two scenarios where a userScript uses the API of the tegdet library 1) to build a model from a training set; and 2) to make predictions with the model on a testing set and print the metrics of interest (confusion matrix and times to build & make predictions).

Model building scenario

Anomaly detection and metric printing scenario