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File metadata and controls

215 lines (169 loc) ยท 6.79 KB

๐Ÿฑโ€๐Ÿ‘ค Configuration & Usage

๐Ÿš€ Usage

Nvim-headband allows disabling, enabling and toggling on the fly:

require('nvim-headband').disable() -- Disables
require('nvim-headband').enables() -- Enables
require('nvim-headband').toggle() -- Toggles

โš™ Configuration


Nvim-headband exports all internally used symbols, they can be accessed via require('nvim-headband.symbols'):

  empty_set = 'โˆ…',
  ellipsis = 'โ€ฆ',
  nice_arrow = 'โฏ',
  reverse_nice_arrow = 'โฎ',


Every section has a wrap option, which is supposed to be nil, an array of two strings or a function returning two strings.
By default the entire winbar is wrapped in { ' ', ' ' } and both file_section and location_section are wrapped in nil (no wrap).


Filters are used to filter out unwanted windows. A filter should be a valid FilterFunc:

--- Basically asks a question 'should this window be excluded from having a winbar?', that is, if it returns true, a window will not have a winbar
---@alias FilterFunc fun(bname: string, bt: string, ft: string, prev: boolean): boolean

The default filter looks like this:


By default bname_filter, ft_filter, bt_filter, combine and strict_combine are exported.
They can be accessed via require('nvim-headband.filters'):

local Filters = {}

-- Filters out based on buffertype
function Filters.bt_filter(buffertypes)
  return function(bname, bt, ft, prev)
    return prev or vim.tbl_contains(buffertypes, bt)

-- Filters out based on filetype
function Filters.ft_filter(filetypes)
  return function(bname, bt, ft, prev)
    return prev or vim.tbl_contains(filetypes, ft)

-- Filters out based on buffername
function Filters.bname_filter(bufnames)
  return function(bname, bt, ft, prev)
    return prev or vim.tbl_contains(bufnames, bname)

-- Combines several filters together, but doesn't exit until the last filter.
-- This can be used to use the previous filter's return value in the next filter (the prev argument)
function Filters.combine(...)
  local filters = { ... }

  return function(bname, bt, ft, prev)
    local prev = prev or false

    for _, filter in ipairs(filters) do
      prev = filter(bname, bt, ft, prev)

    return prev

-- Combines several filters together, but exists eagerly, as soon as any filter returns `true`
function Filters.strict_combine(...)
  local filters = { ... }

  return function(bname, bt, ft, prev)
    local prev = prev or false

    for _, filter in ipairs(filters) do
      prev = filter(bname, bt, ft, prev)

      if prev then
        return true

    return false

return Filters

This is the default configuration:

local symbols = require('nvim-headband.symbols')
-- All default symbols are exported to the user and can be accessed via require('nvim-headband.symbols')

local strict_combine = require('nvim-headband.filters').strict_combine
local bt_filter = require('nvim-headband.filters').bt_filter
local ft_filter = require('nvim-headband.filters').ft_filter

local default_config = {
  enable = true, -- whether to enable the winbar

  enable_if_single_window = true, -- should the winbar be visible even if there's only one window open?

  window_filter = strict_combine( -- filters out certain windows
    bt_filter {
    ft_filter {

  separator_text = '::', -- the text between the location section and file section, appears only when they both have the same position and both are enabled and accessible
  unsaved_buffer_text = '%f', -- text to use for not-readable buffers (e.g. unsaved files, scratch buffers), in the future it will be a whole section like file_section for the sake of configurativity

  wrap = { ' ', ' ' }, -- see #wrap above

  file_section = { -- the configuration for the file section
    enable = true, -- whether to enable the file section

    text = 'filename', -- how the file section should be displayed, can be 'full'|'full_lower'|'filename'|'shortened| 'shortened_lower'

    wrap = nil, -- see #wrap above

    enable_devicons = true, -- whether to enable the devicons

    position = 'left', -- the position of the file section, can be `left`|`right`
    reversed = false, -- whether the file section should be reversed

  location_section = { -- the configuration for the location section
    enable = true, -- whether to enable the location section

    depth_limit = 0, -- how many items are allowed max
    depth_limit_indicator = symbols.ellipsis, -- the symbol to use to indicate overflow

    wrap = nil, -- see #wrap above

    empty_symbol = symbols.empty_set, -- symbol to use when the location is available but there's nothing to show (e.g. global namespace)

    separator = symbols.nice_arrow, -- the separator between the semantic elements

    icons = 'default', -- can be 'none' to disable, 'default' to register default or a table to register custom ones, see

    position = 'left', -- the position of the location section, can be `left`|`right`
    reversed = false, -- whether the location section should be reversed

  styling = { -- configuration for styles
    highlights = {
      devicons = true, -- whether to highlight devicons
      default_location_separator = true, -- whether to setup a default location separator highlight
      location_icons = 'link', -- can be 'none' to disable, 'default' to vscode-y hl groups or 'link' to link to respective CmpItem* groups
    bold_filename = true, -- whether to make the filename bold

return default_config

๐ŸŽจ Highlights

These are the available groups:

  • NvimHeadbandFilename - for the filename part of the path ('full', 'shortened' or 'filename')
  • NvimHeadbandPath - for the path-without-filename part of the path ('full' or 'shortened')
  • NvimHeadbandSeparator - for the general separator
  • NvimHeadbandLocSeparator - for the location separator
  • NvimHeadbandLocText - for the location text
  • NvimHeadbandUnsavedBuf - when the buffer is unsaved
  • NvimHeadbandEmptyLocSymbol - for the empty location symbol

For wrapping to work nicely, if NvimHeadbandLocText, NvimHeadbandPath or/and NvimHeadbandFilename have custom background set, the plugin will automatically extract it and use it to highlight devicons' and location items' backgrounds.