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Class representing an keymaster instance.



Initialize the keymaster instance. Compiles the core WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) compliant WebAssembly binary.


Creates the Key Usage comma-separated string from an object of NID parameters.


Memory management for buffers


Read UTF8 string from WASM memory location


Write UTF8 string to WASM memory location


Write an array of 32-bit unsigned integers to WASM memory location


Load key from Buffer


Convert key to serialization format


Create a certificate


Create a certificate signing request


Class representing an keymaster instance.

Kind: global class

new keymaster()

Create a keymaster instance.


The subject alternative name extension allows identities to be bound to the subject of the certificate.

Kind: instance property of keymaster

keymaster.keyHex ⇒ string

The keyHex property is the current key in hexidecimal

Kind: instance property of keymaster
Returns: string - Current key in hexidecimal

keymaster.keyUsage : object

The key usage extension defines the purpose (e.g., encipherment, signature, certificate signing) of the key contained in the certificate.

Kind: instance namespace of keymaster

Name Type Description
digitalSignature Boolean Subject Public Key (SPK) is used for verifying digital signatures
nonRepudiation Boolean SPK used to verify digital signatures
keyEncipherment Boolean SPK used for enciphering private or secret keys
dataEncipherment Boolean SPK used for enciphering raw user data w/o an intermediate symmetric cipher
keyAgreement Boolean SPK used for key agreement, used with encipherOnly / decipherOnly
keyCertSign Boolean SPK used for verifying signatures on public key certificates
cRLSign Boolean SPK used for verifying signatures on certificate revocation lists
encipherOnly Boolean If keyAgreement set, enciphering data while performing key agreement
decipherOnly Boolean If keyAgreement set, deciphering data while performing key agreement

keymaster.extKeyUsage : object

This extension indicates one or more purposes for which the certified public key may be used, in addition to or in place of the basic purposes indicated in the key usage extension

Kind: instance namespace of keymaster

Name Type Description
serverAuth Boolean TLS WWW server authentication
clientAuth Boolean TLS WWW server authentication
codeSigning Boolean Signing of downloadable executable code
emailProtection Boolean Email protection
timeStamping Boolean Binding the hash of an object to a time
OCSPSigning Boolean Signing OCSP responses
ipsecIKE Boolean Used for IP Security (IPsec) and Internet Key Exchange (IKE)
msCodeInd Boolean Microsoft Individual Code Signing (authenticode)
msCodeCom Boolean Microsoft Commercial Code Signing (authenticode)
msCTLSign Boolean Microsoft Trust List Signing
msEFS Boolean Microsoft Encrypting File System

initialize() ⇒ undefined

Initialize the keymaster instance. Compiles the core WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) compliant WebAssembly binary.

Kind: global function

calcKeyUsage(KU) ⇒ string

Creates the Key Usage comma-separated string from an object of NID parameters.

Kind: global function
Returns: string - The comma-separated list of NIDs

Param Type Description
KU object Object with NID as parameters.

cleanupReferences() ⇒ undefined

Memory management for buffers

Kind: global function

writeString(memloc) ⇒ string

Read UTF8 string from WASM memory location

Kind: global function
Returns: string - UTF8 string

Param Type Description
memloc number Memory offset pointer

writeString(str) ⇒ number

Write UTF8 string to WASM memory location

Kind: global function
Returns: number - Memory offset pointer

Param Type Description
str string String to write to memory location

writeUint32Array(uint32Array) ⇒ number

Write an array of 32-bit unsigned integers to WASM memory location

Kind: global function
Returns: number - Memory offset pointer

Param Type Description
uint32Array Uint32Array array of 32-bit unsigned integers to write to wasm memory

loadKey([key]) ⇒ number

Load key from Buffer

Kind: global function
Returns: number - Memory offset pointer

Param Type Default Description
[key] buffer | arrayBuffer | string | Array.<string> | Object buffer Buffer to load

