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386 lines (227 loc) · 15.9 KB

File metadata and controls

386 lines (227 loc) · 15.9 KB



Breaking Changes:

  • Upgrade to terraform 0.12


  • Handle missing server when checking for existence of server network adapter (#114).


  • Bug-fix: create / update of ddcloud_server resource fails if server is running and disk configuration needs to be updated (#116).


  • Bug-fix: "invalid UTF-8" error if user account details contain non-ASCI characters.


  • If the initial connection to the CloudControl API returns an invalid response, this response is now always written to the log (this helps when troubleshooting interaction with CloudControl).


  • Implement ddcloud_server_backup resource type (#26).
  • Expose downoad URLs for backup clients on computed backup_client_urls attribute of ddcloud_server resource type (#26).


  • Persist private key for ddcloud_ssl_domain_certificate in state data.
    Otherwise, Terraform either supplies an incorrect value to the provider (which causes creation to fail) or always sees the key as having changed (which causes a destroy-and-recreate of the resource).


  • Defer ddcloud_server_backup until v1.3.4 (final).
  • Bug-fix: ssl_offload_profile property is not being persisted by ddcloud_virtual_listener (#110).
  • Use v2.6 API for ddcloud_virtual_listener.
  • Ignore changes to private_key property of ddcloud_ssl_domain_certificate.
    This is required because the private key is not persisted in state data.


  • Implement ddcloud_server_backup resource type (#26).
  • Expose downoad URLs for backup clients on computed backup_client_urls attribute of ddcloud_server resource type (#26).


  • Expose SSL-offload profile on ddcloud_virtual_listener (#104).
  • Implement ddcloud_ssl_offload_profile resource type (#104).
  • Implement ddcloud_ssl_domain_certificate resource type (#104).
  • Implement ddcloud_ssl_certificate_chain resource type (#104).
  • Implement ddcloud_pfx data source (#104).


  • Switch to Terraform v0.9.11.
  • Implement resource import for ddcloud_networkdomain (#73).
  • Implement resource import for ddcloud_vlan (#90).
  • Implement resource import for ddcloud_server (#91).
  • Implement resource import for ddcloud_nat (#92).
  • Implement resource import for ddcloud_firewall_rule (/issues/93).


  • Add support for deploying ddcloud_server from an uncustomised image.


  • ddcloud_networkdomain and ddcloud_vlan datasources now correctly return an error if the target entity is not found.


  • Support for multiple storage controllers (using ddcloud_storage_controller resource).


  • Support for additional disk storage tier (ECONOMY) and network adapter types (E1000E, ENHANCED_VMXNET2, and FLEXIBLE_PCNET32).


  • Improvements to behaviour of ddcloud_network_adapter (matching up resources with corresponding server network adapters by Id).


Breaking changes

  • Switch to Terraform v0.8.2 (only works with v0.8+ now).


Final (RTM) release of v1.2.0.


  • Migrate properties for ddcloud_server.primary_network_adapter.


  • Fix broken acceptance tests for ddcloud_server_anti_affinity.



  • Add new (experimental) ddcloud_ip_address_reservation resource type.
    This resource type allows specific IP addresses to be reserved on VLANs. It is only intended to support advanced usage scenarios.



  • Enable changing of adapter type for existing network adapters, where supported (#80).



  • Provider now checks for disks with duplicate SCSI unit Ids before deployment (#63).


Bug fixes:

  • Fix crash when deploying a customer image using image_type="auto" (#66).


Bug fixes:

  • Fix INVALID_INPUT_DATA when creating a ddcloud_address_list using complex addresses (#72).


  • Simplify image properties for ddcloud_server (#66).
    There are now just 2 image-related properties: image (image name or Id), and image_type.
    See the provider documentation for details.
  • Change simple ports in ddcloud_port_list from strings to integers (#71).


  • Fix crash when deploying ddcloud_server from a customer image (#66).


This is a preview release intended to gather feedback on changes to ddcloud_server.primary_network_adapter, ddcloud_server.additional_network_adapter, and ddcloud_network_adapter.


  • MAC address is now exposed on network adapters.

