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File metadata and controls

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Web3.js 🕸️


Provider is an Etherium node which is used by the Dapp to pull blockchain data from


Setting up Infura as web3 provider:

var web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider("wss://"));


Could also be used as a provider (it's built on Infura anyway)

Boilerplate to check if Metamask is installed on user-end:

window.addEventListener('load', function() {

  // Checking if Web3 has been injected by the browser (Mist/MetaMask)
  if (typeof web3 !== 'undefined') {
    // Use Mist/MetaMask's provider
    web3js = new Web3(web3.currentProvider);
  } else {
    // Handle the case where the user doesn't have web3. Probably
    // show them a message telling them to install Metamask in
    // order to use our app.

  // Now you can start your app & access web3js freely:



  • Web.js requires:
    • contract address
    • ABI

After the contract is compiled and deployed, include ABI in project and instantiate the contract:

// Instantiate myContract
var myContract = new web3js.eth.Contract(myABI, myContractAddress);



call is used for view and pure functions. It only runs on the local node, and won't create a transaction on the blockchain

call a function named myMethod with the parameter 123 as follows:



send will create a transaction and change data on the blockchain

Used for any functions that aren't view or pure

Works automatically when Metamask is provider (gas, signing, etc)

send a transaction calling a function named myMethod with the parameter 123 as follows:


send costs gas

sending a transaction requires a from address of who's calling the function (which becomes msg.sender in Solidity code)

There will be a significant delay from when the user sends a transaction and when that transaction actually takes effect on the blockchain

Example use 1

Array of zombies in solidity contract is public:

Zombie[] public zombies;

When a variable is declared public, it automatically creates a public "getter" function with the same name

If we wanted to look up the zombie with id 15, we would call it as if it were a function: zombies(15)

function getZombieDetails(id) {
  return cryptoZombies.methods.zombies(id).call()

// Call the function and do something with the result:
.then(function(result) {
  console.log("Zombie 15: " + JSON.stringify(result));

Example result:

  "dna": "1337133713371337",
  "level": "9999",
  "readyTime": "1522498671",
  "winCount": "999999999",
  "lossCount": "0" // Obviously.
Example use 2
function createRandomZombie(name) {
  // This is going to take a while, so update the UI to let the user know
  // the transaction has been sent
  $("#txStatus").text("Creating new zombie on the blockchain. This may take a while...");
  // Send the tx to our contract:
  return cryptoZombies.methods.createRandomZombie(name)
  .send({ from: userAccount })
  .on("receipt", function(receipt) {
    $("#txStatus").text("Successfully created " + name + "!");
    // Transaction was accepted into the blockchain, let's redraw the UI
  .on("error", function(error) {
    // Do something to alert the user their transaction has failed
  • Send a transaction to provider
  • receipt will fire when the transaction is included into a block on Ethereum
  • error will fire if there's an issue that prevented the transaction from being included in a block
  • You can optionally specify gas and gasPrice when you call send, e.g. .send({ from: userAccount, gas: 3000000 }). If you don't specify this, MetaMask will let the user choose these values


Getting the currently active account on the injected web3 variable:

var userAccount = web3.eth.accounts[0]

Monitoring account change:

var accountInterval = setInterval(function() {
  // Check if account has changed
  if (web3.eth.accounts[0] !== userAccount) {
    userAccount = web3.eth.accounts[0];
    // Call some function to update the UI with the new account
}, 100);


// This will convert 1 ETH to Wei


Payable Solidity function:

function levelUp(uint _zombieId) external payable {
  require(msg.value == levelUpFee);

Function call from Dapp:

.send({ from: userAccount, value: web3js.utils.toWei("0.001", "ether") })


Solidity event example:

event NewZombie(uint zombieId, string name, uint dna);

Subscribing to that event in Web3.js:
.on("data", function(event) {
  let zombie = event.returnValues;
  // We can access this event's 3 return values on the `event.returnValues` object:
  console.log("A new zombie was born!", zombie.zombieId,, zombie.dna);
}).on("error", console.error);

Using Indexed

To filter events and only listen for changes related to the current user, the Solidity contract would have to use the indexed keyword


event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _tokenId);


// Use `filter` to only fire this code when `_to` equals `userAccount`{ filter: { _to: userAccount } })
.on("data", function(event) {
  let data = event.returnValues;
  // The current user just received a zombie!
  // Do something here to update the UI to show it
}).on("error", console.error);

Querying past events

Query past events using getPastEvents, and use the filters fromBlock and toBlock to give Solidity a time range for the event logs ("block" in this case referring to the Ethereum block number):

cryptoZombies.getPastEvents("NewZombie", { fromBlock: 0, toBlock: "latest" })
.then(function(events) {
  // `events` is an array of `event` objects that we can iterate, like we did above
  // This code will get us a list of every zombie that was ever created