convertKey(settings) ⇒ string

Convert key to serialization format

Kind: global function
Returns: string - String representation of formatted key

Param Type Default Description
settings Object The configuration object to tell OpenSSL how to format the key
[settings.key] buffer | arrayBuffer | string | Array.<string> | Object Key, default is current instance key. If not null, replaces key.
[settings.curve] number NID_secp256k1 Numerical ID (NID) for the Elliptic Curve (EC) to use
[settings.outputtype] number NID_X9_62_id_ecPublicKey NID for OpenSSL output type
[settings.outformat] number V_ASN1_BIT_STRING NID for OpenSSL output format
[settings.compressed] number POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED Which X9.62 (ECDSA) form, for encoding an EC point
[settings.password] string null Password to use

createCertificate(settings) ⇒ string

Create a certificate

Kind: global function
Returns: string - String representation of certificate

Param Type Default Description
settings Object The configuration object to tell OpenSSL how to format the key
[settings.key] buffer | arrayBuffer | string | Array.<string> | Object Key, default is current instance key. If not null, replaces key.
[settings.curve] number NID_secp256k1 Numerical ID (NID) for the Elliptic Curve (EC) to use
[settings.compressed] number POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED Which X9.62 (ECDSA) form, for encoding an EC point
[settings.password] string null Password to use
[settings.notBefore] number 0 Certificate validity start in seconds from current system time
[settings.notAfter] number 31536000 Certificate validity stop in seconds from current system time
[settings.version] number 3 Certificate version
[settings.issuer] string "C=US, ST=VA, L=DZM, O=MyOrg, OU=dev, CN=ISSUER" Certificate issuer csv Distinguished Name (DN) string
[] string "C=US, ST=VA, L=DZM, O=MyOrg, OU=dev, CN=NAME" Certificate name csv Distinguished Name (DN) string
[] number 0 Certificate ID number
settings.basicConstraints Object Basic constraints on this certificate
settings.basicConstraints.CA Boolean The subject of the cert is a CA
settings.basicConstraints.pathlen number The max depth of valid cert paths that include cert
[settings.keyUsage] Object | string this.keyUsage Key usage extensions.
[settings.extKeyUsage] Object | string this.extKeyUsage Extended Key usage extensions.
[settings.subjectAlternativeName] Object Object with properties enumerating SAN (additional host names) for certificate
[settings.subjectKeyIdentifier] string "hash&quot;" Either hash per or a hex string (strongly discouraged).
[settings.authorityKeyIdentifier] string "keyid:always" Can be either 'keyid', 'issuer', or both, each with optional value 'always'
[settings.friendlyName] string null Friendly Name for Microsoft .p12
[settings.certificateSigningRequest] string null CSR as a string
[settings.outformat] number NID_x509Certificate NID for the output format
[settings.caPEM] number PEM of Certificate Authority for signing
[settings.caCertificate] number CA Certificate

createCertificateSigningRequest(settings) ⇒ string

Create a certificate signing request

Kind: global function
Returns: string - String representation of certificate

Param Type Default Description
settings Object The configuration object to tell OpenSSL how to format the key
[settings.key] buffer | arrayBuffer | string | Array.<string> | Object Key, default is current instance key. If not null, replaces key.
[settings.curve] number NID_secp256k1 Numerical ID (NID) for the Elliptic Curve (EC) to use
[settings.compressed] number POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED Which X9.62 (ECDSA) form, for encoding an EC point
[settings.password] string null Password to use
[settings.version] number 3 Certificate version
[] string "C=US, ST=VA, L=DZM, O=MyOrg, OU=dev, CN=NAME" Certificate name csv Distinguished Name (DN) string
[] number 0 Certificate ID number
settings.basicConstraints Object Basic constraints on this certificate
[settings.keyUsage] Object | string this.keyUsage Key usage extensions.
[settings.extKeyUsage] Object | string this.extKeyUsage Extended Key usage extensions.
[settings.subjectAlternativeName] Object Object with properties enumerating SAN (additional host names) for certificate
[settings.subjectKeyIdentifier] string "hash" Either hash per or a hex string (strongly discouraged).

.validPrivateKey(privateKey, [min], [max]) ⇒ Boolean

Range Check Private Key

Kind: static function

Param Type Default Description
privateKey buffer | arrayBuffer | string | Array.<string> | Object Private Key to compare
[min] string 0 Minimum value as a hex string
[max] string "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364140" Maximum value as a hex string