Breaking changes:

  • Primary network adapter is now exposed via ddcloud_server.primary_network_adapter (#56).
  • Additional network adapters are now exposed via ddcloud_server.additional_network_adapter and ddcloud_network_adapter (#56).
    Note: You can specify additional adapters for a given ddcloud_server via either the ddcloud_server.additional_network_adapter or ddcloud_network_adapter (but not both). Use ddcloud_network_adapter if you want to be able to modify additional network adapters after deployment.


This is a preview release intended to gather feedback on changes to ddcloud_server.image and ddcloud_server.admin_password.


  • The provider will now attempt to automatically migrate the data for ddcloud_server.disk from a Set to a List.
    Note - if you have not used v1.2-preview3, then you can now disregard the warning about terraform.tfstate incompatibility.
  • The image for a ddcloud_server is now configured via ddcloud_server.image (#66).
    You now only need to set 1 of 2 properties (and there's an optional 3rd property if you want to customise behaviour).
    • id - The Id of the target image to use.
    • name - The name of the target image to use.
    • type - The type of image to use (optional, defaults to auto).
      • os - Use an OS image with the specified Id or name.
      • customer - Use an OS image with the specified Id or name.
      • auto - Use an OS or customer image with the specified Id or name (auto-detect image type).
        Note that if an OS and customer image have the same name or Id, the OS image will be used.
  • ddcloud_server.admin_password is now optional for server images that don't require an initial administrator password (#65).

Breaking changes:

  • ddcloud_server properties relating to image have been moved into ddcloud_server.image (#66).

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed crash when deploying a ddcloud_server.


This is a preview release intended to gather feedback on changes to ddcloud_server.disk and ddcloud_server._network_adapter behaviour.

Breaking changes:

  • Network adapters now modelled as ddcloud_server.network_adapter (see documentation on ddcloud_server resource type for details).
  • Change ddcloud_server.disk from a set to a list in order to fix errors when performing subsequent terraform apply that modifies an existing disk (#63).
    Note - this will break any existing terraform.tfstate values you have for ddcloud_server resources.


This is a preview release intended to gather feedback on changes to ddcloud_server.disk and ddcloud_server._network_adapter behaviour.

Bug fixes:

  • Fix some major bugs due to ddcloud_server.disk changes (#63).


  • Network adapters are added to server as part of initial deployment rather than having to wait until after deployment to add them (#56).
  • Disk speed is now applied to disks that are part of the initial deployment.


This is a preview release intended to gather feedback on changes to ddcloud_server.disk behaviour.


  • Major improvements (robustness and maintainability) to add / modify server disks (#63).
    This logic was getting waaaay too complicated and is now greatly simplified using lessons learned over the last couple of months.

Bug fixes:

  • Removal of a ddcloud_server disk now actually removes the disk (#63).

Breaking changes:

  • ddcloud_server_nic resource has been removed (#56).
    Its functionality will be merged back into ddcloud_server before v1.2 is released.
    This is mainly due to the size and scope of the changes required to do this. Now that we've figured out what's involved in simplifying the disk work for ddcloud_server is complete, the network_adapter work should be a lot easier.


New features:

  • Automatically retry network operations that fail due to RESOURCE_BUSY response from CloudControl (#11)
  • Use default DNS when deploying a server if no specific DNS IPs are configured (#62)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix crashes when customer_image_id or customer_image_name is used with ddcloud_server (#64)
  • Fix UNEXPECTED_ERROR responses from CloudControl due to simultaneously initiating multiple asynchronous operations
    Multiple asynchronous operations can run in parallel, but only 1 can be initiated at a time

Breaking changes:

  • ddcloud_server properties primary_adapter_vlan and primary_adapter_ipv4 can be specified together but if primary_adapter_ipv4 is specified, then primary_adapter_vlan is ignored (this is OK because specifying one implies the other)
  • ddcloud_server_nic properties vlan and private_ipv4 can be specified together but if primary_adapter_ipv4 is specified, then primary_adapter_vlan is ignored (this is OK because specifying one implies the other)
  • retry_count and retry_delay provider properties have been removed (use the MCP_MAX_RETRY and MCP_RETRY_DELAY environment variables)
    retry_delay is now used to control retry of operations that fail due to RESOURCE_BUSY response from CloudControl


Breaking changes:

  • ddcloud_server properties primary_adapter_vlan and primary_adapter_ipv4 are now mutually exclusive (this is OK because specifying one implies the other)
  • ddcloud_server_nic properties vlan and private_ipv4 are now mutually exclusive (this is OK because specifying one implies the other)

Bug fixes:

  • ddcloud_server_nic now respects per-server locks (so the error message about servers already being rebooted should no longer occur).
  • ddcloud_server_nic now correctly applies its adapter_type property


New features:

  • Add the ability to manage default firewall rules (#54)


Bug fixes:

  • Settings such as allow_server_reboots are now correctly honoured by the provider (previously, they were incorrectly overridden to false).
  • Correctly apply partial state when deploying a new ddcloud_server
  • Removed auto_create_tag_keys setting and the ability to automatically create tag keys (#53)
    CloudControl support for this feature is too fragile (e.g. only works in home region), and considering how infrequently it's used it's not worth the effort.


New features:

  • Enable specifying the network adapter type on ddcloud_server and ddcloud_server_nic (#52).


New features:

  • ddcloud_port_list now also supports specifying a list of simple ports (#50).
  • Build executable for 32-bit Windows (Go calls this windows-386).


New features:

  • ddcloud_address_list now also supports specifying a list of simple IP addresses (#49).
  • Enable specifying of custom URL for CloudControl API end point (#48).

Bug fixes:

  • Server name and description can now be modified after deployment (#47).


  • The ddcloud provider will now automatically retry requests to the CloudControl API if they fail due to network errors (default value for retry_count is now 3).

Breaking changes:


New features:

  • The provider now logs its version information at startup (for diagnostic purposes).
  • Add ddcloud_vlan data source (#45)

Bug fixes:

  • #44: Order of child address or port lists is not preserved

Breaking changes:

  • The child_lists property on ddcloud_address_list and ddcloud_port_list is now a Set instead of a list. If you have existing Terraform state for this property it will not be retained (sorry).


New features:

  • Add support for automatically creating tag keys if they are not already defined.
  • Fixed bug #42 - unable to create ddcloud_firewall_rule with source address list or destination address list.
    This was due to inconsistencies in the CloudControl API for firewall rules (create vs read returns different field structure). The CloudControl client for Go has been updated and the new version included in the Terraform provider.


New features:

  • Implement address lists (ddcloud_address_list resource type).
  • Implement port lists (ddcloud_port_list resource type).
  • Add address list and port list support to ddcloud_firewall_rule resource type.
  • Add support for additional server network adapters (ddcloud_server_nic resource type).
  • Expose CPU speed and cores-per-socket on ddcloud_server resource type (cpu_speed and cores_per_cpu properties).


New features:

  • Implemented server anti-affinity rules (ddcloud_server_anti_affinity resource type).



  • Fix for incorrect behaviour when adding VIP pool members with a specific port (#17)
  • ddcloud_virtual_listener's ipv4 address property is now computable (and captured during create / read).
  • If there are no available public IP addresses when creating a ddcloud_virtual_listener without explicitly specifying an IPv4 address for the listener (i.e. CloudControl will allocate an IPv4 address), the provider will now automatically allocate a public IP block (similar to the behaviour of ddcloud_nat_rule).


New features:

  • Full support for load-balancer configuration:
    • ddcloud_vip_node
    • ddcloud_vip_pool
    • ddcloud_vip_pool_member
    • ddcloud_virtual_listener


  • ddcloud_nat resource is now fully idempotent (previously, if the NAT rule went missing, then Terraform did not correctly detect this).


  • Extended logging of CloudControl API requests and responses can now be enabled by setting the MCP_EXTENDED_LOGGING environment variable to any non-empty value.



  • Changes to ddcloud_server.tag and ddcloud_server.disk are now correctly detected.

New features:

  • ddcloud_server can now be deployed from a customer image (use customer_image_id / customer_image_name instead of os_image_id, os_image_name).

Breaking changes:

  • ddcloud_server.osimage_id and ddcloud_server.osimage_name have been renamed to ddcloud_server.os_image_id and ddcloud_server.os_image_id_name (this is to be consistent with customer_image_id and customer_image_name).


  • ddcloud_server now has a public_ipv4 attribute that is resolved by matching any NAT rule that targets the server's primary network adapter's private IPv4 address. If the NAT rule gets the private IPv4 address from the server (rather than the other way around) then this attribute will not be available until you run terraform refresh.